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Q: Selenium unable to discover open pages

Python 123I am using web scraping for my project and it has worked perfectly on a windows system. Deploying it on ubuntu has worked perfectly the first time running my script but any time after that I receive the error selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: unable to discove...

I'm using the most up-to-date chromedriver
for i in range is temporary as I am going to add in a try except later... innerHTML is just html from the website which allows me to select an element. I don't think either item is preventing the code from functioning as far as I know
I don't think the page is causing the error... its the way the webdriver interacts with the chromium browser that is causing the issue @cruisepandey
1) Comment out lines 19,22 2) replace "webdriver" with "driver" in lines 26,28,36,37 3) replace "#ELEMENT" with "body" on line 31 4) replace line 21 with: driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options, service_args=["--verbose", "--log-path=test.log"]) Does it work?
The code is not giving an error and executing the code it can. However it cannot find any of the elements I provide it and give me the info I need
What element(s) are you looking for on this page?
If you look at the HTML code of this webpage, there is no occurrence of "#ELEMENT", So, it can't find it.
Specific tags that appear on the website were replaced in the #ELEMENT tag. I can't say which websites I am using but the tags do appear on the website and should provide a result. I think it is a chromedriver/selenium issue
Can't you find an example on another website which is not top-secret?
even trying and attempting to print the body does not work @S_Bersier
Did you inspect the "test.log" file? (cf. modification on line 21). Any indication in it?
What OS are you using? What version? Chromium version? Selenium version? How did you install chromedriver? Python version?
My infos: Ubuntu 20.04 // Chromium 92.0.4515.131 snap // chromium-chromedriver 1:85.0.4183.83-0ubuntu0.20.04.2 // python 3.8.10 // Selenium 3.141.0 // beautifulsoup bs4-0.0.1
Ubuntu 20.10 // Chromium 92.0.4515.131 // Chromedriver 92.0.4515.131 // Selenium 3.141.0
I could not find the test.log file
Did you make the change I suggested to the code you gave? That is replace line 21 with: driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options, service_args=["--verbose", "--log-path=test.log"]) ?
If so, then you should have a test.log file where your script is.
Also, remove your chromedriver 92.0.4515.131 and install "chromium-chromedriver" from the Ubuntu repository.
Once you have done that, please download my python file here: This is mostly your code with the modification I suggested previously. It works on my PC. I get the "body" section from Best regards
It worked! The only problem is when accessing a webpage I need to scrape it says access restricted. This is the reason I implemented the user agent argument. How can I bypass this as the website can detect I am using a server to make requests?
The user agent was enough when testing on my windows 10 pc to access the website. Access restricted only appears on the server side.
I got it to work
Thank you for your help!
Let me give you the 50 reputation
I'm sorry but I really don't know how to scrape restricted websites and...mmmh... I'm not sure I want to know. :-) Anyway, glad I could help! (a bit)
Maybe this thread may help you:… Which involves using fake_useragent...

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