
General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels | gist.gi...
Jun 1, 2015 02:15
Hello everyone - looking to build a dashboard with Knockout and DevExtreme and could use a little help converting the XML to JSON with C#. Willing to pay, deadline is near :)
Sep 17, 2013 20:09
@CharlieBrown okI'll try that, I'll monkey around with the mvcsitemap and see if I can make it work. Thanks for your help everyone! .... and i appreciate the levity along the way.
Sep 17, 2013 20:05
ok, but without modifying every controller where else is an option?
Sep 17, 2013 20:04
right - which is what i did - but the masses are largely against my global.asax placement :)
Sep 17, 2013 20:04
so i try to just pass a qs var and then have the desktop site create a cookie based on that - where IF it exists the redirect BACK to mobile never happens
Sep 17, 2013 20:03
charlie... no - i have the redirect based on user_agent rule working perfectly. the issue occurs when the user would click the 'view fullsite' link on their mobile..... it just boiunces them right back to the mobile.
Sep 17, 2013 20:01
agreed - however lots of 3rd party rebates are posted to the desktop site - where full details rather than just a brief can be found.
Sep 17, 2013 20:00
huuuuge site - not all content is fit for handheld ;)
Sep 17, 2013 19:59
if the web.config is in fact cached shouldn't the reqwrite rule just get processed onces?
Sep 17, 2013 19:58
Honestly because I'm not sure how to alter all of the Routing to do that
Sep 17, 2013 19:57
funny bunch here at least
Sep 17, 2013 19:57
Sep 17, 2013 19:53
yes mvc 4
Sep 17, 2013 19:53
yeah okkkkk i get it - teach me the right way then please :)
Sep 17, 2013 19:52
its a zero db site ;)
Sep 17, 2013 19:52
yes i do... but it only lasts for one page... the qs var disappears once they click anywhere else on the site
Sep 17, 2013 19:51
hahaha i apprecaite your Seuss-logic
Sep 17, 2013 19:51
what other way is there besides altering every controller on the application?
Sep 17, 2013 19:50
lolol i know
Sep 17, 2013 19:50
yeah :/
Sep 17, 2013 19:50
so on that link i sent a qs variable persist=1... then set a cookie in the global.asax
Sep 17, 2013 19:49
just to keep the user on the 'desktop' version of the site or not.... lets say they have clicked the 'view full site' on their mobile. currently i have a rewrite rule in the web.config which bounces the user to mobile based on the user_agent.
Sep 17, 2013 19:47
ok so if i have a querystring check for a value that sets a cookie whether 'persistdesktop' or not then in my rewrite rules i can redirect acordingly?
Sep 17, 2013 19:46
does the web.config file get processed (specifically the system.webserver rewrite rules) on each page load before or after the global.asax file?
Sep 17, 2013 19:43
lol.... whew that all?
Sep 17, 2013 19:42
Can anyone help me out with a mobile and desktop site and a bit of cookie detection to persist between one or the other? I am just confused about the order in which web.config fires vs. global.asax and such.