Just found out if i put a log.v at the beginning of the onSensorChanged method my logcat does continuously print it. So I assume there is a problem somewhere in the middle of the function
Yes that is right. What I tried to do is modify the list and pass it as argument. This way I can modify the tail at every recursion. This is impossible as TweetList is immutable
iterateAndAddList(new Cons(current, Nil), false) Will create a new TweetList with the new tweet. This will eventually return the smallest tweet of them all
it returns a tweetSet not a tweetList. I'm deleting a item from the tweetSet because if I don't the biggest item will always be the same. Also you are creating a new TweetList every time which means that the results are not stored?
No method is invoked. Non at all. The compiler fails running and throws an exception saying that TweetList.head is not possible. But it should be as it has those elements as parameters? And any class that extends it should. What am I missing?
It's a trait. But I'm adressing to Cons and Nil which implement TweetList and hence trying to achieve polymorphism. Anyhow even if they are empty why would the compiler return an error?
I was looking at Boo scripting language and here I am reading this from them : The guys who came up with “public static void main” were probably kidding, the problem is that most people didn't get it was a joke. The infamous HelloWorld in all its boo glory: print("Hello, world!")