Essentially the issue is that if they do cause a problem, it's likely to be a slightly mindbogglingly confusing one. Whereas const variables are quite a bit simpler to diagnose.
Regarding const int& foo, more or less you can split the variable declaration at the & or * symbol. Everything to the left can be in any order at all, anything to the right has a strict order.
I generally use stringstream... although recently I've been working on boost::spirit-infested projects, so some very convenient syntax comes along for the ride there.
str_end is a way of telling if you converted all of a string. You can check it againts the original string length to see if you have something dorky that you tried to convert like "3.14zimbabwe"
@GamesBrainiac Each of the methods on that page have slightly different reactions when they don't work. Try playing around with them on codepad to get a feel for how they work.
@GamesBrainiac The same way python does if it's the first time you're checking... try to convert it and see if it fails. Exactly which method to use for converting depends on what kind of number you're expecting (and your personal religious beliefs)