So, nothing existential or tautological, but I have a 5000+ line javascript file written in backbone that I need to wrestle into a more usable condition. I'm thinking that the best start is to bring in something to manage state. Thoughts?
I'm trying to write tests for this backbone travesty... I have window.object = ModuleController.extend({ this.thing = MinimalDialogView.extend({ functionIwantToTest(){
okay, I've searched the internets. I am trying to transpile with webpack, but I'm getting an Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token import my .babelrc contains "presets": ["es2015", "stage-2"], and I've verified that the preset is installed and saved in the project dir...thoughts?
@ssube, got it. It just applies a private scope, which evaluates--if that evaluation is a function you can concat (arg) to now evaluate that new function with arg
I'm not sure how to word this, but I need to learn about window loading/readystate change so that my app will wait for the correct state before interaction with dom
@KevinB No. Other than lack of understanding of how PHP json_encode works. I put an array through json_encode( $array, true), but js reads it as an object
The page has dom "area" panels. The user has the abilility to sort them. I need to keep track of their relative position (which column) since JSON objects aren't indexed by position, I have an array 'mirror' the keys, { area1: column1 } so I can save their position for the next page load.
Let me ask it this way. There's a json object { area1 : {blah: 'bbb'}, area2: {blah: 'asdf'}} I using an array to track the index of each area as it is moved on the dom, e.g. [ {area1: column1}, {area2: column2 } ] What's a good/elegant method to keep track of this?
Okay. So I'm operating in a vacuum of knowledge. There has to be a better way to handle data in .js Obbjects and arrays. I spend too much time writing for loops
I'm not sure what I'm looking for, I want to have a system where I can select items from dropdowns which builds conditional logic for jobs (e.g. cron) So for e.g. [if] customer->status == 'confirmed' [send] [confirmed email]
PhpStorm was having issue, so Jetbrains told me to copy-paste my source files w/out .git How do I configure that new project source to be tracked by git, as there are uncommitted changes