MySQL and relational databases

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Jun 16, 2015 06:11
There are tables A, X,Y and Z is a vachar(3) column that specifies (with values like 'Foo', 'Bar', and 'Doh') the reference target of A.targetKey.
So if = 'Foo', then A.targetKey refers to X.key..., when it's 'Bar', then A.targetKey refers to Y.key and so on.
Now, I need to make some queries faster which join these tables. My best guess is to index the A.targetKey column but should be included in the index also?


Welcome to ASP.Net Room. Don't ask to ask just ask your questi...
Jun 11, 2014 08:14
any ideas how to get around this? other than just wait for MS to fix it..
Jun 11, 2014 08:13
I'm experiencing a problem with git credentials
Jun 11, 2014 08:13
anyone associated/knowledgeful with azure web sites around?
Mar 31, 2014 08:10
ok, thanks for your input
Mar 31, 2014 08:03
i can prevent hacking of a hosting provider?
Mar 31, 2014 07:36
My configuration file contains the username and password for the database. If the server gets hacked is my database compromised? Is there some encryption (by default/optional) of the directories (with for example the connection string to db) that would make my files safe even if the server would get hacked?
Mar 31, 2014 07:30
if so, what makes it good? what measures in security do they provide that make my data more secure there than at some other server?
Mar 31, 2014 07:27
Mar 31, 2014 07:11
Yes but how to tell if it's trusted? And what makes it trust worthy?
Mar 31, 2014 07:08
I mean, how to tell if my (ASP.NET) application and data can be considered safe with this hosting provider...
Mar 31, 2014 06:56
Hello! When you look at an (shared) hosting provider, are there any aspects that tell you that the provider uses sufficient security measures to protect the services?

Web Developers

Room to discuss javascript and jquery, php and mysql issues. b...
May 23, 2014 13:09
About webRTC: it encodes video with vp8 - does that mean that if a webcam provides a h.264 encoded stream that a) it won't work with webRTC b) browser has to decode and encode with vp8 again or c) browser forwards the stream straigt up because it's encoded already.. ?
Feb 3, 2014 09:43
@CJRamki Thanks for the tip
Jan 31, 2014 16:45
var item = $("input#FMList__1__.ToRemove");
alert("remove " + $(item).val()); is giving me undefined
Jan 31, 2014 16:33
I have this <input data-val="true" data-val-required="The ToRemove field is required." id="FMList_1__ToRemove" name="FMList[1].ToRemove" type="hidden" value="False" />
How do I access it with jQuery?


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels |
Mar 31, 2014 07:07
I mean, how to tell if my application and data can be considered safe with this hosting provider...
Mar 31, 2014 07:02
Hello! When you look at an (shared) hosting provider, are there any aspects that tell you that the provider uses sufficient security measures to protect the services?
Feb 21, 2014 14:03
should do that more often
Feb 21, 2014 14:01
@Steve Never mind. Resolved. I've been staring at this for hours and immediately after asking I notice that the childaction gives in an object of wrong type.
Feb 21, 2014 13:55
I have this Asp.Net MVC page that calls child actions to render some sections. Each section gets it's part of the model. In the parent view, I can see that the models are all initialized with the data but in one of the child views, the model is null. What could possibly be the reason for this? Any ideas?
Feb 20, 2014 11:34
I have this MVC app in which there is a view that calls up childviews for different sections. Each section has their part of the view models, except for this one part that gets the entity framwork model object as such. In the parent view I can see that the object (Model.MedicalBriefModel) is populated properly but when I jump in to the child view the Model in there is null.

@Html.Action("GetProfileSectionContact", new { model = Model.ContactSectionVM })
@Html.Action("GetProfileSectionPersonal", new { model = Model.PersonalSectionVM })
Feb 17, 2014 13:47
never mind and apologies for my long question above. I figured it out.
Feb 17, 2014 13:30
I have a little ajaxform that I plan to use to send a date to server and get a list of events in return. My problem is that the form data isn't posted to the server (or at least - I don't know where to look for it).
datepicker.onSelect posts date (by triggering button click):
$("#cal-widget").datepicker({ onSelect: function (dateText, inst) {

dateText displays the text just fine, and the hidden input "#cal-selected" is updated ok too.
Feb 17, 2014 13:30
Jan 22, 2014 19:09
but I still get syntax error after first @argument
Jan 22, 2014 19:08
@:google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize(@Model.ContactSectionVM.Lat, @Model.ContactSectionVM.Lng );
Jan 22, 2014 19:08
I'm looking at this:… and typing this:


Join to become part of the community, not to simply ask questi...
Mar 17, 2014 10:02
and they seem to accept the baseline of the button so now it's sorted. Thanks a lot!
Mar 17, 2014 10:00
@Kabira Thanks it does become visible by removing the baseline attribute from the button. Now I'll just have to align text labels somehow
Mar 17, 2014 09:57
here's the screenshot
Mar 17, 2014 09:56
Have to try
Mar 17, 2014 09:48
Mar 17, 2014 09:48
ok, just a minute.. here's the layout xml meanwhile:
Mar 17, 2014 09:45
I have an activity with a relative layout containing a title and a listview. The listview has rows each with a relative layout containg two textviews side by side and a button. What I see is that the top of the button is chopped off. Which property of which object needs tuning so the the heighest element (the button currently) of the row determines the height of the row so that no element is chopped off?


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Feb 26, 2014 14:18
I have this
<a class="cls" id="x1">Name1</a>
<a class="cls" id="x2">Name2</a>
and a jquery to handle clicks on them like this:
$(".cls").click(function () {
var theId =;

but can I somehow get the contents of the a tag ("Name1")?
Feb 19, 2014 13:25
@JanDvorak Yup. Already parsed. Thanks for the hint.
Feb 19, 2014 13:19
@JanDvorak That makes sense because when I set result=' <paste json from fiddler>'; I get no errors
Feb 19, 2014 13:16
but the logged object in console seems to be just fine
Feb 19, 2014 13:16
I have this ajax request that gets a json in return that goes to this
function onUpdateSuccess(result) {
var obj;
try {
obj = $.parseJSON(result);
} catch (e) {
// ...

which alerts of an exception: "Syntax error: unexpected token o"
Jan 31, 2014 16:48
var item = $("input#FMList__1__.ToRemove");
alert("remove " + $(item).val()); is giving me undefined
Jan 31, 2014 16:47
I have this <input data-val="true" data-val-required="The ToRemove field is required." id="FMList_1__ToRemove" name="FMList[1].ToRemove" type="hidden" value="False" />
How do I access it with jQuery?
Jan 26, 2014 22:53
@Oleg problem solved by setting center after showing the div
Jan 26, 2014 22:22
ok, didn't think of that one...
Jan 26, 2014 22:11
I've got a basic google maps javascript example set to a div id="map-canvas" with width and height of 250px. I initialize the map component with code from the api example but for some reason the center doesn't go to the center but to the top left corner. Also, initially the map is shown only on the top left quarter of the containing div but I can pan it to fill the entire area. I know it's not really a javascript question but maybe someone here has been wrestling with google maps? Any ideas?
Jan 22, 2014 20:58
what's wrong in this one?
Jan 31, 2014 10:44
@AndroidPower So you create a list and add/remove items to it
Jan 31, 2014 10:21
Hello, I have this sample app that I need to build and try out on a device. The only thing is that the build target for the project is Android 4.3 and the device only has 4.1. I've seen instructions that say I can try and change the build target from eclipse/project properties but there's only Android 4.3 selectable. How can I add other targets there?


Here we provided you some rules and regulations to follow it g...
Jan 31, 2014 10:04
Hello, I have this sample app that I need to build and try out on a device. The only thing is that the build target for the project is Android 4.3 and the device only has 4.1. I've seen instructions that say I can try and change the build target from eclipse/project properties but there's only Android 4.3 selectable. How can I add other targets there?