should be possible to measure how voting behaviour changed as the voting script made it not possible to drag the votes up or down in the list, meaning to me it was a russian election. Not vote casted cause of that.
so you need to keep in mind, that KVO works thread safe but you have to be aware that other threads that change properys of that class can result in calls of that observe pattern in another thread.
so as long your property change is done in the main thread, the KVO pattern triggered is run at least one time in the main thread as well, it was called from there.
UI's are always working in main thread.. we do the other way around, we make sure that when the unlucky situation comes that a second thread interferes in the view work that we dispatch our work to the main thread as intended by the OS.
but the twist is, when the property state in the very beginning when the view is allocated/loaded is already a state you would want then the kvo would not be triggered because the property does not change.