I dunno how to design my engine. I want to be it not coupled by using inherititence to use drawable and stuff, but I am still getting my head around it :/
Hey @BenjaminGruenbaum Were you there for the conversation I has with puppy the other day? Anyway, if anyone can answer, he was helping me with removing calls that were unneeded in my objects (objects stopped having a draw method, they just inheritited drawable and were draw by renderer) Can anyone offer me any advice about how one might do that with audio? How would you control when the object made the noise...?
I don't understand some of the syntax in the middle, but I get that you are making an object that can be rendered. What I don't get is how you might do this without having a draw method on your objects...
Sorry, this'll make my rep to you go down the drain, but the only other game I wrote was in javascript. If I wanted to make a var, it was freaking global in a 3k line file