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A: KVO check for change of clipsToBounds of all subviews in an UIView in objective c

Ol Senof course adding the Observer must be done before it works. Guessing your typo in "ViewDidLoad" would just never be called because it should be "viewDidLoad". Apart from that your KVO pattern could look like.. static void *kvoHelperClipsToBounds = &kvoHelperClipsToBounds; -(void)viewDidLoad { ...

Thanks but how do you change the property value of the subview? This code what does exactly? [super observeValueForKeyPath:keyPath ofObject:object change:change context:context];
Thanks for the updated explanation. What i really need is when the clipsToBounds property changes to true outside of KVO then when it gets inside the KVO to change the property to false from true. Actually i want to implement this answer… but seems like it is not working.
The idea is to create add in titleview of navigationbar a bigger image than the height of the navigationbar. If i add the image as a subview then when the user slides from one view to another using gestures the image does not fade in and fade out as the left and right bar button items. So i had to add the image to the titleview and now this issue happens with the clipsToBounds property of a subview of the navigationbar...i do not really know what is the best approach for this issue...
I do not know how to do this...
Actually i implemented the code from the link… and it works. But for some reason i do not understand still there is a really fast flash from times to times. Does not happens always but still there is a really fast flash...
;-) some secret. refining your own question (in example this one with some "edit" ) is i think better then commenting a swift thread with a full objc statement. And of course it might flash, because KVO is not earlier triggered then the property changed. Sidenote: i learned that often it is just better to stick with the OS UI as given instead of tweaking it to much because later this might just break and you have to find again some way to make it work. This applies specially for NavigationViewController stuff.
and this is indeed by far the best solution.. because it just works.
there is no time for me to change the implementation just need to fix this really fast flash...i have spent so many hours on this :)
Can we chat are you available? this is the code i have put in the observer (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString )keyPath ofObject:(UINavigationBar)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context { if ([keyPath isEqualToString:@"clipsToBounds"]){self.navigationController‌​.navigationBar.subvi‌​ews[1].clipsToBounds‌​,object.clipsToBound‌​s); if (object.clipsToBounds == YES){dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{self.navigationController.navigationBar.subviews[1].clipsT‌​oBounds = false [self.navigationItem.titleView layoutIfNeeded]; });}}}
ofObject:(UINavigationBar)object ? should be ofObject:(id)object kvo works for all nsobjects residing on a interface property not just UINavbar.. you should cast the id to UINavigationBar* navbar = (UINavigationBar*)object; inside the observer method.
Hi and sorry for bothering you these days
you are coding with Xcode?
I understand what you are saying but my main problem is the fast flash...although i checked the values with NSLog inside the observeValueForKeyPath and seem to work
because, realy take advantage of the code completion it offers, that helps you avoid a lot of mistakes.
yeah xcode
the thing is you can be lucky that the flash is fast.
thanks for telling me about xcode
because it tells the KVO works fast.. kvo is not the fastes algo as it is string based API.
yeah it is fast
each property in objc is encoded in a string..
i do not understand although why it happens sometimes and some other times it does not happen
so KVO also works when there is no property..
i am wondering if there is any way to overcome this issue
for that the two methods [self willChangeValueForKey:@"imaginaryPropertyName"] and [self didChangeValueForKey:@"imaginaryPropertyName"] exist.
so this flash
happens from kvo?
when the two methods wrap some code, KVO will think the property named as key is changed..
even if that property doesnt exist.
[self.navigationController.navigationBar.subviews[1] addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"clipsToBounds" options: NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld context:nil];
and when you code addObserver... the API helps you wrapping the property you told as "key" is wrapped automatically with those two methods.
which is why i made the suggestion that you can use the context to compare against to find if that was your KVO.. or another.
i am trying to understand what you are trying to say to me
it is much faster then comparing strings.
so i should not compare the keypath?
KVO gets triggered by willChange and didChange with the NSString given.. all results in a call to observeKeyPath... bla bla.. in which you compare again against your desired keystring..
so its 4 times string comparison for each property
when you use the context pattern it compares just against a pointer value.
so that is one way to make it faster.
i think i understand what you mean but i have to find out how to implement it
you actually still compare the keypath.. because when you setup the addObserver thing you give the unique pointer as context with it.. as long this pointer is not used else where, it is unique used and you are sure that if you compare against it, it must be your desired keypath.
well exactly as in the answer.. ^^
so i have to use static void *kvoHelperClipsToBounds = &kvoHelperClipsToBounds;
and then
[self.navigationController.view addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"clipsToBounds" options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context:kvoHelperClipsToBounds];
and then inside the observeValueForKeyPath
do this
if (context == kvoHelperClipsToBounds) {
NSLog(@"context compare Triggered...");
and add in the if
if (object.clipsToBounds == YES){dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{self.navigationController.navigationBar.subviews[1].clipsToBounds = false [self.navigationItem.titleView layoutIfNeeded]; }
this code?
let me change it now and get back to you one moment
actually i still see the fast flash
this is the code now
made some edit.. should be more clear.
not have to static void.. but you can of course.
its a pointer that points to itself, so its unique.
-(void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context {

UINavigationBar* objnavbar = (UINavigationBar*)object;

if (objnavbar.clipsToBounds == YES || self.navigationController.navigationBar.subviews[1].clipsToBounds == YES){
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{

NSLog (@"working inside...%d", self.navigationController.navigationBar.subviews[1].clipsToBounds);
self.navigationController.navigationBar.subviews[1].clipsToBounds = false;
and because that is part of the global scope, it can be used as context with kvo
do i have to check if clipstobounds is YES?
when you just want to set it NO anyway maybe not.
because i guess this slows down the method also
but wait we have the endless loop danger.
but if i do not check it will keep setting it
yeah exactly
so better checking for YES before telling NO.
that is why i am checking if its YES
and write some comment above that it could loop if not done.
in two months you will be happy that you wrote that comment.
whats you native language?
i am from greece
so my english are not so good
ok me german.
let me try with your code
who cares, it works . have seen more bad examples of english.
when you dont check the context before casting to UINavigationBar you must be careful that other objects never KVO in this class.
and subviews could be 0.. so my example checks for that case, to avoid crashes.
yeah thanks for the clarification
i am checking now
it will likely still flash..
probably but lets try
the problem is that KVO acts after the draw calls where made.
i am like 12 hours in front of the pc
to find a solution
yeah :)
KVO is tidious forst time doing it..
specially when you start including "." in the key.
i donwload this
its in swift
and it seems to work
ok.. then speedy talk.
navigationController?.navigationBar.subviews[2].addObserver(self, forKeyPath: "clipsToBounds", options: [.old, .new], context: nil)
what does it do..?
it takes the controller and checks if existing.. "?"
the same thing we do in objective c
this line of code is in objective c
then takes the controllers view (navigationBar) and its second subviews to add the observer.
yeah it is actually the [1]
this will fail when there are not anough subviews..
because [0][1][2]
but it works when the coder is sure there are two.
if you put [1]
it works
the observer is watching both.. new values and old values.
and i do not see the flash
so it is comparing 8 times the keypath
2 for new, 2 for old,
and after its set again..
in objc this is sexy to be able to use a quick void pointer as context.
avoids the 8 string compares at least..
in deinit he removes the observer.. (important)
if not done you crash.
yeah i am doing the same in viewwilldisappear
and he compares instead of against some pointer.. to. `if  (navigationController?.navigationBar.subviews[2].isEqual(object))! {`
which really didnt work either
i had to remove it
...subviews[2].isEqual(object) ! <----- this says if it fails ignore
from his code
to make it work
its a swift feature.
but its more easy..
objective c does not have the isEqual method?
because the context cant fire when the observer was never added. so you know the object exists when the context is == as expected
it does have..
each NSObject has it.
but isEqual can be changed or re-routing the method to isEqualString or something.
when string based API it is usually just the short form of isEqualToString.
so again what does he do?
he compares if the navbar subview == is same as the kvo object triggering.
which is basically the context pattern but in swift way.
you understand better than me
i am new to objective c
i worked on objective c 10 years ago
and now i am starting again
keep objc learning and you can swift also..
the other way around is harder.
yeah i have to learn swift
i should start next month
swift changed and changed..
and will change..
version 2,3,4,5,...
specially they dont improve it, they change it.
a feature that worked in 2 does not work in 3 and not work in 4 and not work in 5.. stranger cant it be done.
that sucks
makes you stick with Xcode because it knows and helps adapting old code..
but not more then 1 version jump. sucks also
nowadays i port back swift 5 code to objc to have proper working examples.
you can use swift in objective c project right?
of course.
not much difference, just that swift ends up in modules
similar to lib's
and a module reader is given into the app when you compile.
well i run the code
NSLog(@"checking before context compared successful...");
if (context == kvoHelperClipsToBounds) {
NSLog(@"checking context compared successful...");
//be careful what you cast to.. i dont check isKindOf here.
UINavigationBar* navbar = (UINavigationBar*)object;
if (navbar.subviews.count) {
NSLog(@"checking 1 context compared successful...");
__kindof UIView *sub = navbar.subviews[1];
if (sub.clipsToBounds) {
NSLog(@"checking 2 context compared successful...");
this is how it looks now
for some reason
in objc you can code in global space, in swift any code is inside a module.
it does not get inside the checking 2 context...
which is because objc is C after all.
i had to change this line
__kindof UIView *sub = navbar.subviews[1];
you had NSView
does it matter?
oh sorry lol. macOS
oh ok ok
hmmm does not get inside if (sub.clipsToBounds) {
thinking.. you could check if the object exists by comparing to nil
if (sub != nil && sub.clipsToBounds==YES) { ...
yeah i ma checking now
__kindof UIView *sub
this kindof
what exactly is?
it declares that any NSObject that inherited from UIView is accepted..
because all of them should actually have the method/property clipsToBounds
its for bypassing the casting?
nope.. it casts to UIView
but your Item or subview is anyway a UIView
NavigationBar is an UIView.. its subviews are also UIViews.
NSLog(@"checking 1 context compared successful...%d",navbar.subviews[1].clipsToBounds)
this actually return NO
so i am trying to understand
where is the static void *bla=&bla; thingy..? above the class implementation.. (aka global scope ?)
static means it has a fixed pointer at runtime.
oh i have added [self.navigationController.navigationBar.subviews[1] addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"clipsToBounds" options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew | NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld context:kvoHelperClipsToBounds];
that is why i guess right?
when written inside the class scope, the pointer is in class scope.
when written outside it gets a pointer in global scope..
i added the observer to this subview directly
context:kvoHelperClipsToBounds .. i think it sould be context:&kvoHelperClipsToBounds
so i have to do
and add the observer there right?
or not?
i am confused
the more deeper in structure you add the observer the less more often it will be triggered on other properites changes.
i just want to be triggered on self.navigationController.navigationBar.subviews[1]
so i guess it is better to add the observer to this object right?
in theory it can happen that the subview is gone before the KVO works.
in theory also you should crash then..
now it gets more confusing :)
and KVO invoking the observer of a class which observerKexPath bla bla is dealloced will call a method of an object that does not exist.. = crash
as long the observeKeypath object exists when the KVO signal arrives all is good.
my problem is still that i dont understand why you KVO this particular subview.
because it changes its property back to TRUE
the clips to bounds property
and it flashes
your goal is as i understood to not clip the view that is placed in the middle between right and left navitem
i am doing this because
so my question is, why do you want it not clipping?
the clipping makes sure the context presented below is visible in full.
the notch?
i want to show an image
in the center of the navbar
which is bigger than the height of the navbar
and this image
has to be
the View that holds the image is an NavbarItem?
added in the titleview
of the navbar
because if i add the imageview as a subview of the navbar
in the place of the titleview but not the titleview.
when the user uses gestures to navigate
it does not fade in or fade out
should the image remain there?
what i thought..
but i have to do it in titleview
when the user leaves the navigation segue there the image persists?
because otherwise it does not fade in or out
if its in the titleview
is that intended?
it removes when the view disappears
yes that is what we want
the image is just visible while the navigation controller is presented..
and then add the image back in view will appear
ok got that
but i have this issue with the flash
when the user comes back from another view
the KVO pattern is written in which class?
the navbarcontroller class?
yes sure the user sees this flash..
the kvo is written in the view controller
because when the navigation is following a segue path the image that is actually part of one special navigation is not available in the segue anymore
what do you mean?
meaning it is possible that you image must be placed inside some other place.
lets assume the user leaves the nav segue..
the navbar objects are added in the viewwillappear
the segue allocates another nav - or presenting another..
ok so the kvo is part of the navbarController, observing the navbarController.View
to me it becomes more clear that this is an segue problem.
not just the KVO pattern/speed, property change of clipping.
i do not really understand
i am not that experienced
actually i run the code
but does not seem to work
let me try again
now it worked
but still sometimes
happens the flash
sometimes it does not happen
i still dont understand what is causing this thing
the dispatch pattern ..
i guess..
it makes sure it will run in main thread,
but when the mainthread is bizzy it becomes visible as a gap/flash
the dispatch pattern doesnt make it slow..
the UI is slow on purpose
oh boy
2021-12-26 17:39:17.843017+0200 8[35887:4354348] checking before context compared successful...
2021-12-26 17:39:17.843129+0200 8[35887:4354348] checking context compared successful...
2021-12-26 17:39:17.843205+0200 8[35887:4354348] checking 1 context compared successful...1
2021-12-26 17:39:17.844760+0200 8[35887:4354348] checking 2 context compared successful...
2021-12-26 17:39:17.844892+0200 8[35887:4354348] checking before context compared successful...
2021-12-26 17:39:17.844953+0200 8[35887:4354348] checking context compared successful...
so it gets called two times
on time for the old value
of course..
one time for the new value
when new set and for the old data
so this is normal
when you told KVO to watch both yes.
NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew | NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld
do you think this issue is advanced or for newbies?
use this.. NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew
i mean i would..
often used.
KVO is massive power..
i use both
is not right to use both?
ok.. i see. those two bit fields tell that KVO is triggered on didChangeValueForKey and also on didChangeValueForKey
with the OptionNew bitfield only it is just triggered when the property gets a different value as it was before.
oh ok
so both needed i guess
when OptionOld is used as well, it says "trigger me when a new is set and also give me a chance to act on the old value"
which is why the method has change:(NSDictionary *)change
this would tell you if the trigger is from a change to new or from a old property state
as this is extra work.. you just want observing new property states.
but the twist is, when the property state in the very beginning when the view is allocated/loaded is already a state you would want then the kvo would not be triggered because the property does not change.
this should be desired,
oh my god
i think its working now
i removed the dispatch
let me check again
should also work.
oh my god
this was it i think
that dispatch pattern is there only for the unlucky situation when another thread os working with your view.
let me check again because i do not believe its working
i mean another then main.
yep haha..
cool. again and again its the basic trouble..
oh my god
its working i think let me check again
oh my god its working
UI's are always working in main thread.. we do the other way around, we make sure that when the unlucky situation comes that a second thread interferes in the view work that we dispatch our work to the main thread as intended by the OS.
wait do you have a skype or anything else
wait a moment..
aa no skype :) microsoft
what ever man
just to communicate
hold on a minute.. there is something to learn.
tell me
when you work with different threads or classes that could make use of different threads and those results should show up in the UI somehow..
and a different thread calls some method of your UINavigationController Class..
in which thread is the method called?
i mean calling is simple..
what method observeValueForKeyPath ?
this one?
in the main thread
but where is the method exectued then.. in the thread that calls it or in the thread that holds the object..
that holds the object which offers methods to call to.
in viewwillappear i add the observer
not really.
thats the point to learn here.
KVO is thread safe.
but not thread safe.
i didnt understand
because the KVO observeKeyPath method is called in the thread where the property change was invoked.
how is this possible to be thread safe and not thread safe
assuming a second thread calculates some download.. the download is read and calls on the delegate to tell hey i am ready show some image.
oh ok
then when we observed (lets say) the image property we get triggered our KVO but the method possibly runs in another thread.
thats the problem with objc.. and acutally most other languages..
class methods of objects dont guarantee in any way in which thread they run at the end.
Yes but if it called from main thread the KVO
so as long your property change is done in the main thread, the KVO pattern triggered is run at least one time in the main thread as well, it was called from there.
it will run on main thread to update right?
but if the property is changed from another thread, the KVO observingKeyPath method is called from another thread.
ok i think i got it
now tell me your email to hangout :)
so you need to keep in mind, that KVO works thread safe but you have to be aware that other threads that change properys of that class can result in calls of that observe pattern in another thread.
facebook may..
facebook wait
ok send you a request
how old are you man?
to old lol
almost 50.
i am 39
techno safes the world .. lol
ok no problem
thanks for your help really
before the pandemie i was 20. :)
from the bottom of my heart really
nice when things work out.
have a nice day..
and keep the learning curve.
yeah sure have a nice day as well! i am trying really hard to learn
thanks again man
bye bye
yep cia

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