Yagiz Degirmenci

 SOCVR Request Graveyard

This room is ONLY to receive action requests (cv-pls, etc.) fr...
Oct 9, 2020 20:33
Need details or clarity Fastapi crud and response

SO Close Vote Reviewers

This room is for support and discussion about reviewing and co...
Oct 13, 2020 06:56
Oct 9, 2020 22:10
@TylerH yes it's was a CV request, unfortunately, I pasted the wrong URL.
Oct 9, 2020 08:25
Aug 22, 2020 00:47
@desertnaut yes i know that fact, checked the edit, that's why i'm here asking opinions from experienced reviewers why doesn't it fits SO. also meta is not really welcoming for the explaining concerns.
Aug 22, 2020 00:33
Once a moderator quoted this: I'm starting to become concerned that this room is somehow promoting the idea that all questions need to have an MCVE and/or that debugging questions are the only questions that are on-topic for Stack Overflow. That is not only wrong, it's horribly wrong, dangerously wrong. So I step in and correct this misconception as often as I can.
Aug 22, 2020 00:32
Additionally if the OP showed research effort, the question is clear and useful, etc, they should even be upvoted. Again, No code required.
Aug 22, 2020 00:32
@Dharman i respect your effort, but wasted time? I spended my 3 hours to explain that question is on topic and If the asker's intent is clear, they have sufficiently described the problem, and the problem is in-scope and on-topic, the question should remain open. No code required. And shouldn't be closed.
Aug 21, 2020 21:51
@Dharman so what do you think about this due to our recent talk? stackoverflow.com/questions/63530314/…
Aug 21, 2020 21:01
"make them traceable"
Aug 21, 2020 21:00
@Dharman main point of banning public provders to stop spam and make them traceable, and there is a lot of websites goes for this approach even this becomes ridiculous to you.
Aug 21, 2020 20:51
@Dharman i answered this in the question "First i thought about creating a list of all public email services and banning them, even with this approach i can't handle all cases."
Aug 21, 2020 20:50
In a world that google decides to hire professional spammers i would ban that domain lol
Aug 21, 2020 20:48
@Dharman but having edge cases doesn't makes a problem "bad", and as you can see from the comments another person has encountered the same problem and he has an answer to provide but he can't post it, because someone thinks doing it will be useless/frustrating but in my case i still need that and i can't get an answer so what is the point of voting to close or "delete"? And i also mentioned in the question to ban public providers because in my country they usually don't have offices
Aug 21, 2020 20:40
Is this question needs to get more focused? stackoverflow.com/questions/63529270/…
Aug 31, 2020 19:15
nope sorry :(
Aug 31, 2020 16:16
but i'm not sure how to render it with jinja
Aug 31, 2020 16:16
so our first approach with {{ video }} in html is good then
Aug 31, 2020 16:13
i'm out of ideas :(
Aug 31, 2020 16:13
Aug 31, 2020 16:12
return templates.TemplateResponse(
"index.html", {"request": request, "video": io.BytesIO(video)}
Aug 31, 2020 16:11
import io and change this line
Aug 31, 2020 16:09
wait why you are yielding, it's a img right?
Aug 31, 2020 16:08
i was acting like it's a video whole
Aug 31, 2020 16:07
oh my god
Aug 31, 2020 16:07
wait it's just a png img
Aug 31, 2020 15:57
since i don't have video it's hard to debug/try
Aug 31, 2020 15:57
<img src="{{ video }}" width="100%">
Aug 31, 2020 15:56
then try changing your html with this
Aug 31, 2020 15:56
async def index(request: Request, video=gen_frames(None)):
return templates.TemplateResponse(
"index.html", {"request": request, "video": video}
Aug 31, 2020 15:56
Hey i came with another possible solution
Aug 31, 2020 15:25
i will try my best an update the answer
Aug 31, 2020 15:22
No i mean, they are different libraries, i'm asking for do you have any requirements to serve that thing
Aug 31, 2020 15:05
I don't know JQuery or any other JS library
Aug 31, 2020 15:05
Hi again, is it ok for you to use Vue and Axios?
Aug 31, 2020 10:23
I'm updating the answer
Aug 31, 2020 10:18
So in FastAPI(actually Starlette) you can use url_for to serve static files, i think it 'd be better to use Streaming Response. If it's okay for you i can update the answer
Aug 31, 2020 10:18
oh got it, url_for causes the error in your HTML
Aug 31, 2020 10:18
@Swaraj is it just this? share the full message, also make sure your template name is matching

Bad Stack Overflow Reviews

Room to discuss and report incorrect Stack Overflow reviews. A...
Aug 21, 2020 20:22
Hey, is this question really needs to be focused? stackoverflow.com/questions/63529270/…
Aug 14, 2020 01:05
to this "I think installing pytz should fix this"
Aug 14, 2020 01:05
@Caspian did you give that a try?
Aug 14, 2020 01:04
Q: TypeError: can't subtract offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes

Nikita BelooussovSo I am trying to subtract to datetime object. I got one from using dateutil.parser and the other was from datetime.now(). I keep getting a TypeError: can't subtract offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes I checked for solutions but they dont seem to work. Here is the code: import json f...

Aug 14, 2020 01:03
Q: Python can't subtract offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes

PrometheusI have the following function: epoch = datetime(1970, 1, 1) def epoch_seconds(date): """Returns the number of seconds from the epoch to date.""" print(epoch) td = date - epoch return td.days * 86400 + td.seconds + (float(td.microseconds) / 1000000) When I take a date directly ...

Aug 14, 2020 01:03
Q: Can't subtract offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes

IanI have a timezone aware timestamptz field in PostgreSQL. When I pull data from the table, I then want to subtract the time right now so I can get it's age. The problem I'm having is that both datetime.datetime.now() and datetime.datetime.utcnow() seem to return timezone unaware timestamps, which...

Aug 14, 2020 01:03
Did you tried these?
Aug 14, 2020 01:02
Hi i'm back for now