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@nhahtdh I can capture the first or the last such group. How do I loop through to get all groups.
2 hours later…
@Sohaib If you want to get all repetitions in a pattern such as (A)+, then it's not possible in most languages (except for .NET)
You have several other options 1) match them, e.g. [0-9]+|[a-z]+2) split the string e.g. (?<=\d)(?=\D)|(?<=\D)(?=\d)
3 hours later…
I read about that languages thing. Found a good way to do it on SO in java (I use java). http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16817031/how-to-iterate-over-regex-expression.
Also Im sorry I don't understand your options. Maybe you didn't elaborate as to what you mean when you say match them? :)
@Sohaib Option 1 is similar to the one you linked, but the one you link is stricter with \G
Option 2 is "input123string".split("(?<=\\d)(?=\\D)|(?<=\\D)(?=\\d)")
@nhahtdh Ah got it. The split could be rather error prone though. Thanks for the help!
2 hours later…
I like do regax operation I am new to regex
ANy one support
3 hours later…
hi there

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