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Feb 29, 2012 19:28
Okay try expandableListView
Feb 29, 2012 19:20
@Caumons My idea is to put the Parent items on a listview and on click brings out child classes via Dialog Box.
Feb 29, 2012 19:00
So there are 6 people here. Has anyone pulled of something simple listview that inherits from xml.

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Dec 9, 2011 15:07
@Abhi I dont think so. Since I have done this before with this method. It's just that I transfer the data to the internet and getting it back I only get 1 half. If I do the normal way of just getting a string from a certain class to another I get full. So I dont beleive the string has a limitation.
Dec 9, 2011 15:04
@Abhi My string is only giving me half of the data I received from the internet. Not sure if you encountered this kind of problem. There are no logcat errors or warnings
Dec 9, 2011 15:03
Dec 9, 2011 15:00
Hi guys I was wondering if any of you had a problem like getting only 1/2 of a string data.