Trash can

Like the recycle bin, but trashier.
Feb 5, 2014 10:38
Q: Symfony2: Multiple Prototypes for an array field

ra_htialI have an Entity Article which contains: /** * @ORM\Column(type="array") */ private $data; My data field can be in different shapes, either (x1 & x2) or (y1, y2 & y3) .. etc. I created a FormType for each one of them but i'm confused on how i present those prototypes to the ArticleType for...



Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Jan 15, 2014 06:04
Q: Symfony2 + Doctrine2: Table Inheritance select all entities returns null

ra_htialI'm using Doctrine Table inheritance and i want to build a table that contains all the children no matter what is their type since in that table i'm only using the common attributes like "ID and Name" everything is okay, but whenever i use FindAll i get the right array size but the object attribu...

Jan 8, 2014 05:43
@user3121782 try
Jan 8, 2014 05:22
or maybe i should leave the answer for @toscho
Jan 8, 2014 05:21
@RakeshShetty with patience?
Jan 8, 2014 05:02
@toscho no with Symfony2
Jan 8, 2014 04:26
how can i solve this ?
Jan 8, 2014 04:26
Q: Symfony2: How to access dataClass in a custom form type

ra_htialI have a custom FormType $form = $this->createFormBuilder($myClass) ->add('title', 'text') ->add('test',new TestType()) ... class TestType extends AbstractType { public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) ...

Nov 20, 2013 02:27
Q: Symfony2: how to add a pre-fetched Doctrine entity to FormBuilder

ra_htiali'm working with Symfony and Doctrine, i have a function that will select rows based on specific criteria: $entities = $repository->getSomeEntities(); now i want to render those entities in a choice list, i checked the entity FormType but it doesn't seems to work for me, for example: $bu...

Nov 20, 2013 02:27
Symfony2: how to add a pre-fetched Doctrine entity to FormBuilder ?
Nov 18, 2013 19:19
it matters to me
Nov 18, 2013 19:18
@webarto haha
Nov 18, 2013 19:16
Q: Symfony: should i use FormBuilder for this form?

ra_htialI'm trying to find the best practice on how to create this form, i have an entity and i want to create a form that will list all entities along with a checkbox for each and the user can select several entities using checkbox and apply an action to all the selected entities, something like this: ...

Nov 18, 2013 19:16
Does all the forms in symfony should use form builder ?
Nov 12, 2013 03:51
how to write x[y] in yaml ?
Nov 12, 2013 02:18
how to read an element from a parameters.yml array in config.yml ?
Nov 12, 2013 02:18
Q: Symfony2: how to read parameters array in config.yml

ra_htialmy parameters.yml file has: parameters: title: subtitle: value i want to pass the value to a service in config.yml my_service: class: the_class arguments: [ %title.subtitle%] //didn't work arguments: [ %title['subtitle']%] //didn't work how can i do th...

Oct 23, 2013 06:05… how to find an object in array using attributes array
Oct 18, 2013 03:38
Q: Symfony2: does fetch="EAGER" create a join?

ra_htialI have this mapped property inside my product entity: /** * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Group", mappedBy="products", indexBy="id", fetch="EAGER") * */ protected $groups; I wonder, my understanding for fetch="EAGER" is that it should get the groups once the product is selected, this is wha...

Oct 18, 2013 03:38
Symfony2: does fetch=“EAGER” create a join?
Oct 17, 2013 09:09
Q: Symfony2: does fetch="EAGER" create a join?

ra_htialI have this mapped property inside my product entity: /** * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Group", mappedBy="products", indexBy="id", fetch="EAGER") * */ protected $groups; I wonder, my understanding for fetch="EAGER" is that it should get the groups once the product is selected, this is wha...

Oct 17, 2013 09:09
Does fetch="EAGER" create a join in doctrine?
Oct 11, 2013 10:53
Any idea why symfony2 can't see my Entitiy class ?
Oct 5, 2013 17:23
Hello, is it possible to ask a PHP question here ? it's my first time trying the Stackoverflow chat

MySQL and relational databases

Ask your question, and then hang around a while to see if an e...
Nov 12, 2013 18:09
using 2 columns foreign-key > Type & reference_id
Nov 12, 2013 18:09
and define a relationship with 2 different tables Cars and houses
Nov 12, 2013 18:08
and put the same attributes in that table
Nov 12, 2013 18:08
or define 1 table as Products
Nov 12, 2013 18:08
should i define 2 tables as Cars & houses
Nov 12, 2013 18:08
I need help! i cant figure out how to build my database scheme, lets say i sell 2 things in my website Cars and Houses. they both share some attributes and they have their own attr. but they share 75% of attr. in orders table, wishlist is almost same for both
Nov 12, 2013 18:05
Nov 12, 2013 18:03
Anyone here for a quick question ?