
Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Feb 7, 2017 15:45
But fun nonetheless
Feb 7, 2017 15:42
@Loktar busy af, lol. But yeah, it's been a weird and crazy ride
Feb 7, 2017 15:34
I swear they are missing the market by not creating done VR IDE for devs
Feb 7, 2017 15:33
Guhhh that's awesome.
Feb 7, 2017 15:33
My wife said yesterday "we should get one of those VR things" 😂
Feb 7, 2017 15:32
💯 ever get your dev VR setup going?
Feb 7, 2017 15:30
That's awesome! Still at IG?
Feb 7, 2017 15:29
Oh lmao didn't see second message
Feb 7, 2017 15:29
Oh nice like Brighton?
Feb 7, 2017 15:29
Guh, I need to get back there. I miss real bodies of water.
Feb 7, 2017 15:28
What's up man long time no see. You still up in Michigan?
Feb 7, 2017 15:28
@Loktar 👋👋👋
Feb 7, 2017 15:25
Feb 7, 2017 15:25
Feb 6, 2017 22:28
Falls in the same priority as like multi app setup etc
Feb 6, 2017 22:27
@phenomnomnominal is on the list for things to work on post v1 I believe
Feb 6, 2017 22:16
👀 what did you do before that was possible
Feb 6, 2017 22:15
--prod is you prod build flag #shipit
Feb 6, 2017 22:15
:) sounds like you found a winner
Feb 6, 2017 22:15
Their wiki has all the work flow details. I think if you don't have an opinion on how to bundle, is best to start with the CLI first
Feb 6, 2017 22:14
Yes it definitely does
Feb 6, 2017 22:14
Sure. So only reason to not use angular-cli is if you're using a lot of third party "broken modules" aka scripts that don't use a module system
Feb 6, 2017 22:13
@SalOrozco id recommend starting your bundling angular 2 journey at the angular-cli and their repo. If that's not enough there are plenty of examples in the wild
Feb 6, 2017 22:11
@KevinB 😏
Feb 6, 2017 22:11
The angular team would tell you to use the angular-cli
Feb 6, 2017 22:10
@SalOrozco "best" is subjective. What are you looking to accomplish, besides getting it to work?
Feb 6, 2017 21:48
Coolest thing: any place where you can pass a child component, you can also pass a Promise that returns a child component. instant code splitting api built right into your library or framework.
Feb 6, 2017 21:47
We use Vue at my (real) job. Evan killed it when he designed that library. Made perfectly for webpack also.
Feb 6, 2017 21:47
@Loktar you ever make it back to Michigan?
Feb 6, 2017 21:47
Oh did I see someone drop @Loktar does he still lurk around here?
Feb 6, 2017 21:46
@phenomnomnominal soon enough they will expose it. Will probably be as a nodeAPI which is how we use webpack in the angular-cli.
Feb 6, 2017 21:46
@jake Nice! I feel bad, its been awhile since I've been able to contribute to angular-cli, I know mostly advise and help support or troubleshoot webpack/angular stuff.
Feb 6, 2017 21:45
@Luggage how was the webpack 2 upgrade!? 👏
Feb 6, 2017 21:44
And thanks for using it!
Feb 6, 2017 21:44
Feb 6, 2017 21:44
Oh heh, don't just thank me, its the community, our contrib base and the other maintainers. I'm just the flashy one.
Feb 6, 2017 21:43
@phenomnomnominal hi!
Feb 6, 2017 21:43
Wow I haven't been around here in forever. Hows everyone doing :-D
Feb 6, 2017 21:43
Dec 4, 2015 06:40
Googles "how to work on googling skills" >>
Aug 20, 2015 18:48
Aug 20, 2015 18:48
Wow that sounds amazing.
Aug 20, 2015 14:37
@rlemon lol. Like Pastebin, or Gist also.
Aug 20, 2015 14:22
The streaming pipeline for Http2 is so exciting.
Aug 20, 2015 14:16
If you have property in an object deeply nested among multiple objects, is it best practice to check if each of the key in the property 'path' exist? IE. if(object.key && object.key.key && object.key.key.keyThatHasMyThing) {}

HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
Aug 20, 2015 19:45
@Jhoopins baby steps
Aug 20, 2015 18:51
I just think you get a better community backing and embrace if you use common and current conventions like the ones LESS/SASS/SCSS share (nesting, @varnames, etc.)
Aug 20, 2015 18:50
Who's to blame for the spec?
Aug 20, 2015 18:49
@Loktar yes.
Aug 19, 2015 21:10
ermagerd nerst erm