
Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Nov 7, 2014 08:49
I tried to use datatable in jquery as it provides simple solution for pagination
Nov 7, 2014 08:48
Let's say server takes 5 seconds to give response. But after getting the response the for each loop takes 5 more seconds @JanDvorak
Nov 7, 2014 08:46
I understand that I can't avoid network delays, but at least I can avoid showing only few records out of the records that I got at a time.
Nov 7, 2014 08:44
@JanDvorak excerpt from my question --> Now my problem is I can see lot of delay in the for each loop based on the huge number of records that I get from serverside.
Nov 7, 2014 08:43
Anyways might be I failed to explain my problem. But I tried my best to frame the question
Nov 7, 2014 08:42
But you could get my question a negative
Nov 7, 2014 08:41
My problem was not network delay
Nov 7, 2014 08:41
That was what I was able to try, if you know the answer please help me understand the way I can paginate using datatable.
Nov 7, 2014 08:39
May I know why?
Nov 7, 2014 08:38
Q: Using jquery datatable for the json response

ApparatusThe json output that I have is below [{"param1":"value1","param2":"value2","param3":"value3"},{"param1":"value1","param2":"value2","param3":"value3"}] My ajax request is coded in a function so that it can called based on button click: function callAjaxRequest() { ajaxRequest = $.get('getdata'...

Nov 7, 2014 08:37
Please help on this.
Nov 7, 2014 08:37

HTML / CSS / WebDesign

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Nov 7, 2014 08:25
I don't think that you can format the code in chat, rather you can paste your code in some websites and share the link.
Nov 7, 2014 08:20
Q: Using jquery datatable for the json response

ApparatusThe json output that I have is below [{"param1":"value1","param2":"value2","param3":"value3"},{"param1":"value1","param2":"value2","param3":"value3"}] My ajax request is coded in a function so that it can called based on button click: function callAjaxRequest() { ajaxRequest = $.get('getdata'...

Nov 7, 2014 08:20
Can someone please help me on this?
Nov 7, 2014 08:19

Web Development

For all you web developers out there
Apr 17, 2013 06:25
@Deepika Lalra Hey, Can you help me on one thing?
Apr 15, 2013 08:25
@Pallavi Yes. I did and as a resultant I got app id.
Apr 15, 2013 07:57
If it is hashkey, Yeah I have done and I got an id for my app too.
Apr 15, 2013 07:57
if it is keyhashes, I haven't used that anywhere.
Apr 15, 2013 07:56
@Pallavi You mean key hashes or hash key of my app to be filled while registering our app?
Apr 15, 2013 07:16
Should not pass a read permission (offline_access) to a request for publish or manage authorization
W/com.facebook.Session(769): Should not pass a read permission (user_photos) to a request for publish or manage authorization
W/com.facebook.Session(769): Should not pass a read permission (photo_upload) to a request for publish or manage authorization
Apr 15, 2013 07:14
@Pallavi Yes. I created.
Apr 15, 2013 07:06
@Pallavi sorry, didn't get you.
Apr 15, 2013 06:59
@Pallavi That's fine even if logout is not provided somewhat until the other user doesn't want to log in on the same device. But I have an issue with login itself.
Apr 15, 2013 06:56
@Pallavi Big laughter. Really?
Apr 15, 2013 06:51
then how did you do that log out? Can you show me login too how you did?
Apr 15, 2013 06:49
@Pallavi Did you work on fb? Can you show how did you do login?
Apr 15, 2013 06:45
@Pallavi I had issues with hackbook too. When I try to run that sample, it doesn't logout successfully and the logout button is out of shape.
Apr 15, 2013 06:36
@Pallavi @RobinHood Hi Can you people look at my question please?
Apr 15, 2013 06:24
Hello! Can anyone please look at my question and help?
Apr 8, 2013 09:25
The issue is where I need to put this line viewHolder.checkbox.setChecked(list.get(position).isSelected()); to ensure that checkboxes are not jumbled? @LalitPoptani
Apr 8, 2013 09:23
@LalitPoptani Yeah. Even in the comment one blogger suggested me to see. I have seen the listview things which used arrayadapter or some other but not simplecursoradapter.
Apr 8, 2013 09:20
Could someone look at my posted question? @Pallavi @LalitPoptani

Smart Developers' Lab

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Apr 15, 2013 06:25
@DAddict Okay. I am stuck at this badly.
Apr 15, 2013 06:22
No. But it seems surprising! Actually people copy paste code. It doesn't matter to me BTW. Just asked.
Apr 15, 2013 06:20
Did you just copy paste my ping?
Apr 15, 2013 06:18
Hello! Can anyone please look at my question and help?

Hello World

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Apr 15, 2013 06:19
@TheUnlucky I am doing the same. Look at my code please.
Apr 15, 2013 06:12
@TheReader I have debugged. It's not the issue in my code, as the logcat gives no clue in my code. It is most probably has something with focus or fb.
Apr 15, 2013 06:06
Hello! Can anyone please look at my question and help?


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Apr 15, 2013 06:06
Hello! Can anyone please look at my question and help?


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Apr 4, 2013 07:46
not xampp.
Apr 4, 2013 07:46
Hello! Is htdocs available in Apache server?
Apr 3, 2013 12:03
@sam :P
Apr 3, 2013 11:58
@DaveRandom But the actual sam also gets notified?
Apr 3, 2013 11:56
@DaveRandom Everytime you ping sam, I am getting notified.
Apr 3, 2013 03:18
@andho Okay :( Thanks.
Apr 3, 2013 03:15
@andho Does it work for sqlite?
Apr 3, 2013 03:11
Because I always happened to see autoincrement only for primary key.