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Ravi Tuvar
General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels |
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 13:20
but i couldnt succeed
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 13:20
i tried with Bind
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 13:20
is there any other way to pass the values like this?
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 13:19
yes i used eval
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 13:19
is there any way to bind this is other way?
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 13:18
so is gives me error since i passed this as javascript function parameter
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 13:17
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 13:17
so the problem is so many times i get the Eval("sPlayerName") as like this:
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 13:17
here is my code
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 13:17
i have one issue with binding values to gridview
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 13:16
hi guys
Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 13:15
is there any way to do this?
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 13:13
so the Shareplayer function can not be called
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 13:13
and for Eval("sPlayerName") in many cases i get abd'one like text
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 13:12
i am binding this anchor tag in gridview
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 13:12
<a title="Share" class="cursor" onclick="SharePlayer('<%# ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PlayerPreviewPath"].ToString()+Eval("uEmbedID") %>',\''<%# Eval("sPlayerName") %>'\')">
<img src="../images/share-player.png" /></a>
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 13:12
let me be more clear
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 13:11
how to do that?
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 13:11
i want to pass string with single quote in javascript function
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 13:10
Hi guys...
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:32
in server side like c# it is can be done
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:31
and i used javascript
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:31
it is only html page..
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:28
so that it looks better
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:28
yes but i have some longer url.. so i wanted to be converted into hyperlink
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:25
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:25
not i should fine another workaround for this
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:25
thanks for support..
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:25
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:22
on whole anchor tag
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:22
actually there must be only Google Test hyperlink visible
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:22
i got this in body <a href=''>Google Test</a>
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:19
but now when i click on "You are invited to a big summer party! ".. some link should be opened
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:19
here the body opened
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:18
see here..
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:18
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:17
so when i click on hyperlink the should be opened
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:17
but hyperlink
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:17
not http link
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:17
there should be a hyperlink of google
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:16
yes.. exactly same
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:16
is there any way to do this?
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:15
yes just like jefiddle you given here.. but it must have body containing hyperlink of GOOGLE
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:15
when i use mailto functionality using javascript to open email application like outlook
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:14
i want to add hyperlink in the body of email.
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:12
is it possible to create hyperlink in body of mailto: functionality ?
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:12
i am stucked in between for mailto: functionality in javascript
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:11
i have one question
Ravi Tuvar
May 3, 2013 06:11
Hi fuys
Ravi Tuvar
Apr 9, 2013 12:26
so it can not execute at eval