Aug 20, 2020 14:11
Maybe introduce a the-book-is-wrong tag ?
Feb 20, 2020 12:37
shutdown attempts to close the connection. The filedescriptor is still open untill the shutdown is completed. Then (given, NONBLOCK) the fd selects as readable, and read will return -1. Short answer: dont use shutdown(), use close()
Sep 10, 2019 00:20
@EricPostpischil I was talking about valid prefixes. Which eventually reduces to the empty prefix (which is presumed to be valid, too). So, you can always add a '0' to a valid prefix, producing a {new,longer} valid prefix.
Sep 10, 2019 00:20
There is some obvious pruning in the recursive solution: calculating the number of zeros that need to be appended until there is a choice. The next step is mathematics...
Sep 10, 2019 00:20
You can always append a '0' to any valid prefix. In some cases (which?) you can append a '1'. --> recurse, updating the condition(s) to be used at the deeper level.
Aug 26, 2018 02:03
Not without table definitions and descriptions + cardinalities. (I've spent half an hour yesterday trying to reverse-engineer them) As an illustration to the bloat: your Query returns 17K records, some of the inner nodes produce x million tuples. Just to be filtered out later.
Aug 26, 2018 02:03
No, you should not filter them if you can avoid them. From the question it is not clear if the relations between the tables are 1:1 or 1:n (and what your actual goal is) but you can always prevent generating duplicates+remove them later. This could also prevent the bloated temp results in the query plan. A small example: the {recording_realease join release} join is only needed to get the set of release_ids, and it should only yield unique release_ids.
Aug 26, 2018 02:03
The query generates duplicates, which you try to suppress by adding the DISTINCT to the main query. Even the subquery by Nick could emit multiple tuples for the same artist (because there are multiple recordings (which you dont need)) EXISTS(correlated subquery on junction tables) is probably a solution.
Mar 4, 2017 14:35
@UsB well, you wrote the code, why do you think that other people will be able to read it better than you yourself?
Mar 4, 2017 14:35
1) buffer[24] = '\0'; is not needed 2) strcat (splitstr, "\0"); is not needed. 3) free(splitstr); is wrong pointers are pointing into buff , and splitstr is NULL 4) buf[numbytes-1] = '\0'; is wrong (numbytes could be zero) 5) if (strcmp(buf, "REQ") == 0) buf doesn't have to be the start of a line. 6) if (connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&their_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1) { sizeof looks wrong