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A: Scala scope saying that object.propery doesn't exist but left panel in eclipse shows it

Ende NeuNot sure of what do you mean by appearing hidden but one of the problems could be that here def descendingByRetweet = { def iterateAndAddList(list: TweetList,first: Boolean): TweetList = { val current: Tweet = greatestCurrent() if(current != Nil && first != true){ list.head = cu...

It's a trait. But I'm adressing to Cons and Nil which implement TweetList and hence trying to achieve polymorphism. Anyhow even if they are empty why would the compiler return an error?
I made an edit to my answer.
No method is invoked. Non at all. The compiler fails running and throws an exception saying that TweetList.head is not possible. But it should be as it has those elements as parameters? And any class that extends it should. What am I missing?
I tried your code and it doesn't compile, list.head is possible but you are reassigning to val in list.head = current.
How can I then modify the head and tail of a Cons and Nil ( which are both a TweetList) and both inherit the head and tail properties?
I made an edit to my answer, I didn't understand what remove(current)was supposed to do since it returns a TweetList and you were not assigni its result to any variable so I thought that should be the tail of the Cons, anyway you can pass a Nil instead of the result of remove(current) to the Cons object if it suits your need.
it returns a tweetSet not a tweetList. I'm deleting a item from the tweetSet because if I don't the biggest item will always be the same. Also you are creating a new TweetList every time which means that the results are not stored?
Sorry you are right, it returns a TweetSet.
Are you trying to show me a principle with this example? Because if you create a new TweetList every time no results are shown and the sorting is lost
iterateAndAddList(new Cons(current, Nil), false) Will create a new TweetList with the new tweet. This will eventually return the smallest tweet of them all
The problem is that descendingByRetweet should return a new TweetList with tweets ordered by retweet count
Yes that is right. What I tried to do is modify the list and pass it as argument. This way I can modify the tail at every recursion. This is impossible as TweetList is immutable
so your approach looks strange at least, you have a list, get the most retweeted and then you should create a new cons were the head is the mostRetweeted tweet and the tail is a TweetSet that must be iterated over
in this way you create a TweetList of cons
where the tweets are ordered by count
the new Cons approach is the correct one (at least it worked for my implementation) but you have to think about the tail
the tail should be the current tweetlist without the current greates element (remove(current))
and then you have to iterate over the tweetset returned by removed
if you remember some video ago there was a way to create a list of integer using cons
it was like this:
new Cons(1, new Cons(2, new Cons(3, Nil) ) )
the approach with the TweetList/Set in this case is exactly the same for me
Hm. I think you might be right. I will have to think about it
it's a bit tricky your way, you actually don't need an helper function to loop, my implementation is a one liner
I have thought about what you said. I think that if I implement a function called add to the TweetList I can pretty much solve this
The add function is simply going to add a tweet to the List.
I'm building it right now. Hold on
It worked
Thank you very much for your help. The example you have given me with the Cons(1,new Cons()) did the trick
Glad it worked out :D
Just for my curiosity
I have solved it now, and I will submit it this way
But what is your one-line solution?
I won't change my code. Is just a curiosity
def descendingByRetweet2: TweetList = {
new Cons(mostRetweeted, remove(mostRetweeted).descendingByRetweet)
Hah. Smart
yeah but actually it took me a while to get to this
I'm stuck with the OOP way
I also folowed the course last time, 5 or 6 months ago
and it took all of my free time basically
Yeah I know what you mean
Well from what I can see there is one more assignment which will probably give me a massive headache ( the next one). The rest seem theory only
Well anyway. Thanks for your help
your welcome
bye :)

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