Nov 13, 2021 13:46
First mistake: On line 171: You have: "PCALib.Matrix Res =(PCALib.Matrix) Ainv.Multiply(Ainv);" But you should have: "PCALib.Matrix Res =(PCALib.Matrix) Ainv.Multiply(B);"
Nov 13, 2021 13:27
OK. I'll have a look at it. It might take a while.
Nov 13, 2021 13:15
Sorry. In order to help you more I would need the data you use and your complete program - assuming that I can compile it... I really don't see how I could help you more.
Nov 13, 2021 12:57
The matrix entries are yours plus the modifcations I gave you: A[0,0] +=2*shp2[i].X*shp2[i].X+2*shp2[i].Y*shp2[i].Y;
//completing the remaining entries for matrix A
//it is important to note that matrix A is 4 by 4
A[0, 1] += 0;
A[0, 2] += 2 * shp2[i].X;
A[0, 3] += 2 * shp2[i].Y;
A[1, 0] += 0;
A[1, 1] += 2 * shp2[i].Y * shp2[i].Y+2*shp2[i].X*shp2[i].X;
A[1, 2] += 2 * shp2[i].Y;
A[1, 3] += -2 * shp2[i].X;
A[2, 0] += 2 * shp2[i].X;
A[2, 1] += 2 * shp2[i].Y;
A[2, 2] += 2;
A[2, 3] += 0;
Nov 13, 2021 12:45
"a" and "b" can't be zero otherwise every (x2,y2) is mapped to (0,0). Isn't it? I suggest you start with (a=1,b=0,t1=0 and t2=0)
Nov 13, 2021 12:39
So, can you output the resulting (a,b,t1,t2) with the signs in A,B as before and as in the paper? Because, they can't be the same.
Nov 13, 2021 12:37
Following the conventions in the paper: RES is the vector (a,b,t1,t2) you're looking for. And I don't see how RES = A.Inverse * B can be the same if A has changed , unless y1 is always zero. It' doesn't make sense. But if you want, we can continue this discussion on chat. OK?
Nov 13, 2021 12:37
If you don't have any reason for this change of sign, then I would recommend to put: A[3, 3] += +2; and B[3,0] += +2 * shp1[i].Y; Just like in the paper.
Nov 13, 2021 12:37
Of course. It was just to emphasize the sign. You can write: A[3, 3] += 2; and B[3,0] += 2 * shp1[i].Y;
Nov 13, 2021 12:37
A[3,3] and B[3,0] haven the wrong sign when compared to the paper (equation 4) cited above. Is it intentional? If so, have you double checked that it doesn't introduce an error?
Aug 7, 2021 20:51
Maybe this thread may help you:… Which involves using fake_useragent...
Aug 7, 2021 20:40
I'm sorry but I really don't know how to scrape restricted websites and...mmmh... I'm not sure I want to know. :-) Anyway, glad I could help! (a bit)
Aug 7, 2021 19:35
Once you have done that, please download my python file here: This is mostly your code with the modification I suggested previously. It works on my PC. I get the "body" section from Best regards
Aug 7, 2021 19:35
Also, remove your chromedriver 92.0.4515.131 and install "chromium-chromedriver" from the Ubuntu repository.
Aug 7, 2021 19:34
If so, then you should have a test.log file where your script is.
Aug 7, 2021 19:34
Did you make the change I suggested to the code you gave? That is replace line 21 with: driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options, service_args=["--verbose", "--log-path=test.log"]) ?
Aug 7, 2021 19:20
What OS are you using? What version? Chromium version? Selenium version? How did you install chromedriver? Python version?
Aug 7, 2021 19:20
My infos: Ubuntu 20.04 // Chromium 92.0.4515.131 snap // chromium-chromedriver 1:85.0.4183.83-0ubuntu0.20.04.2 // python 3.8.10 // Selenium 3.141.0 // beautifulsoup bs4-0.0.1
Aug 7, 2021 19:20
Can't you find an example on another website which is not top-secret?
Aug 7, 2021 19:20
Did you inspect the "test.log" file? (cf. modification on line 21). Any indication in it?
Aug 7, 2021 19:20
What element(s) are you looking for on this page?
Aug 7, 2021 19:20
If you look at the HTML code of this webpage, there is no occurrence of "#ELEMENT", So, it can't find it.
Aug 7, 2021 19:20
1) Comment out lines 19,22 2) replace "webdriver" with "driver" in lines 26,28,36,37 3) replace "#ELEMENT" with "body" on line 31 4) replace line 21 with: driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options, service_args=["--verbose", "--log-path=test.log"]) Does it work?