ReactNative/ React JS Developer

This is ReactNative/ React JS developers Group. You can be mem...
May 24, 2017 07:41
@Vijay but for your current setup, you can also achieve nice clean modular CSS using a convention such as BEM.
May 24, 2017 07:40
@Vijay that said, if you were able to make your front-end 100% react, then perhaps you could use component-based styling instead, so that for each component, the styling is defined alongside that component.
May 24, 2017 07:39
@Vijay yeah that makes sense if you already have a ruby setup on the back-end. Your react components can then just contain classNames, in order to apply the styling to them.
May 24, 2017 07:26
@Vijay as for CSS "@import" I don't know much about that; haven't used it, I think it's for individual rules rather than entire css files
May 24, 2017 07:24
@Vijay but you can @import external libraries, if you add a SASS preprocessor, e.g. node-sass-chokidar. (…)
May 24, 2017 07:23
@Vijay I believe it's generally recommended not to use @import in your CSS in React, but to keep the CSS for each component separate, for that individual component only
May 24, 2017 07:22
@Vijay what's your build setup for React at the moment? E.g. webpack? create-react-app?
May 24, 2017 07:12
In React you use JSX, which is very similar to HTML, with a few differences, such as 'className' instead of 'class' and 'htmlFor' instead of 'for'.
May 24, 2017 07:11
And Sass
May 24, 2017 07:11
That's OK, @Vijay, you can apply those skills to React
May 24, 2017 07:10
I've done a bit of sass
May 24, 2017 05:44
gm :)
May 24, 2017 02:17
I'm sure there are weaknesses in my solution, I'm just trying to get some different perspectives.
May 24, 2017 02:17
Would be very much appreciated!
May 24, 2017 02:17
Hey all, if anyone has 2 min to spare, could you offer some code-review/critique of an exercise I recently did, using ReactJS and Styled-Components?
Jan 2, 2017 16:32
Happy new year everyone


angular.module("ng-chat", ['stackoverflow'])
Dec 9, 2015 00:50
Dec 9, 2015 00:50
never mind, fixed it finally... the code block wasn't running due to a return; statement within a faulty conditional
Dec 9, 2015 00:38
Can't see why, but who knows
Dec 9, 2015 00:38
The directive does DOM manipulation in its link() function, admittedly maybe that's a problem
Dec 9, 2015 00:38
But it just won't work
Dec 9, 2015 00:38
All I'm trying to do is unit-test a directive
Dec 9, 2015 00:37
Hey everyone, I'm having an incredibly difficult time


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Mar 24, 2015 22:56
Sep 5, 2014 09:48
Sep 5, 2014 09:48
nice one @Zir
Sep 5, 2014 09:41
Sep 5, 2014 09:38
"To those human beings who are of any concern to me I wish suffering" - Nietzsche
Sep 5, 2014 09:00
ecmascript <3
Sep 5, 2014 09:00
...can do the same thing :)
Sep 5, 2014 09:00
jsonObj.forEach(function (val, i) {

HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
Sep 5, 2014 09:01
<jesus />


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels |
Apr 17, 2012 21:16
i doubt you can be an extremely good net admin without being a pretty good programmer
Apr 17, 2012 21:16
instead of soloing it
Apr 17, 2012 21:16
stackexchange should integrate people's reps
Apr 17, 2012 21:14
unless you have some kind of self-hosted runtime, you want to hook into IIS
Apr 17, 2012 21:14
yeah that's true, cos of IIS, etc
Apr 17, 2012 21:13
but web.config works ok for now
Apr 17, 2012 21:13
i guess i wish there was a single model, instead of having some config in xml and some config in c#
Apr 17, 2012 21:13
esp. when troubleshooting:)
Apr 17, 2012 21:12
yeah the no-compilation thing is an advantage of xml
Apr 17, 2012 21:12
im sure you could do the same thing with programmatic configuration, using say attributes
Apr 17, 2012 21:11
@TomWijsman you mean for having different configs for different build profiles?
Apr 17, 2012 21:11
maybe eventually a lot of web.config stuff will end up being configurable through overriding
Apr 17, 2012 21:10
i think programmatic configuration is a far better model than web.config
Apr 17, 2012 21:09
ahh yes this is nice
Apr 17, 2012 21:09
Q: ASP.NET MVC View Engine Resolution Sequence

intangible02I created a simple ASP.NET MVC version 1.0 application. I have a ProductController which has one action Index. In the view, I created a corresponding Index.aspx under Product subfolder. Then I referenced the Spark dll and created Index.spark under the same Product view folder. The Application_S...

Apr 17, 2012 21:09
@TomWijsman ViewEngines.Engines.Add?
Apr 17, 2012 21:08
imagine creating your own subclasses for resolution
Apr 17, 2012 21:08
@TomWijsman they should make this stuff configurable surely