@phenomnomnominal Don't have any reasons, just that did not try it out. Felt comfortable with Qunits. ;).. Now looking for a code coverage option that can be easy to integrate with Jenkins too..
@SaeedNode.js - You cannot get the result directly from mongoDB - having your pictures array with the filtered values. You need to filter those values in the application code. You have a reference to the picture object and not the picture document itself in the picture array, hence you cannot use picture._id or refer to any other picture attribute in your query. You need to apply the filter in the application code. Please see: mongoosejs.com/docs/populate.html. Just as a reference.
@AliGajani- If you need joins then mongoDB is not the option for you. You need to restructure your data so that you can fully utilize the schemaless and document oriented data structure that mongoDB provides. However, mongoDB provides a mecanism through DBRefs to store reference of one document in the other, but your application code needs to resolve the references. docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/database-references
The response is a complete HTML file, not just a snippet , pasted as - document.getElementById("id").innerHTML = responseText. The view on which it is pasted is not aware of any CSS nor javascript, after its pasted, the styling is not applied.
@thefourtheye - One question, when i send a HTML content as string from the server as a response to an Ajax call, and in the client callback, i paste the responseText on the browser, does the browser hit the server to resolve the static content referred in the HTML content just pasted? The browser doesn't seem to do so. Is this the correct behavior or something wrong with my implementation? And can we discuss this in this chat room :) ?
DBObject project = new BasicDBObject("_id", 0);
DBObject format = new BasicDBObject("format","%Y-%m-%d");
format.put("date", "$date");
DBObject formattedDate = new BasicDBObject("$dateToString",format);
@thefourtheye - thanks a lot. Will do it. :) Hope you get a good amount of sleep :) @Sebastien - "show" : [{ "_id" : mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref : "55060d030406fd9b4e8b2c79" }] is not what i intended. ref: should contain the name of the collection you refer to. That's the part of the Mongoose schema. Anyway great that it worked. :)
@Sebastien - Assuming your schema looks like: {"item": [{_id: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'someTable'}]}, then you could just save it as: {"item" : [{ "_id": "55060d030406fd9b4e8b2c79" }]}.
@Sebastien - "item" : [{ "_id": new ObjectId("55060d030406fd9b4e8b2c79") }] should do the trick. But it depends on how you import the file. Can you post the code you use to import the file or maybe a link to your question here.
@HamedMinaee - Yes it is possible. Will post an answer to it. As a short answer you would need to use the $year, $month and $dayOfMonth operators in the group stage to achieve this.docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/aggregation-date
@HamedMinaee - The way you get the "id" is correct, you could also project a field such as: "id":"$Entities.id", and simply do result.get("id"). There is no "the" better way of doing this, but unless you need the entire "Entities" object, you could go for the suggested approach.