So, I'm doing: `app.get('/', function(req, res) { res.sendFile('./index.html', { root: __dirname }); })` and in my html file, there's a `<img src="./img.jpg">` that's not loading. Can you tell me why?
I also like the editor on codecademy and the editor on and the editor on the google coding interview (with the rabbit story) as they all look very stylish like a terminal. I'm interested in Stack's inhouse solution and also what stack recommends for version control process. I am tired of git commands and not enough resource with mercurial.
Hi, I got a broad general quest with me. Which editor should we use in 2022 that is designed against lag and unresponsiveness. In my experience, both Atom and Brackets have lag. Sublime Text 2 not so much, Sublime Text 3 a little. I have a brand new laptop, I'm currently only using notepad, not even vim or nano. I just got an ad for Atom: I'm stuck on what to select. Is there an inhouse editor from the Atwood's StackOverflow team?
@VLAZ You see, had we pretended to be doctors and this a chat like a helpdesk or clinic, we could have timings on our profile cards. You need a promotion, or hat. Like a doctor sthethascope around your icon of "It'z magick" dialogue.
what hubris, here I will cure you of this. "May I please ask a question fellow JS people?" "Yes, you may" "Ok, well my question is so and so" "The answer to that is so"
Wht embarrassment is there to this? @JamesBot @OlegValteriswithUkraine
@OlegValteriswithUkraine i came here today looking to ask "How do I trigger a function when document.getElementsByClassName('sendbtn')[0].disable changes from true to false" but upon seeing your message, I'd probably just read for a few hours on DOM Mutations and things like that, and if nothing works, change the approach.
How to implement <select> tag with fonts available on the system? A method like [listFonts]( in JS would be nice.
So, I'm doing: app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.sendFile('./index.html', { root: __dirname }) }) and in my html file, there's a <img src="./img.jpg"> that's not loading. Can you tell me why?
@KevinB It's because of the military alphabet, that whole foxtrot delta thing they use to spell out words and give signals. It could have been Zero or Zebra but their terms changed.
I updated the line to var dt = new Date().toISOString().replace(/[-:.T]/g, "_").slice(0, -1); and now, I get names like a_2021_11_24_16_41_00_722_23348949545429676.txt
Hey I was wondering. I did <a href="file://C:/folder">folder</a> but chrome isn't opening the link. I can copy link address and paste it in another tab and it works. Why doesn't this link work?