@Neil this person could be here but help my on github or in a call. I dont know. I though about this because Im a little confused whats right and whats wrong in this point.
@Neil ok... yes Im looking your comment but I guess there is a lot more so I can improve in this code. I was loooking for someone to help me refator this and explaining me. but ok.
@Neil could you help me to refactor all this code? I show you the html files. I want to learn from an refactor. I can pay for it because I think this way I'll learn faster some patterns
folks, sorry for the wrong place to say, but I'm looking for ideas (preference to help problem of worlds, any cause) for contribute with my expertise in front-end dev and design UI. I'm just help improve and create some apps/websites that have a "REAL PROBLEM" to solve. can someone suggest me? or how can I search these kind of projects on google.