Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Mar 17, 2013 21:36
I'm checking now those
Mar 17, 2013 21:36
and it found some
Mar 17, 2013 21:35
Mar 17, 2013 21:35
@hakre I have just searched for all php.ini with SSH: locatie php.ini
Mar 17, 2013 21:27
@hakre I'm using CentOS 5
Mar 17, 2013 21:24
/etc/php.d/curl.ini, /etc/php.d/dbase.ini, /etc/php.d/dom.ini, /etc/php.d/gd.ini, /etc/php.d/imap.ini, /etc/php.d/json.ini, /etc/php.d/mbstring.ini, /etc/php.d/mcrypt.ini, /etc/php.d/mysql.ini, /etc/php.d/mysqli.ini, /etc/php.d/pdo.ini, /etc/php.d/pdo_mysql.ini, /etc/php.d/pdo_sqlite.ini, /etc/php.d/wddx.ini, /etc/php.d/xcache.ini, /etc/php.d/xmlreader.ini, /etc/php.d/xmlwriter.ini, /etc/php.d/xsl.ini, /etc/php.d/zip.ini
Mar 17, 2013 21:24
additional .ini files parsed
Mar 17, 2013 21:23
@hakre I can only find this one php.ini when I have run phpinfo();
Mar 17, 2013 21:20
When I had this problem back then
Mar 17, 2013 21:20
Yeha I got a script for SSH which can detect all php.ini files. But I forgot it :(
Mar 17, 2013 21:19
@hakre I have just seached for the PHP.ini and found it. However when I opened it and searched for the open_basedir vaue, I only got this: ;open_basedir =
Mar 17, 2013 21:17
@hakre This is basically my unmanaged VPS :(
Mar 17, 2013 21:14
Is it possible to completely disable open_basedir and set the values to none?
Mar 17, 2013 21:12
@hakre Thank you very much.
Mar 17, 2013 21:11
@hakre At the open_basedir in phpinfo() I found this: /home/admin:/home/admin/kloxoscript:/home/***.com:/home/***.com/httpdocs:/tmp:/usr/s‌​hare/pear:/var/lib/php/session/:/home/kloxo/httpd/script
Mar 17, 2013 21:10
@hakre Which values should I serach for with phpinfo() ?
Mar 17, 2013 20:55
Any suggestions?
Mar 17, 2013 20:55
I know I had some issues in the past with this, and I managed to fix it, but I can't figure out what have changed or why isn't it working...
Mar 17, 2013 20:55
but it doesn't work :/
Mar 17, 2013 20:55
My httpd.conf also has this line: php_admin_value open_basedir "none"
Mar 17, 2013 20:54
and safe mode is NOT enabled.
Mar 17, 2013 20:54
The problem is that when I see my php.ini, open_basedir has the ";" before it
Mar 17, 2013 20:53
Hey guys! I have some problem with my server. When I'd like to execute CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION it always says that I need to switch off safe more or open_base dir.
Mar 16, 2013 14:14
So I'll find my answers on that site of HTTP?
Mar 16, 2013 14:14
Okay thanks anyways.
Mar 16, 2013 14:12
Hmm. Than what are the identifications when someone using a proxy?
Mar 16, 2013 14:11
Mar 16, 2013 14:10
Hmm, so if someone wvisits my site not using HTTP headers it means that they are using anonymous proxies?
Mar 16, 2013 14:08
Mar 16, 2013 14:05
@rdlowrey And what about anonymous proxyes which does not send a HTTP header? What do you do with them?
Mar 16, 2013 14:02
@rdlowrey Open Proxies are typically compromised "zombie" computers. They are running a proxy service that was installed by a virus or other malware. The owner of the computer is typically unaware that their computer is being used as a proxy, enabling fraudsters to use the legitimate owner's internet connection to send spam, commit credit card fraud, and engage in other illegal activity.
Mar 16, 2013 14:01
Yes. However if someone is using an open proxy that its not so easy to detect.
Mar 16, 2013 14:00
I actually know how to detect a simple proxy, however I don't know how to detect an anonymous one.
Mar 16, 2013 13:58
Can you please tell me where or what should I search for then?
Mar 16, 2013 13:58
You are so much of a help :)
Mar 16, 2013 13:56
Okay, but the thing is that in the Internet Marketing industry we need to dectect proxies because people are always trying to scam or cheat. This is why I'm looking to create a software in php.
Mar 16, 2013 13:51
I have been searching for this all day and havent found much useful information.
Mar 16, 2013 13:51
I have looked into this, and I'd like to create something like Maxmind/Proxstop uses
Mar 16, 2013 13:48
Do anyone know a decent proxy detection script in PHP?
Mar 16, 2013 13:48
Hey there
Mar 11, 2013 16:40
I'm really despearte I haven't found the right answer yet
Mar 11, 2013 16:40
Okay so if anyone could help me with this, I'd appricaite:…
Mar 11, 2013 16:37
Hello, can I ask a CSS question here? I couldn't find solution for my problem yet, its quite an advanced one.