Deepak Sasindran

Apr 6, 2015 12:18
is there any iOS library for creating an app with camera effects such as cartoon,fade etc???
Feb 24, 2015 11:28
hi, anybody know how to reset all pinch and pan gestures to initial stage?
Jul 24, 2014 07:08
Thanku, but i have a .net server
Jul 24, 2014 07:02
please help me
Jul 24, 2014 07:02
hi all,
am trying upload a image to our own server, but the image looks broken, is any body can say what are reason for that?
Nov 25, 2013 05:27
thankyou :-)
Nov 25, 2013 05:13
hi, anybody know, how to integrate svprogress hud in ios??
Nov 7, 2013 11:23
we make .pem file by joining the .cer and .p12 files for php. what should we do for the c# ?
Feb 24, 2015 11:46
ALAssetsLibraryGroupsEnumerationResultsBlock listGroupBlock = ^(ALAssetsGroup *group, BOOL *stop) {

ALAssetsFilter *onlyPhotosFilter = [ALAssetsFilter allPhotos];
[group setAssetsFilter:onlyPhotosFilter];

if ([group numberOfAssets] > 0)
[self.groups addObject:group];

NSMutableArray *images = [NSMutableArray new];
[group enumerateAssetsUsingBlock:^(ALAsset *result, NSUInteger index, BOOL *stop) {
if (result) {
[images addObject:result]];
[mainarray addObject:images];
Feb 24, 2015 11:30
hi, anybody know how to reset all pinch and pan gestures to initial stage?

iPhone / iPad

Apple iOS development chat. This room has a FAQ at ios-develop...
Nov 22, 2013 08:46
how can i make get request with authrization header using restkit
Nov 5, 2013 05:27
Nov 5, 2013 05:27
Nov 5, 2013 05:12
@""];(Raywendrich) , this is my url, it contains various peoples name, age, location, country and loan amount. I want to parse and display the list of names who have 30 years old. can I make such a request directly? how can it?
Nov 5, 2013 04:56
@Ambitio are you there? excuse me if you are busy
Nov 5, 2013 04:20
actually my project is a online booking application, so here I want show the booking of a particular date or week, etc.
Nov 5, 2013 04:19
Thankyou so much ambitious
Nov 5, 2013 04:18
ok,in given link, here suppose i want to get the character where name is "Andrew Garfield", how can I make such a request?
Nov 5, 2013 04:08
hi, can you help me? I didnt work with any json parsing yet, now my new project needs lot of parsing, I want make request and display the response on a table, which is the better way,is there any good tutorial ?
Nov 5, 2013 04:04
Hi, good morning

Maharashtrian Code Warriors

Purpose of room is to understand the technology in native mara...
Nov 22, 2013 04:08
Nov 22, 2013 04:08
Nov 22, 2013 04:07
Nov 22, 2013 04:06
do you knw abt restkit?
Nov 22, 2013 04:05
good moring

 Tamil mobile app developers

“To accomplish your mission, first sharpen your tools.” Succes...
Nov 7, 2013 11:23
we make .pem file by joining the .cer and .p12 files for php. what should we do for the c# ?
Nov 7, 2013 11:17
I have a problm, anybody can help me?
Nov 7, 2013 11:16