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can someone help me on this
Q: Show activity indicator while changing views (Segue) and load data for next view (API)

vongolashuUmm I really need some help I have a search view, when user clicks the cell (basically a game), the view changes to a Game View. Atm I was not using any async stuff so while the game view loads, the app kinda hangs for 2-3 secs on the search view after clicking the cell (since the viewDidLoad met...

2 hours later…
GM @crz
@IPA anh là stack đấy hả
Not me
really =))
2 hours later…
good morning friends
gm to all
@NitinGohel gm dear
hi, anybody know, how to integrate svprogress hud in ios??
@NitinGohel VGM
@NitinGohel i want to put auto search in my application. i am opening video searching view for YouTube my searching is perfectly working.
@NitinGohel, @ALL Good Morning Friends :)
@NitinGohel but i need auto suggestion for videos like google provides.
if you are look in to doc of HUD github there also mention how to use it and how it works plz do some effort instead of looking for ready made demo
Q: IOS - UITextField [Search in sqlite database during typing]

MahmoudMustafaFirst i will obtain the database in an NSArray so it is not sqlite issue. My question is about detecting the word, simply i need to auto-complete word from an NSArray during the typing. I found some tutorials which talking about [UITextFieldTextDidChangeNotification - addObserver .. etc] but...

there is some thing like this
Q: giving custom autosuggestion for uitextfield iphone

JohnykuttyI have to implement a custom autosuggestion for UITextField> I have an array of words and when I start typing in a textfield then all words similar to the typed text should appear as auto suggestion, like normal auto suggestion in ios but more than one word. And When I tap on one of them it shoul...

thankyou :-)
@NitinGohel, @Deepak, @JaiminModi, @ALL can we run our iOS project in the device wirelessly :)
how to run app to see launch image in ios 7?
Q: What is metadata? How do I create a metadata and how do I associate it to a Cloud target using Vuforia?

RavindhiranI modified sample CloudRecog code for my own code. I created cloud database and get AccessKeys then copied this keys to CloudReco.cpp file. What should i use for metadata. I didn't understand this. Then when i was reading sample code i saw this line: private static final String mServerURL = "http...

hi @IPA @Coder @Mayur gud mrng :)
@Leena vGM sis
@NitinGohel i know this.
but this is not my question.
this data of suggestion i will get from youtube.
@NitinGohel so i need webservice detail for that.
@JaiminModi that i don't knw youtube provide this type of API or if yes that provide then i dont thing you got fast respoce of this parsing.
@NitinGohel that i also dont know.
but please see this app.
its working properly.
@Leena @NitinGohel @JaiminModi Goodmrng!
@All Goodmorning!
gud mrng @xCode
Hw r u @Leena mam???
i m gud
aur kaam dhaam kaisa chl ra h???
@xCode VGM
@NitinGohel bhai gm
gm @Immi
@Leena gm
@xCode goods Morning
@Ravindhiran hi machan
@Immi hi machi
@Ravindhiran epdi eruka
nalla iruken..
nalla eruka
@Immi machi which company?
:) vanakam
@Preethi gm
@Ravindhiran gm
@Leena @NitinGohel can some one help me in stackoverflow.com/questions/20185917/…
@Ravindhiran rise tech
@Ravindhiran nee enge work panra
@Preethi nanakam
@NitinGohel hi
this is i think not a navigation controll
no its not
then try to set like
[self.window addSubview:viewController.view];
how ever one more thing there is no % leak showing, you are getting me have u experience some thing like this??
@Ravindhiran ?
enna company
@Maddy use navigationcontrooller
@Immi tringapps
enge in chennai
check this
Q: set appdelegate' window rootviewcontroller

SivannarayanaIn Home ViewController based on user selection I will have to load selected viewcontroller. For this I am changing AppDelegate.window.rootViewController to the navigationcontroller inited with selected view controller. Ex: navigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithViewCon...

@Ravindhiran nice machi
Has anybody done linkedin integration in iOS ?
I want to post on linkedin profile through app
@NitinGohel : Thanks Sir
hello @NitinGohel sir :P
Good Morning!
@MoorthyTheBoss hi BOss the Sir
:O [self.window addSubview:viewController.view];
what is this nitinva
set rootview controller k badle add subview
just for try
@IPA you have done some notes app rit ?
thats wrong way @NitinGohel
very old way
are you using java script rit ?
not wrong but old
@IPA says right
instead @NitinGohel you should have asked him to check his view controller
he created viewcontroller
might be he is doing some thing wrong in view Controller 's viewdidload
ya thats wat i saw
@IPA cool me also working like that kind of app
and add as a rootviewcontroller of viewcontroller i suggest him to set nav cntroller
but i'm adding image and lot and lot of functionality
That's good
@IPA your expert in javascript ?
I stop adding images because that kind of App have not good sale
No, just a beginner
@IPA ohh evernote also doing same way
i bet he has problem on this line SalesVuOrderScreenViewController *salesvuScreen = [[SalesVuOrderScreenViewController alloc] init];
yes, I open my App for free without Ad
that leack comes at setRootviewcontroller how that prob at viewDidLoad
that might be set initwithNibname?
battery low. See you later! :)
Good noon folks!
@IPA ok mate see you
@NitinGohel sometimes memory leaks tool shows leak on some other line and actual leak is somewhere else
i had a same scenario
ohh i see i am very poor in Memory Management thx for giving nice knowledge :)
@Leena Analyzing (cmd + shift + b) is enough for memory issues of the application?
@Praveen it is good on initial stage
for complex things we sometimes need to use leaks tool
leak tools?
@Praveen @Leena use Instruments
to check other leaks
Analyzer will tell you leaks for instance objects not for class objects
it is much better tool in developer perspective
@IPA how to make the first responder of the text
you have done in snotes app
@NitinGohel developer.apple.com/library/ios/qa/qa1723/_index.html#//… , i think there is no point in using self.window addSubview...., hoever upon using it it show wiered ui behaviour, and at last leak remains same :(
17 mins ago, by Leena
i bet he has problem on this line SalesVuOrderScreenViewController *salesvuScreen = [[SalesVuOrderScreenViewController alloc] init];
set rootview controller
if @Leena bet then i m Nothing bcz she is genius after @arbizen
Good Noon one n all
@Leena @NitinGohel :) hey leena now u are hope for me
anyone please help me with an issue
@NitinGohel he will kill you if you wont spell his name properly
Oct 25 at 6:22, by Nitin Gohel
Here are not necessary to permission for asking que you fill free to asking your Doubt and issue some one surely help if they are free or able to give solution.
@Leena let see
ok lets star it
@iCodeAtApple icodeAtApple????
anyone know the name of solvak language in the ios language list???
I am unable to find
@Maddy check in view did load what variables are used
i have a query … anyone there to help
@Leena ok was also going through alloc init vs alloc initwithNIbnamme for SalesVuOrderScreenViewController *salesvuScreen = [[SalesVuOrderScreenViewController alloc] init]; will this be right direction too @NitinGohel
@iCodeAtApple what i mention
first put your query if any one knw its solution then that given answer
anyways , i wanted to know about the inApp purchase policy of apple
there is a red mark infront of solvak
for appstore
@NitinGohel what does that mean
@Maddy SalesVuOrderScreenViewController class viewdidload
I also don't see any language in the iphone list of languages..
@AwaisTariq might so that is not suported
any language named as Solvak..
how can I tell my client..? can you give me some solid link? only if you got sometime
like whenever we purchase something from app we are probably redirected to paypal something…but what if we do not want to redirect the payment to paypal and instead the payment should be paid to the client directly not even to Apple…can we do this and how
@Leena ok mam
@iCodeAtApple inApp purchase of payPal both are different thing
inApp is provide by apple own
So when we but / purchase anything from the app what is the procedure
and payPal its own SDK that you're implement in to your app as we did
aren't we redirected to something like paypal
what have u tried or RND regarding for this
here apple give you very nice doc
What is the process to of inAPP purchase…can you send me some related links
inApp is nothing redirect to other page
in iOS app best to use InApp
Thank you for the link :)
@Leena plz currect me if anything wrong i mention
ABPersonViewController is not showing facetime button
Is there any solution
can you tell me in layMan's language what happens when i buy something from the app. How the payment is done and to whom and in what ways...
I have learned that how to use Instruments :)
Does apple also have some share when i buy something form the app
@iCodeAtApple visit Developr Paypal site there all mention regarding to your query
Ohkay @@
Hi All, Any body worked on XMPP for chatting application
@iCodeAtApple instead of reading doc and its policy you not getting what we are say
Thank you for the suggestions.Good Day :)
@iCodeAtApple yes apple has some share in IAP
1 message moved to VOID
Jul 13 at 6:12, by DivineDesert
Hi guys,

I was suck in a problem of how to implement file sharing feature in my chat application using XMPP framework...Any one please suggest any solution
@Leena : Thank You . What if i don't want Apple to get any revenue. Is that possible. Can i do it
@RohitPathak I also need some information on xmpp how to configured your server
see if you are trying to google
@NitinGohel: Thank you
then you get this number ofresult
and plz do something rnd related
@NitinGohel Hi, Can how to configure xmpp on out server
@iCodeAtApple you have to face rejection from app store
I'll try my best here but guys let us know if found something related to this
@Leena : Oho !! Can i find the same answer on developer's portal. I need to share this with my TL.(Kind of Proof)
@RohitPathak can u please assist me
@iCodeAtApple check out app store review guidelines
Q: Different ways to accomplish chat on IPhone

NitishI was having a look at Ray Wenderlich's tutorial to create a simple chat application using socket programing which is quite interesting. There is also XMPP Framework which enables us to have chat feature in our application. I was wondering if there are other ways or more frameworks through which ...

@srinadh588 What problem you are facing in configure server
@Leena : That will be fine :) Great !! Thank You :)
@RohitPathak, yes im here
@NitinGohel , Thanks i will check it
How to communicate with my server @RohitPathak
@Leena PayCash *_payCash=[[PayCash alloc]init];
self.payCash=_payCash; are looking me suspicious in viewDidLoad of SalesVuOrderScreenViewController . i think _payCash is the backing variable of payCash declared as property in .h file, what u say??
@srinadh588 use ejabered server software at your server end it manage all the things
@srinadh588 this link helps you a lot mobile.tutsplus.com/tutorials/iphone/…
but here ejabered installed in the local like mac but i want to configure to my server
@srinadh588 my server developer done that job for me i dont have any idea regarding this
can you please assist me by your admin @RohitPathak
@srinadh588 i wil try
@RohitPathak, Thanks man
How i will contact you @RohitPathak
@srinadh588 let me know the what specific error you faced then only I ask to him
@RohitPathak, im new to the server setup, so how does setup to support xmpp on server
@srinadh588 Oh its not an easy task to server a setup, my server developer took 3 days to configure that
@RohitPathak oh ok, can you please give me reference links
@Leena your first profile picture :)
ya @MoorthyTheBoss :)
@MoorthyTheBoss you are history of SO hahaha
@NitinGohel LOL
@MoorthyTheBoss It's javascript function
@IPA can you please show that function ?
is there any example ?
ok, checking code ! I'll share
    function startEditing() {
Very simple @MoorthyTheBoss
@IPA how can i call this in web view ?
same as other function
[self.webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"startEditing()"];
You must call it in webViewDidFinishLoad
Or after it
hello everyone, how to handle UIlocalnotifications, when the app is killed and app is opened from app icon and not from notification.
hi all
using wepopover m not able to see navigationbar
any idea
i have present viewcontroller using navigationcontroller
any one plz
Hi all!I change navigationBar title to black by this code in iOS6. But It not work when UINavigationController inside UITabbarController. (still default white color) . Any help?
@IPA that function not working for me :(
Have you use tab bar?
It working fine before, but after I add tab bar controller. Not work
Don't know why
@IPA yeah
hold on
I find the reason
I use GCD
update UI on main_queue
But don't know why it not work
It's ok without GCD :(
i think you have to use blocks
you can't update UI using GCD
Why not?
after it, UI is OK
You cannot modify UIKit objects (such as UILabel) on a background thread.
Q: Problem with GCD and local UI refresh

shawhuI got this code -(void)changeText { dispatch_queue_t gqueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0); dispatch_async(gqueue, ^(void){ //simulate a network traffic delay [NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:5]; NSLog(@"start executing"); self.mylabel.text = @"Y...

check this out
I do it correct way, update UI after
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
Just still don't understand why
@IPA UIkit update only possible in a main tread
dispatch_get_main_queue will work on main thread. Correct?
@Abizern hi! could you take a look at my question here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20164873/avaudioplayer-is-always-nill-and-its-isplaying-property-is-always-false-the-fil

I can't find a solution to that and no one has answered me. :(
stackoverflow on maintainence
@Neeku Hey your question is not visible properlly
yeah, just noticed it!
I'll ask it here:
I have a NIKMasterViewController and a NIKDetailViewController. In the first one I have a list of audio files in a table view; selecting a row, it navigates to the NIKDetailViewController where the user can see some info about the file and play the audio file. I've defined an AVAudioPlayer property in the NIKMasterViewController and have set it like this: NIKMasterViewController.h:

@property (nonatomic, strong) AVAudioPlayer *audioPlayer;

Yes @IPA is correct, may it be in undermaintanence
in my NIKDetailViewController I have another property of AVAudioPlayer:


@property (nonatomic, strong) AVAudioPlayer *audioPlayer;

Now in my .m file I have a method called streamAudio which is called in viewDidLoad to prepare the audio playback, and I have an if condition asking to check if the audioPlayer is nill and if not, if the audioPlayer.isPlaying is true so that it stops the player, but it's never called, and when i navigate back to the Master VC to tap on another row to play another file, the second file starts playing while the first file is being play
@Neeku you just stop the aduiplayer aswell as set nil
@srinadh588 if you look at the last link, i've done that, but it always thinks that the player is nil
@Neeku can you please print the documentation path is file availble or not
NSString* documentPath = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) objectAtIndex:0];
NSString* path = [documentPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:currentFileName];
NSURL* audioURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: path];
@Neeku NSLog("%@",aduioURL);
it is available @srinadh588. it gives me the url of the file
and actually it does play the file and that's the issue
every child view starts playing an audio file without stopping the other one
Stackoverflow.com isn't working.
you mean you want to stop the playing music when you want to play other music, is it right @Neeku
yeah @srinadh588. i have the list of podcasts in a table view in master vc
tapping on each row, i'm taken to that podcast and i can press the play button in that child view
and play it
but when i press the back button and go to the master vc again, and tap on another row, when i press the play button, i expect the previous file being stopped and the new one played
@Neeku did you use AVAudioSession, if you use it then set category to thise AVAudioSession *audioSession = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
[audioSession setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient error:nil];
but it's not happening
@Neeku Wher you allocate memory to audioPlayer
in viewdidload of the child vc
i hadn't that line for audiosession
just use audiosession and take audioplayer obj globally and stop it or set nil when you press on master controll
let me try that
@srinadh588 did you look at my code?
that's what i think i've done
but again, it thinks the audio player is nil
@Neeku your checking while its playing or not, but when you tapped on mastervc one new audioplayer will allocated, but previouslly one audio is already playing, that obj is seperate from new obj, so take one global audioplayer obj and manage you audiofiles using signle obj
HI @Abizern, how are you?
@srinadh588 hmm... my obj-c and OOP is not that good. can you tell me how to set it globally?
i mean, i have a property now. isn't it global?
Is there any application for learning Objective-C
just take property in audioplayer obj appldelegat.h and synths it in appdelegate.m and allocate momery with url in didload method of your chicle
@Abizern, @Praveen, I am working on UIlocal notifications, I want to know how to handle local notifications , when the app is killed or terminated, and we click on app icon , instead of notification
Sorry we cant control the local or push notifications on app icon badge numbers @Ranjit
@NitinGohel i am using core plot 2 to display line graph i have a problem hidding one of the array in the graph. How to hide a set of array in line graph?
ah, great. thanks @srinadh588. i'll try it
@Neeku ok
ok @srinadh588, but user can click on app icon whenever he sees a badge icon, then we should show him the desired VC righ
Yes, i also tried a lot and at last i seen on blogspot, apple not giving permissions, if you have doubt just do like just get the badgenumber in didfinishlauchning, if you get you can handle but unfortunately we will not get the count in didfinishilaunch when you kill the instance @Ranjit
hmmm, so according to you their is no solution for it right?
ok, I will look at it
@Ranjit see this point D) Open the your app via the app’s icon on the Home screen in the above link
can anyone tell me what language for localizing iphone app is correct from the list?
I have tried Slovak, Slovenian SL and sl-SI
nothing worked out.
@srinadh588 @Ranjit anyone?
@AwaisTariq Sorry i dont have knowledge on this topic
@MoorthyTheBoss can you help?
@AwaisTariq, in which language you are trying to localise?
Slovencina, please see the list
ok, have you changed the region?
if I set french or spanish, it work fine
then you should
without changing region..
anyhow which region is for slovencina,, if you know
i dont know, please google it
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