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A: ExpressJS - Use different path for views depending on user

GökcanDIf we have configured Express as follows: app.set('views', path.join(__dirname,'/views')); And if you had the following file structure: /views/ /views/en/index.hbs /views/fr/index.hbs /views/en/news/article1.html /views/fr/news/article1.html You can render like this res.render(`${language}...

Angular compiles the files and creates a folder for each language. That's how Angular i18n works (! I'm not talking about i18n of Express...
My question is how do you set the view path depending on the user session!
Uhh. Sorry for that. As far as I experienced, we use something like the updated answer. But that does not include sessions of course. I am gonna edit the answer if I find a solution. @ncohen
@ncohen What do you use for sessions though? passport.js ?
No, the default express-session (
You don't get the point... I don't want the language to appear in the URL
@ncohen I get it but setting different views is not possible in run-time. (decision made by the session or token)
The path of app.set('views', path) must be a string... how can I make it dynamic and depending on the request?
Can we talk over the chat?
Hey dude
Thanks for taking the time
I am confused
How can I use req to render default views?
I have tried this:
app.set('views', (req, res)=>{
return join(__dirname, 'dist')
no no no
We cannot call set() on app dynamically
It is clearly an anti-pattern.
so how can render the correct view?
router.get('/main', (req, res, next) => {
res.render('/main', {en/news/article1});
we can write some middleware
to get the user session language detail
ok but what about the views?
router.get('/main', (req, res, next) => {
res.render('/main', {`${req.preferredLang}/news/article1`});
Our middleware
to something
how can I configure a router for all the views?
Or let's say req.body.preferredLang
I got it
You got something like
but my problem is that I don't have a specific path for views
how can I configure the router to get only views?
Why is that?
specific path?
Why not we dont have it? We have it I think :)
well the path depends on the language of my user
and it's not in the url
so when my user request a view
I have to decide which view to render
Your user actually requests a path
You can manipulate that request
exactly...then angular will bootstrap the application
And send whatever view you want
So we can eliminate the lang tag in our url
ok, I think I got the point
may resolve to en-view
I will try
Yeah man we can implement it
like right now :))
and will let you knpw
thanks for your time
Btw, my employer wants us to contribute on SO and github
So if you can +1 to my answer
It would be great
I will
Oh thanks. It is too much to ask for but also verify the solution ?
I need points :/ sad but true
I will do that later today
Yeah bro cool thanks

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