@brebs If you would copy your answer from the other forum and replace your current answer with this answer I will upvote it and accept it and delete my answer.
@brebs It is <not> that my argument is self-referential. It is that Prolog can recognize and reject the same expressions of language that are the key basis for undecidable decision problem instances, thus showing that they are only undecidable because they are unsound. It has been 2000 years and people are still writing papers on how to "resolve" the Liar Paradox. These people never noticed that it is simply not a truth bearer that cannot possibly ever be resolved.
I have shown that the self-referential subset of decision problems are correctly rejected by Prolog. In my objective assessment Prolog establishes the correct model for formal systems. In Prolog Gödel incompleteness cannot occur. Within Prolog's system of Facts and Rules unprovable simply means untrue. There are an infinite number of simple cases that show success. I am sure that you already know of many of them. Whenever Prolog Facts can be reached by its Rules we have success.
@brebs It proves that decision problem instances (such as the halting problem counter-examples) having the pathological self-reference that I encoded in Prolog are merely unsound and thus place no actual limit on computation.
@brebs I have spent years on this. Prior to finding that Prolog rejects such expressions I created Minimal Type Theory that does this same thing. liarparadox.org/MTT_Diagram.png The cycle that MTT detects is the same cycle that unify_with_occurs_check detects.
@brebs My purpose has always been to show that the pathological self-reference (PSR) that makes certain kinds of decision problems undecidable is a semantic error in the problem specification and thus not any limitation of computability. When the PSR structure of the Liar Paradox is encoded in Prolog it is rejected by Prolog as unsound.
@brebs <Clocksin & Mellish> Finally, a note about how Prolog matching sometimes differs from the unification used in Resolution. Most Prolog systems will allow you to satisfy goals like: equal(X, X). ?- equal(foo(Y), Y). that is, they will allow you to match a term against an uninstantiated subterm of itself. In this example, foo(Y) is matched against Y, which appears within it. As a result, Y will stand for foo(Y), which is foo(foo(Y)) (because of what Y stands for), which is foo(foo(foo(Y))), and soon. So Y ends up standing for some kind of infinite structure. </Clocksin & Mellish>
@brebs The point of this is that some otherwise undecidable decision problems can be recognized and rejected as unsound rather than the current [received view] that the undecidability of these decision problems derives a fundamental limit to computation.
When the Liar Paradox (and other self-reference paradox) can be correctly recognized and rejected then an algorithm that correctly divides truth from falsehood can be derived. This is currently a very big issue for LLM and AI: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hallucination_(artificial_intelligence)
@brebs is is not that the answer is wrong it is that Prolog is smart enough to reject any expression having the same self-referential form as the Liar Paradox.
@dbush My ultimate purpose is to refute the Tarski Undefinabilty theorem to anchor Davidson's truth conditional semantics in a formal notion of truth. I must do that indirectly because only computations comprise correct formal systems. The notion of other formal systems have well hidden false assumptions.
@dbush You are measuring at the wrong place in the execution trace. It must be its can cannot be the when the input and the halt decider are defined to have a pathological relationship to each other. In every other case its and the have the same behavior.
@MisterMiyagi A simulating halt decider computes the mapping from its input finite string to an accept or reject state on the basis of the actual behavior specified by this input as measured by its correct simulation of this input.
@MisterMiyagi It can't be wrong. The measure of a correct simulation is always whether or not the execution trace of the simulated input matches what is specified by the source-code.
@MisterMiyagi A simulation is NECESSARILY correct if the line-by-line execution trace of the simulated input exactly matches what its x86 source-code specifies.
@dbush When on examines every element of the infinite set of possible encodings for H such that elements of this set correctly simulate 1 to ∞ steps of P, one finds that none of the correctly simulated P ever reach their "return" instruction final state.
@MisterMiyagi If you understand the x86 language you can easily verify that the simulation of P by H is correct by comparing the execution trace of the simulation P to its x86 source code.
@MisterMiyagi It can be seen from an execution trace that int main() { P(P); } is not the behavior that H is reporting on. The correct simulation by H of its input has different behavior.
@MisterMiyagi --- int sum(int x int y) { return x + y; }
H(P,P) is not allowed to report on int main() { P(P); } in the same way that sum(3,4); is not allowed to report on sum(5,6); Computable functions are only allowed to report on their actual inputs.
Once one accepts the notion of a simulating halt decider that continues to correctly simulate its input until it correctly determines that this simulated input would never stop running then the conventional halting problem proofs are refuted because their "impossible" input becomes correctly construed as specifying recursive simulation (same idea as infinite recursion).
@MisterMiyagi It is common knowledge that the correct simulation of a machine description provides its actual behavior. My project contains H1(P,P) and H(P,P) where H1 is identical to H yet at a different machine address. P calls H and does not call H1. It can be empirically verified that the correct simulation of the input to H1(P,P) is a different sequence of steps than the correct simulation of the input to H(P,P).
@MisterMiyagi The point of H(P,P) is to determine whether or not its input specifies a computation that halts. Turing computable functions must always report on their input and are not allowed to report on non-inputs.
@MisterMiyagi Once one accepts that a simulating halt decider must compute the mapping from its input finite string to an accept or reject state based on the behavior of its correct simulation of this finite string then the behavior of non-inputs is understood to be irrelevant.
@MisterMiyagi A simulating halt decider is expressly allowed because any Turing computable function that correctly maps the behavior specified by the input to an accept or reject state is expressly allowed. H must not return a value when a call to H when is never invoked. When main directly call P(P) this is not an input to H so it is irrelevant.
@MisterMiyagi Simulating Halt Deciders (SHD) compute the mapping from their inputs to an accept or reject state on the basis of the behavior of their correct simulation of this input. Non-inputs are never in the domain of any computable function.
@PM2Ring **All of the details of this are in my fully operational system**
Complete halt deciding system (Visual Studio Project) (a) x86utm operating system (b) x86 emulator adapted from libx86emu to compile under Windows (c) Several halt deciders and their sample inputs contained within Halt7.c https://liarparadox.org/2022_09_07.zip