
Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Jan 4, 2020 12:50
Ah, now I know why I wasn't seeing it... I'm stuck using google-protobuf JS library, that's why it sucks so hard
Jan 4, 2020 11:55
D'oh... I knew it had to be something simple
Jan 4, 2020 11:55
Ah... nevermind... it might help to read the library itself rather than the documentation on Google's protobuf site
Jan 4, 2020 11:52
Not to mention a heck of a lot of useless busywork for line after line of manual calls to someMsg.set(x);
Jan 4, 2020 11:51
This makes refactoring of protobuf message design incredibly painful.
Jan 4, 2020 11:50
Hey all, anybody around with experience in Protobuf.JS? I'm trying to get around having to set every damn field on a message type using .set(...) methods. In the Go implementation you just have structs and you can just assign the data all in one "go", so to speak


Room rules: Code formatting guide: tinyu...
Mar 12, 2017 00:48
What that's in service of is much more complicated :)
Mar 12, 2017 00:46
Hi Marcus, it's okay, it was just to produce an accurate average value, but from testing converting the values to floats or Decimal has been sufficient
Mar 11, 2017 23:25
@PM2Ring You are 100% right, but even when limiting the size of the denominator it is still too expensive – I will try the other packages, thank you.
Mar 11, 2017 07:29
I will try splitting it into chunks of 1000 numbers
Mar 11, 2017 07:28
for accuracy I cannot reduce them to floats
Mar 11, 2017 07:27
yeah they are just rational numbers less than or equal to 1 and greater than 0
Mar 11, 2017 07:26
no it's an actual thing I'm trying to do
Mar 11, 2017 07:25
I wonder how I could speed this process up
Mar 11, 2017 07:25
thanks @AnttiHaapala I didn't think there was
Mar 11, 2017 07:22
I'm trying to sum 40,000 fractions of the form 1/x and it's taking forever
Mar 11, 2017 07:20
i.e. is there an upper limit to the maximum size of numerator or denominator?
Mar 11, 2017 07:19
Does anyone know if fractions.Fractions has any limits?
Mar 11, 2017 01:45
15 / (5/4) is 12
Mar 11, 2017 01:45
(the right answer is 12)
Mar 11, 2017 01:45
Mar 11, 2017 01:45
okay yep that gives the right answer
Mar 11, 2017 01:44
Mar 11, 2017 01:44
no wait, it's 5/4
Mar 11, 2017 01:43
the avg is 5/16 bytes per second
Mar 11, 2017 01:42
okay, then, in bytes per second:
T = 15, consumption_rates = {1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 1/6}
Mar 11, 2017 01:39
whoops forgot 1/
Mar 11, 2017 01:38
well then the bytes/second is 4/15
Mar 11, 2017 01:35
i.e. on average, it takes 3.75 seconds to consume 4 bytes
Mar 11, 2017 01:34
the average consumption rate is 3.75 or 15/4
Mar 11, 2017 01:33
consider the following simple case: T = 15, consumption_rates = {2, 4, 3, 6}
Mar 11, 2017 01:33
@user2357112 Unfortunately using the average consumption rate is way off.
Mar 11, 2017 00:25
@user2357112 Thanks! I will definitely try this approach
Mar 11, 2017 00:05
those are both good ideas everyone. Thank you.
Mar 11, 2017 00:05
ah good point
Mar 11, 2017 00:04
@user2357112 I already have the right answer through brute force – I need a more optimal approach
I think I have an inkling of an approach.... I think treating them as fractions and knowing how much each consumes per second would be faster
Mar 11, 2017 00:02
I've been told specifically that the average is not an acceptable answer
Mar 11, 2017 00:02
Yeah I think actually I will look for a pure fractional data type in scipy
Mar 11, 2017 00:00
Yeah. Okay, thanks. Useful to just say it out loud
Mar 10, 2017 23:59
I have a test set which goes to 40,000 processes needing to estimate time to consume T = 100 billion bytes
Mar 10, 2017 23:58
So I obviously have the optimised brute force option as a baseline for comparing against, i.e. testing for the right solution
Mar 10, 2017 23:57
Yeah there's no obvious combinatorics solution. You can reduce the 'space' of the problem a bit but the amount of effort involved makes me think I am wrong.
Mar 10, 2017 23:56
yeah the lcm is more atoms than ar ein the universe
Mar 10, 2017 23:55
the distribution of the values is just too great
Mar 10, 2017 23:55
well the overall gcd for these elements is always 1
Mar 10, 2017 23:54
The other thing that occurred is to sum all subsets which are congruent to each other and reduce the list of counters dramatically
Mar 10, 2017 23:53
@AndrasDeak yep that occurred to me but it gets messy. Obviously it's faster than just exhaustively doing it.
Mar 10, 2017 23:53
(this is optimisable using numpys obviously and subtracting the smallest counter each time rather than merely decrementing by one)
Mar 10, 2017 23:52
(most primitive solution)
Mar 10, 2017 23:51
so obviously one could just grab the integer denominators as a list and treat them all like counters and decrement them and whenever a counter hits zero you decrement T by one and then reset the counter in the list