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I am running a python process in an environment which every now and then launches other scripts via subprocess.Popen. I am experiencing proxy issue with one script only when scheduled this way. If i manually call it, there is no issue. Similarly, if I manually create subprocess via popen, there is no issue.
Any idea how to approach investigation?
My investigation concludes STDOUT buffer is filling up
What do you mean by "proxy issue"?
@learning_python_self Do you actually .communicate with the subprocess or fetch its stdout in some other way?
I regularly check ìf .poll() is not None and .communicate() STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR
I am not sure the theory with buffer holds up as newly launched main process still suffers from this issue
@MisterMiyagi an HTTP Error - the subprocess reaches some server. I can reach it manually, also with ad hoc manual subprocess but not when main process creates subprocess. Makes me think something there is spoiling it.
Sorry, I don't see any scenario where "stdout fills up" and "http error" belong together.
Usually, "stdout fills up" means the program just blocks.
(Likely indefinitely.)
Ok. Ever seen scenario of HTTP Error when subprocessing?
Well, if the subprocess communicates to something via HTTP – sure.
Why could it differ?
Maybe subprocess is unable to wait for reply?
Sorry, this would be purely speculating.
So I created a copy of main process and suddenly all works. I believe it has been working in the past, hence I assume there is some buffer under main process name that is full.
Root cause identified.. I am using schedule lib to kick off subprocess. I created 2 scheduler instances to distinguish between internal and external tasks. This seems to have caused issues with std buffer, propagating as... http error. Cannot explain how.
Hi, does anyone knows how to increase Django graphQL page limit? I use first: 1000, but I get the following error:

Requesting 200 records on the `queryName` connection exceeds the `first` limit of 100 records.
I'm assuming your problem is more complex than just going to the source?
Is there a way we can overwrite the source, while we initiate the model, so we can change the limitation from 100 to 1000 for example.
@roganjosh I don't know what you mean by going to the source. Do you mean change the framework or is there a way we can do this in our own code?
What I mean by that is that, I'm assuming you traced these code paths through the source code (I linked just 1 part of it) and hit a dead-end on providing the argument itself through the interface?
I have never used GraphQL btw and barely ever used django. I'm just trying to pin down your problem
If your answer to my first question is "yes" then I guess it's something you would have to raise on github or you might be able to monkey-patch it. But for the latter, I have no idea what that would look like, if it's even possible
The point being - right now, I can see where the check fails but you haven't provided any information at all about what your research was, your implementation is, or what the blocker actually is. The door is wide open for possibilities and without detail, you're asking us to guess
We are fixed. Thank you for your help with that source reference link.
You're welcome. I guess I might have a place in FAANG if I could just draw out the bubble-sort algorithm on a whiteboard under pressure
*if only
I'm manually uploading 15 ebooks to a website which reduces the file size by 85% for me. I feel like I'm in the year 2005
Back when I cared about storage space and online services were normal for me

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