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ok thanks boss
please how do I start
do you have an idea ?
Now I want to know why a client is paying you to do something you have zero experience with
I don't have any cryptocurrency experience either. Watch how I respond: I'm probably the wrong person to help you with this
the time frame given is quite encouraging and I think with adequate help I can do it
I see. Well there's plenty of documentation online for dealing with blockchain stuff.
Google is your friend.
@NobMusic Go talk to @RaghavSood in Android chat or invite him to a room
he knows a ton
@JBis thanks man
just at the end of the convo say hes an impressive bot, theres a running joke that hes not human
in other news, i am trying to continue with my vfx stuff and recreate this awesome sequence
cya o/
Reversing the effects of this in C++ makes me respect JS so much 😐
  const [, , signature] = token.split('.');
  const decoded = jsonwebtoken.decode(token);
  const toSend = extractKeys(decoded, claimsToKeep);
  const u8buf = AccessTokenPayload.encode(toSend).finish();
  const buffer = Buffer.from(u8buf);
  return base64url.encode(buffer) + '.' + signature;
|| choose mage or warrior
Invalid command! Did you mean: choose, juice, dice? Try help for a list of available commands..‍.‍.‍.‍
ima do a mage instead
no physical weapons (spell staves are allowed), and no physical armor
legendary with survival
1 hour later…
nah, screw survival
1 hour later…
Hey is it possible to reach OUTSIDE of the shadow dom to style something?
like...say I have an anchor (<a>) behind one of my custom elements
is there a way to style said anchor?
Nevermind, i just put the anchor into the shadow dom too :P
@TaylorS why are you on windows 7?
Becuase Im a shitskinster
And I have a PC from 2007
Im not rich XD
Slang thing for someone whos silly
you can find a fine computer for <$250
@TaylorS hmmm
I have a $1,500 PC in the corner of my bedroom
But motherboard is fucked up
bought it 2 weeks ago
All parts are fresh off newegg
kit reccomended by a neighbor whos an experienced IT professional
How'd you mange to fuck up the motherboard in 2 weeks
however, the motherboard and/or CPU is screwed
it was broken when we got it
It turns on, flashy rainbow lights and all
for 35-37 seconds exactly
oh so it ain't worth $1,500 anymore
and then shuts down
I guess so
but my dad is returning the Motherboard
we already mailed back the CPU
can you get it repaired?
if its truly faulty, newegg will actually send you a new one
but family from up north came to visit, and the dude burned all the bxoes the stuff came in
BURNED THEm.... so its really hard to return the motherboard now
why'd he burn them?
"he saw trash and wanted to help clean up the garage"
shoulda just put em in my bedroom with the rest of the stuff :P
Your relatives just comes to your house burn stuff and leave?
no, their RV broke down, mother's sister decides to stay for a couple weeks
theyve been here for almost a month now
oh so they come to your house and burn stuff but don't leave
pretty much
there wasnt anything in the boxes
garage was wide open with empty boxes in the open
kinda should have foresaw that happening
is this a usual occurrence, i mean the burning of stuff, in your family?
Are you by any chance from the south?
._. no
and no
we are viking/italian related natives from north minnesota
its midnight and im sick.. dunno what to do anymore
probs will go get some water in a bit, thirsty
then watch netflix and chill
1 hour later…
I want to make formula like this site can anyone guide me, i am using following code
 image = new Image();
	           image.onload =  function(){
	               canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
	               canvas.width = image.width;
	               canvas.height = image.height;
	               ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
	               ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, canvas.width,image.height);
	               newDataUrl = canvas.toDataURL(imageType,0.6);
	               var img = document.createElement('img');
			       img.src = newDataUrl;
I am not sure how much quality is defined in canvas.toDataURL(imageType,0.6); on image size.
I have image of 1 to 10MB and reduce size to 80kb to 800kb
My problem is that when i defined the static quality like 0.8 or 0.9 for some images it reduce in kb but for other images it reduce to in MB.
3 hours later…
Hi prasanth - thanks for adding the reduce answer to the question.
@tex Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
I wanted to mention that I don't see anything ES6 specific about your one-liner.
I like the one-liner, as a more experienced dev, and often write similar reduce callbacks that rely on the comma / sequence operator, although I usually give slightly meaningful names to the callback arguments and space according to AirBnB eslint rules. Example forthcoming:
const res = arr.reduce((acc, x, i)=>(acc['item' + (i + 1)] = x, acc), {})
I'm not suggesting reworking your one-liner to the above, just mentioning how I'd usually write it in production code.
Correction - I don't see anything more ES6-specific about your one-liner than the multi-liner. Both rely on arrow functions, but the one-liner doesn't rely on any other, specific ES6 features, unless I'm overlooking something.
Thanks @tex => is also one of the ES6 w3schools.com/js/js_arrow_function.asp
Right I mentioned that. Both the multi-liner I added in my edit and your original one-liner rely on the ES6 arrow function. Would you mind editing the comment above your one-liner to something like: // can also be written in a single line, like this:?
ok sure @tex .I was mainly focused with minify js .basically i will use a,b,c with starting alphabets. definitely i will change my future approach
I don't want to continue editing your (good) answer - just not sure labelling your one-liner with // for ES6 approach makes sense when both the multi-liner and the one-liner depend on the same ES6 function :)
ok, I wasn't criticizing or suggesting that you change your style. Mostly wanted to ask whether you felt the // for ES6 approach comment still made sense, when both code samples depend on the same ES6 feature.
yes @tex Thanks.And its also good one. i will change in future
2 hours later…
Hey all, anybody around with experience in Protobuf.JS? I'm trying to get around having to set every damn field on a message type using .set(...) methods. In the Go implementation you just have structs and you can just assign the data all in one "go", so to speak
@BenjaminR Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
This makes refactoring of protobuf message design incredibly painful.
Not to mention a heck of a lot of useless busywork for line after line of manual calls to someMsg.set(x);
Ah... nevermind... it might help to read the library itself rather than the documentation on Google's protobuf site
D'oh... I knew it had to be something simple
Hi guys, I am in a pinch, I have accidentally changed the site url of wordpress. How do I revert my change ?
Ah, now I know why I wasn't seeing it... I'm stuck using google-protobuf JS library, that's why it sucks so hard
2 hours later…
Hi, guys. Have any experience in PinchZoom?
@bravemaster Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
5 hours later…
Does anyone offload compute to a different computer?
I've always been wondering if there's some kind of "trick"/"good way to make it" for a problem I keep having quite often. I have an array of object `A` with objects like: `{key: number, data: etc...}`. With `key` being the equality identifier.

Now I get a new array `newA` (same format). And I wish to "update" *in place* the old array with the new data. Remove all objects whose `key` is not in `newA`, add objects from `newA` whose key is not yet in `A` and replace/update the rest (which are in both `A` and `newA`).
Of course I could throw away `A` and replace it with `newA`, however in my usecase this doesn't work fine with `mobx` and some other libraries. (as well as I wish to know how to do it in place anways).

The current solution I have is that i first iterate make a shallow copy of `A` (`C`). After that I iterate `newA` and update all entries adding new entries as they are not found, also I remove the entries from the `C` as they are found. Then I remove all entries still in `C` from `A`.
However this seems hopelessly verbose with lots of boilerplate and complicate copying.
@oldboy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
hi. trying to figure out that last error. I expected files to be an array there.
ill check the typeof of files
I'm up for a separate room - just not sur ehow to create it :D
man we could make this a lot easier if i just zip my electron folder and send it u?
me neither
ok so here is the initial output without the map function
ok im in that room

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