Aug 21, 2013 12:21
what about now
Aug 21, 2013 12:21
ok, i'll check it again
Aug 21, 2013 10:11
So the background of the current row doesn't became red?
Aug 21, 2013 10:10
Let's discus the problem here.
Aug 21, 2013 10:10
In which browser?
Aug 21, 2013 10:10
Check this Do you see the variables textarea and checkbox? They are referencing to the textarea and checkbox located in the current row.
Aug 21, 2013 10:10
Aug 21, 2013 10:10
ok, let me give you an example.
Aug 21, 2013 10:10
@Jim check this solution
Feb 14, 2013 17:33
Ok, great. I'll mail you next few days.
Feb 14, 2013 17:31
Have you used git?
Feb 14, 2013 17:29
Yes, I understand usually in JavaScript it's used publish/subscribe for implementing observers
Feb 14, 2013 17:26
Yes, my main passions are design patterns, enterprise patterns, object-oriented programming, JavaScript and programming langauges
Feb 14, 2013 17:22
Ok, great. I'll consider it and mail you next day or two. Thanks for your invitation!
Feb 14, 2013 17:20
Let me think a little about that. Where we can continue chatting?
Feb 14, 2013 17:14
Thank you! I'm glad that helped :-)
Feb 14, 2013 17:09 this will work :-)
Feb 14, 2013 17:08
I'll send you a fiddle in a second
Feb 14, 2013 17:07
var opts = {
source: availableTags

var optsA = $.extend({
select: function (event, ui) {
}, opts);
Feb 14, 2013 17:07
This will work
Feb 14, 2013 17:04
So that's why jQuery can't find it, because when the library traverse the configuration object it does not use it's prototype properties...Unfortunately you should use $.extend instead of Object.create...
Feb 14, 2013 17:03
When you create object with Object.create and put object with source property as first argument this source property goes to the returned object's prototype
Feb 14, 2013 17:03
I found the problem. Probably somewhere in jQuery they use hasOwnProperty this prevents using properties from the prototype chain
Feb 14, 2013 17:02
In the beginning JavaScript is hard because there are so much different paradigms in it...It's prototype based but you have constructor functions and can create objects with new...There are plenty of functional elements too...
Feb 14, 2013 16:58
Currently I'm considering to study masters outside Bulgaria (Germany or England) so I study for TOEFL certificate. I also have to take my graduation exam, here in Bulgaria. It's grade is very important for my application.
Feb 14, 2013 16:54
I have few projects but I mostly use open-source technologies
Feb 14, 2013 16:50
Only contributing to open-source project at github.
Feb 14, 2013 16:50
Currently I' not working
Feb 14, 2013 16:45
mhm, I'll try to debug it and I'll tell you the result. It's quite interesting what's wrong in the implementation...
Feb 14, 2013 16:39
Can you prepare a fiddle for it, just to debug it easier.
Feb 14, 2013 16:36
Give it a function source: function() { return ['list']; }. If it works it's quick and dirty but anyway.
Feb 14, 2013 16:36
Here is the example
Feb 14, 2013 16:36
Give me few minutes to post you jsfiddle example.


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Jan 1, 2013 00:26 and here is the raw js:…, best wishes! :-)
Jan 1, 2013 00:20
Happy New Year! :-)