
General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels | gist.gi...
Oct 27, 2016 17:10
Foreign keys are re-created.
Oct 27, 2016 17:09
This also seems to only affect primary/unique key constraints.
Oct 27, 2016 16:55
I am wondering if there is any subtle property or a setting that can be assigned to validate constraints as well.
Oct 27, 2016 16:54
We are using Fluent too.
Oct 27, 2016 16:50
I have a strange issue , i drop a unique constraint from a table , when I run SchemaUpdate.Execute(true,true) , the unique constraint does not get re-created.
Oct 27, 2016 16:49
Anyone here familiar with NHibernate?
Dec 13, 2013 17:38
Hello guys, I've ran into a problem. (I am not very experienced programmer). Basically I want to decorate an object , but one of the methods coming from the base class is with protected access modifier and is abstract (hence needs implementation). Anybody have any good ideas apart from changing the access modifier?

MySQL and relational databases

Ask your question, and then hang around a while to see if an e...
Nov 27, 2013 17:49
Hey, anybody know how to get the current date format for a date column?
May 4, 2013 19:22
I am starting to get the idea that it's referencing to attributes , but surely attributes are not predicates...
May 4, 2013 19:21
I am not really sure what it is trying to say
May 4, 2013 19:21
Just a quick question, I know that a predicate is an expression that evaluates to true or false. However what does a predicate mean in relational databases. I have the following statement: Predicate is relevant if there is at least one application that accesses fragments differently.


Today we're daydreaming about C++26 reflection
May 13, 2013 19:02
Ahh thanks guys, I google'd a few and saw that it was undefined behaviour just was making sure since somehow on the exercise apparently I am meant to get a single result but I am getting a different one, thanks again!
May 13, 2013 18:59
Hello, I have a quick question (sorry if its a noobish one) does the following expression get evaluated before addition or after addition x = y++ + x++, I am getting weird behaviour since I though that it first returns the value of y and x adds them and then increments them after
May 10, 2013 14:39
alright @R.MartinhoFernandes thanks for the help :)
May 10, 2013 14:36
May 10, 2013 14:36
*(x + 1)++;
May 10, 2013 14:36
int x[5];
May 10, 2013 14:36
ahh ok it apparently goes like this:
May 10, 2013 14:35
ugh weirdest question on an exercise, no context at all
May 10, 2013 14:34
May 10, 2013 14:34
yea I was thinking maybe its a pointer to an array
May 10, 2013 14:33
funny thing there is no code for the exercise it just asks , what does *(x + 1)++ mean..
May 10, 2013 14:32
but I get non-lvalue increment
May 10, 2013 14:32
I tried making a small program where x is a pointer and then do this and assign to another int variable
May 10, 2013 14:31
i mean I know that * is a dereference operator :/
May 10, 2013 14:31
hey guys is this even a valid thing in c++, saw this example on an exercise: *(x + 1)++
May 9, 2013 20:28
@R.MartinhoFernandes Thanks!
May 9, 2013 20:28
and I thought its 20 but apparently it was 12 and I couldn't understand why
May 9, 2013 20:28
just that I was given this exercise to tell what the output is
May 9, 2013 20:28
yea I know the functions :)
May 9, 2013 20:27
not sure what is happening there
May 9, 2013 20:26
May 9, 2013 20:26
but it prints 12
May 9, 2013 20:26
now I was thinking that the program would print "cout(x+3) is 20"
May 9, 2013 20:26
#include <iostream>
#define func(x) x*x-x
using namespace std;

int main(void) {
int y = 2;
cout<<"count(x+3) is "<<func(y+3)<<endl;
May 9, 2013 20:26
I have the following simple code:
May 9, 2013 20:26
ahh ok well ill give it a shot here since its a rather simple problem I be-leave , its just my understanding of it
May 9, 2013 20:24
May 9, 2013 20:24
I am rather new tp c++
May 9, 2013 20:24
Hey guys is it OK if I ask some C++ related questions

 Android Era with Kotlin and Java

Important: Read dos and don'ts here: androidera.github.io . Ma...
Mar 15, 2013 14:36
hey guys is it possible to sort a treemap by values instead of by keys


Dedicated to the discussion of the Java programming language a...
Mar 13, 2013 22:44
Guys, does anybody know how to package a jar into an exe, but with all the resources (music files, text files) and libraries (jar libraries) that were used to make the program
Mar 13, 2013 21:43
@Washu not really sure, I always for some reason thought that there is a better way :/, like specific method which gets you the coordinates regards to that component when you you actually need them without the need to constantly update the position
Mar 13, 2013 21:41
@Washu yes,one way I was thinking is to implement MouseMotionListener and have it update the position vector,but that might be a bad idea
Mar 13, 2013 21:39
@Washu Yes,I saw that question, but doesn't it return the overall mouse position, I need a specific location within a JPanel :/
Mar 13, 2013 21:37
to update the position but eh
Mar 13, 2013 21:36
one way I could do is use mouseMotion listner
Mar 13, 2013 21:36
hey guys does anybody know how to get the position of a mouse on the actual JPanel
Mar 10, 2013 01:33
ahh ok :)
Mar 10, 2013 01:30
any of you guys ever used mpj express?