Is there a way I can identify all errors arising from any part of my PHP application? I need to create a page that will show all these errors, but I don't want to go to each page of the error, but rather have all of them in one place, kinda like a log, but instead is in log.php file. Hint: The application does have a root, which I think could be used.
I am trying to develop a piece of code requiring users to install the code snippet into their site header (Similar to the Google Analytics Installation process). How do I go about such a development?
User Login to my web app
Add their site to their account
A Unique Code and ID will be...
Currently I am using [email protected]. I am having problems with lerna in lint-staged. I'm receiving a weird error: ERR! lerna Unknown arguments: and after that the path for all the committed files.
package.json in root folder:
scripts: {
"lint:fix": "lerna run --scope @polusai/plots-explorer ...