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Q: Is this the correct way to encode the pathological self-reference structure of the Liar Paradox in Prolog?

polcottIs this the correct way to encode the pathological self-reference structure of the Liar Paradox in Prolog? Liar Paradox in English: "This sentence is not true." ?- LP = not(true(LP)). LP = not(true(LP)). ?- unify_with_occurs_check(LP, not(true(LP))). false. Thus Prolog detects and rejects expr...

Show a definition of the paradox.
You've edited the question to include a totally wrong answer... this also returns false: unify_with_occurs_check(LP, daft(LP)).
@brebs is is not that the answer is wrong it is that Prolog is smart enough to reject any expression having the same self-referential form as the Liar Paradox.
Might as well say that Chalk is false, therefore Cheese is false. Seems completely pointless and uninteresting. More interesting is e.g. Knights and Knaves:
When the Liar Paradox (and other self-reference paradox) can be correctly recognized and rejected then an algorithm that correctly divides truth from falsehood can be derived. This is currently a very big issue for LLM and AI:‌​)
Prolog doesn't hallucinate. Neural nets are not logical, i.e. they pretend to be logical via a gazillion bizarre weightings, rather than logical rules being guaranteed/dependable.
@brebs The point of this is that some otherwise undecidable decision problems can be recognized and rejected as unsound rather than the current [received view] that the undecidability of these decision problems derives a fundamental limit to computation.
It's not right, though. It's not recognizing "this sentence" as a self-reference. It's just doing its simple job of recognizing that the 2 terms are different yet one refers to the other.
@brebs <Clocksin & Mellish> Finally, a note about how Prolog matching sometimes differs from the unification used in Resolution. Most Prolog systems will allow you to satisfy goals like: equal(X, X). ?- equal(foo(Y), Y). that is, they will allow you to match a term against an uninstantiated subterm of itself. In this example, foo(Y) is matched against Y, which appears within it. As a result, Y will stand for foo(Y), which is foo(foo(Y)) (because of what Y stands for), which is foo(foo(foo(Y))), and soon. So Y ends up standing for some kind of infinite structure. </Clocksin & Mellish>
I know. But, you're not giving Prolog "This sentence is not true.", for Prolog to identify that there is a self-reference through some meaningful logic. You are merely providing 2 terms for which unify_with_occurs_check is going to fail. You need to have an example for which you would do this task and expect unify_with_occurs_check to succeed, where you haven't practically given Prolog the answer yourself.
@brebs My purpose has always been to show that the pathological self-reference (PSR) that makes certain kinds of decision problems undecidable is a semantic error in the problem specification and thus not any limitation of computability. When the PSR structure of the Liar Paradox is encoded in Prolog it is rejected by Prolog as unsound.
Show a similar Prolog query which succeeds. Having a query always fail is of no use. Your "encoding" is merely a pretense.
@brebs I have spent years on this. Prior to finding that Prolog rejects such expressions I created Minimal Type Theory that does this same thing. The cycle that MTT detects is the same cycle that unify_with_occurs_check detects.
But you're giving Prolog the cycle. You're doing 99% of the work for Prolog. Why would you think that is useful?
@brebs It proves that decision problem instances (such as the halting problem counter-examples) having the pathological self-reference that I encoded in Prolog are merely unsound and thus place no actual limit on computation.
It does not prove that, because you haven't shown a success, as I keep stating. Show us how something that's not self-referencing has a different result.
I have shown that the self-referential subset of decision problems are correctly rejected by Prolog. In my objective assessment Prolog establishes the correct model for formal systems. In Prolog Gödel incompleteness cannot occur. Within Prolog's system of Facts and Rules unprovable simply means untrue. There are an infinite number of simple cases that show success. I am sure that you already know of many of them. Whenever Prolog Facts can be reached by its Rules we have success.
I think your argument is self-referential :-)
@brebs It is <not> that my argument is self-referential. It is that Prolog can recognize and reject the same expressions of language that are the key basis for undecidable decision problem instances, thus showing that they are only undecidable because they are unsound. It has been 2000 years and people are still writing papers on how to "resolve" the Liar Paradox. These people never noticed that it is simply not a truth bearer that cannot possibly ever be resolved.
@brebs If you would copy your answer from the other forum and replace your current answer with this answer I will upvote it and accept it and delete my answer.

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