Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Feb 26, 2013 07:49
1Array ( [name] => Hydrangeas.jpg [type] => image/jpeg [tmp_name] => /tmp/phpvQoI9q [error] => 0 [size] => 5582 )

[upload_directory] => Valid - /var/www/html/obracun/izbornik/skeniok/temp
[upload_directory_writable] => Valid - Directory is writable
[upload_file_extension] => Valid - Extension is allowed
[upload_file_size] => Valid - Size bytes
[upload_process] => 4
[upload_move] =>
[upload_overwrite] =>
[upload_file] => Array
[name] => H
[type] => i
[tmp_name] => /
[error] =>
[error_status] => All OK
Feb 26, 2013 07:49
Guys, anyone knows why my file doesnt upload? I get no errors...
Feb 26, 2013 07:19
Feb 20, 2013 13:30
Feb 18, 2013 05:35
Hey :)
Feb 15, 2013 07:41
Stepping on a lego? You mean my daily foot massage?
Feb 7, 2013 15:30
@Jimbo Yeh, now if I do that I get that alert box with content from uploadmobile.php (test), but only if I select no file to be uploaded just press upload button, is that ok?
Feb 7, 2013 15:26
@Jimbo Sorry, how do you mean not doing anything right now?
Feb 7, 2013 15:24
@Jimbo Dude thanks, because I dont see any alert box I thought I did something wrong, but the php upload will get exectuted right?
Feb 7, 2013 15:17
Guys, Id like to ask a question. I have 2 pages...index.php and index.php I have a form that has onsubmit="uploadFile()", and this function looks like:
function uploadFile() {
return false;
And inside uploadmobile.php I only have alert('test'); to test, but when I submit that form I dont see any popup window saying test, am I supposed not to see it?
Feb 6, 2013 12:22
wes is my neighbour...well country wise
Feb 6, 2013 10:27
One does not simply trip over a wireless internet cable.
Feb 6, 2013 09:32
Feb 6, 2013 09:31
In Soviet Russia you trip over a cable of wireless internet
Feb 5, 2013 21:35
@Happyninja If I understand that correct, it will return whatever is on that page (in my case mobileupload.php to index.php)?
Feb 5, 2013 21:32
@Happyninja Thanks, will take a look
Feb 5, 2013 21:30
@Happyninja Sorry, what do you mean callback in jquery function? Isnt that ment return false;?
Feb 5, 2013 21:26
Guys, I have a question. I have 2 files, index.php and uploadmobile.php. Inside index.php I have a form with onsubmit="uploadFile()"; And uploadFile() looks like this:
function uploadFile() {
return false;
Now in uploadmobile.php I only have alert('test'); to see if it is working, but when I submit a form on index.php I dont get any popup box with test, am I supposed to see it on there or not?
Feb 5, 2013 20:55
Hi =)
Feb 5, 2013 19:18
Guys, I have a question.
Feb 5, 2013 17:16
one does not simply eat you in PHP room
Feb 5, 2013 17:15
Cuz I need to test something, but I dont get a result
Feb 5, 2013 17:15
I know :P I am here for quite some time each day :)
Feb 5, 2013 17:14
I did but every time I mention there is some php in it they try to eat me alive
Feb 5, 2013 17:13
sorry, what you mean
Feb 5, 2013 17:12
no no javascript one
Feb 5, 2013 17:11
Hey guys, can you test alert function in php file from another file?
Feb 5, 2013 17:00
Guys, could someone help me with something? Its a mix of jquery and php.
Feb 5, 2013 16:42
Guys, I have a question. I have a form which has onsubmit="uploadFile()", where this function has: function uploadFile() {
return false;
And on the uploadmobile.php I have alert('111); but when I submit that form in index.php I dont get that 111 alert.
Feb 5, 2013 14:49
Can I ask you guys something not coding related?
Feb 5, 2013 14:04
Guys, I have a question. I have a form which has onsubmit="uploadFile()", where this function has: function uploadFile() {
return false;
And on the uploadmobile.php I have alert('111); but when I submit that form in index.php I dont get that 111 alert.
Feb 5, 2013 13:57
Hi guys =)


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Feb 5, 2013 21:51
@m59 Hey, I saw it thanks :) I got something working now, also sent you an email :)
Feb 5, 2013 21:04
@rlemon Dude..I got that done..
Feb 5, 2013 21:00
Hi guys, I have a question
Feb 5, 2013 20:39
Hey everybody =)
Feb 5, 2013 17:23
Hey, can someone help me a little with my jquery? :)
Feb 5, 2013 17:20
Guys...I have a form in index.php that calls function when it is submitted, and the function runs another .php file. in that php file Ive put alert('test'); to see if it runs it. Am I supposed to see that test?
Feb 5, 2013 13:56
Guys, can someone tell me why is this not working. I have a form with onsubmit="uploadFile", the function looks like:
function uploadFile() {
return false;
And uploadmobile.php has alert('111') in it. But when I submit that form I dont see any alert box or anything.
Feb 5, 2013 13:41
@GNi33 Hey, now I have 1 more problem. When this onsubmit happens I cant see what happens on that page it is supposed to run something. I have: function uploadFile() {
return false;

But then on uploadmobile.php I have alert('1111'); But I cant see those 1111s when I submit a form
Feb 5, 2013 13:30
@GNi33 Ohh yes, now it works :) I just had to move function lower, I have 3 other functions
Feb 5, 2013 13:28
@GNi33 Yes, it is
Feb 5, 2013 13:27
@GNi33 You mean if I removed onclick and just have onsubmit?
Feb 5, 2013 13:24
Tried on submit but doesnt work either.
Feb 5, 2013 13:21
Where do you mean, sorry?
Feb 5, 2013 13:19
Well, I have a button with onclick="uploadFile()" and a function:
function uploadFile() {
//return false;
But I dont get that alert when I press a button, just refreshes a page.
Feb 5, 2013 13:17
Can I add onclick to submit button, because it looks like it doesnt work for me :S
Feb 5, 2013 13:13
Aha I see, ok :)
Feb 5, 2013 13:10
Ok thanks :)
Feb 5, 2013 13:08
Hey, I need to run some PHP code when button is pressed, now Id like to ask if this is the way to do it. Button as lets say onclick="doAction()" where doAction is:
function doAction() {
return false;

And that somepage.php has that PHP code I need to run?