RegEx - Regular Expressions

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Jul 1, 2016 11:46
@nhahtdh Ah got it. The split could be rather error prone though. Thanks for the help!
Jul 1, 2016 10:29
I read about that languages thing. Found a good way to do it on SO in java (I use java).
Also Im sorry I don't understand your options. Maybe you didn't elaborate as to what you mean when you say match them? :)
Jul 1, 2016 05:08
@nhahtdh I can capture the first or the last such group. How do I loop through to get all groups.
Jun 24, 2016 09:53
It seems to be its language dependent.
Jun 24, 2016 09:45
I used something like this: (([0-9]+)|([a-z]+))+ But it does not seem to work
Jun 24, 2016 09:45
I have a sequence of letters followed by numbers or numbers followed by letters. I need to capture each group in its separate group.
For example:
123abcdef456 - Answer: 123 abcdef 456
rty567889jhk989ab - Answer rty 567889 jhk 989 ab
Is this possible through regular expression?
Jul 1, 2015 04:33
it works
Jul 1, 2015 04:33
val extractor = """key1=([^;]*)""".r.unanchored
Jul 1, 2015 04:32
Ah I got it. In scala it tries matching the 'whole' string. So if we specify something like
Jul 1, 2015 04:11
a test 2 for the same could be like

val test2 = """key=val;key2=val2;key1=123456"""

Here since key1 is at the end no semicolon is found.
Jul 1, 2015 04:08
@CSᵠ By the global match flag you mean?
Jul 1, 2015 04:06
Just so that no one is confused key2 is just randomly written. My regex needs to extract values between 'key1=' and ';' only.
Jul 1, 2015 04:04
val extractor = """key1=([^;]*)""".r
val test1 = """key=val;key1=123456;key2=val2"""
test1 match  { case extractor(a) => println(a)
case other => println(other) }
Jul 1, 2015 03:53
@CSᵠ It does not match the pattern. If you are familiar with scala I could paste a couple of lines here.
Jul 1, 2015 03:52
@CSᵠ Same as java I suppose.
Jul 1, 2015 03:52
@nhahtdh Optional key means that the expression could be key1=someval; or key=someval in which case I need to extraact everything after key1 if no semicolon is found.
Jul 1, 2015 03:49
here key2 = ';'
Jul 1, 2015 03:49
@CSᵠ This seems to work but only on the website. I am using scala and it does not work there...
Jun 30, 2015 12:46
@nhahtdh Yeah it catches the last one. I was puzzled over that as well.
Jun 30, 2015 12:13
Hi all. How do I supply an optional end character while matching. For example I with to extract between the first occurence of two keys key1 and key2. I have the regex something like /.*key1=(.*)key2. However key2 could be optional. In such a case I want everything after key2.


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Oct 6, 2015 07:15
@Sheepy Can I know why?
Oct 6, 2015 07:14
@RoelvanUden Yeah that one just gives the key.
Oct 6, 2015 07:10
But this does not work
`document.cookie.split(';').map(function(value){ var key_val = value.split('='); return { key_val[0] : key_val[1] }; })`
Oct 6, 2015 07:10
Why does this work
`document.cookie.split(';').map(function(value){ var key_val = value.split('='); var key = key_val[0]; var val = key_val[1]; return { key : val }; })`


Today we're daydreaming about C++26 reflection
Nov 7, 2013 12:39
@sehe Needs a script dumb me :S
Nov 7, 2013 12:38
Nov 7, 2013 12:25
I was replying to that message. Having someone fix you food ensures you are never the one who makes mistakes :P
Seems like I misunderstood something my bad.
Nov 7, 2013 12:23
Any shortcuts for that?
Nov 7, 2013 12:22
@BartekBanachewicz Okay
Nov 7, 2013 12:21
@BartekBanachewicz My bad sorry.
Nov 7, 2013 12:20
@BartekBanachewicz :D
The advantages of having a nice mom are infinite ;)


Friendly conversation, including C++ talk — NOT the "Lounge"!
Nov 7, 2013 10:41
Have a look. I wrote an answer most of it is duplicate though I suppose :P
Nov 7, 2013 10:41
Nov 6, 2013 20:30
*without formatting the system
Nov 6, 2013 20:30
Thanks for all the umm motivation :P
Nov 6, 2013 20:30
I found a solution without format!
Nov 6, 2013 20:29
@BartekBanachewicz Hello.
Nov 5, 2013 22:02
If someone can zip the headers and send them to me from the include directory I could try that. Email Id: [email protected]
Thanks in advance.
Nov 5, 2013 21:55
@BartekBanachewicz Man I thought you would provide me with something magical :P
Nov 5, 2013 21:53
@BartekBanachewicz Course I did. But thing is there should be some remedy right. I had a different sort of issue with VS 2013 so I stopped using it and went back to 10 and now 10 has gone nuts completely which means I need to waste one more day taking a backup and reinstalling from scratch which is scaring the hell out of me :/
Nov 5, 2013 21:51
Nov 5, 2013 21:51
@BartekBanachewicz That I already did.
Nov 5, 2013 21:49
@BartekBanachewicz I did uninstall and reinstall. And I dont know where to remove files manually from. Cause even on doing a complete uninstall when I reinstall it my product seems to be already licensed as if some file from last time was left behind.
Nov 5, 2013 21:46
Looks like a format is the only option that I have left... :/
And I cant do that too much data on this machine.
Nov 5, 2013 21:46
Can somebody please send me the header files so that I can just copy them back. My project has come to a complete standstill and I'm in for a big hiding :(
Nov 5, 2013 21:45
used the /full /netfx switches to no avail.
Nov 5, 2013 21:45
@BartekBanachewicz Tried using this link also.
Nov 5, 2013 21:44
I reinstalled it like thrice.
Look at this question this is what that happened:
Nov 5, 2013 21:43
Nov 5, 2013 21:43
Well nothing working :/
MS ppl make softwares that cant be reinstalled :/