HTML / CSS / WebDesign

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Oct 20, 2015 16:31
Basically, display .health-icon and .health-description side by side, but centered inside .health-status (
Oct 20, 2015 16:30
I need to align two divs side-by-side (the circle and the UTI word), but display them centered. ( Can some one help me?! :D
May 18, 2015 20:12
Hey guys! Those checkbox are breaking in IE11 (I couldn't test in earlier versions, but I'm pretty sure it will break too haha). The strange thing is it looks like a margin-right attribute. I've never seen it braking in IE. What that might be?
May 18, 2015 18:45
Thanks guys!
May 18, 2015 18:32
Any feedbacks on this filter section? I don't like the way I set the titles, but I don't see how I can do better.. :/
May 18, 2015 18:32
May 12, 2015 18:47
i think i've those buttons before, they're awsome
May 12, 2015 18:47
HA! very nice!!
May 12, 2015 18:43
May 12, 2015 18:43
@rlemon thanks!! just for curiosity, you extracted it from the minified file?
May 12, 2015 18:40
Hey guys! Would you know if this app used any front-end framework? I really like those buttons. :D
Apr 28, 2015 15:58
@TylerH and Why is it still used, then?! :O omg haha after that I'll definitely use a hX tag.
Apr 28, 2015 14:52
Yeah, it seems webkit has a lot of problems with the legend element. I'll just use a h3. Thanks @TylerH
Apr 28, 2015 14:46
Indeed, worked for me on Firefox, but not on Chrome :(
Apr 28, 2015 14:45
@TylerH that example worked for you?! For me it still shows the link on a different line. Could that be a browser issue?
Apr 28, 2015 14:42
@TylerH, sorry I forgot to mention but the second link was an updated example. Check this one, I updated the legend element to display: inline.
Apr 28, 2015 14:28 I didn't worked on my example, did I do something wrong?
Apr 28, 2015 14:28
Hm, I thought set the span to display-inline would solve :)
Apr 28, 2015 14:24
Sorry, I forgot to add the css I was trying, but it doesn't work anyway:
Apr 28, 2015 14:19
Hello! How can I place that "Show filters" inline with the title? Thanks!
Apr 23, 2015 19:06
Actually we need to override that rating-small class that is not bootstrap.. but agreed, it's complex when need to override things
Apr 23, 2015 18:56
@Mr.Alien yup, I was just playing around, sorry! And thanks!! it worked great :)
Apr 23, 2015 18:52
Hello! How can I center that circle made by a div?

The text-align attribute works with the text elements of the first line, but doesn't work with the div circle :(
Oct 14, 2014 01:15
Haha yeah.. better look there.. thanks!!
Oct 14, 2014 01:10
Yey! That's it, thanks! How does it work? If the father of the element is relative, the element with absolute positioning will be relative from its father?
Oct 14, 2014 01:07
@ZachSaucier Wow! Looks like it worked! - Thanks! One more question: this absolute positioning started from the top left corner of the screen.. It's relative to the Page (0, 0) or panel (0, 0)?
Oct 14, 2014 01:01
I've tried using z-index, position relative and margins without success.. All of them didn't guaranteed my main text was centered.. :(
Oct 14, 2014 01:00
Hello guys! I'm trying to align an icon like a "background" image on bootstrap.. I want it to be on the left side, but not interfering on the main text align.. The main text should be centered.. Can anyone help me? I'm no CSS ninja haha
Dec 10, 2013 14:58
Dec 10, 2013 14:55
Oh sorry, I thought it was "WebDevelopment" instead of "WebDesign". Not a proper question for here.
Dec 10, 2013 14:54
I'm trying to build a site in jekyll but I'm getting this error message:

Generating... Liquid Exception: Included file 'menu' not found in '_includes' directory in _includes/themes/twitter/default.html

This "menu" is actually a variable defined by the "locale" file in JB folder. It can't find it because it's dynamically defined by this "locale" file. What can I do to avoid this error?

PS.: It was working properly before I update jekyll and I just had to type "jekyll". Now I have to type "jekyll build" and it gives me this error.
Nov 22, 2013 14:09
@mikedidthis Yup! Thanks!!
Nov 22, 2013 14:04
When the page renders, something is adding a style parameter on sidebar div: min-height. This should also be removed on mobile, however I can't find what's adding this parameter to the div.
Nov 22, 2013 14:03
Thanks @mikedidthis!
Nov 22, 2013 14:03
Thanks @mi
Nov 22, 2013 13:54
I'm using a Jekyll template on my blog ( This template puts the sidebar as (position: fixed) so as the text can roll, and the sidebar remain still. However, when I reduce the width of the browser window, or open it on a mobile phone, the text column overlaps the sidebar. I've tried clearfix without success. How can I fix it?


Today we're daydreaming about C++26 reflection
Aug 11, 2015 03:55
I don't have much experience with C++, so I'm not even sure I formulated the question correctly. Can someone help me?…

MySQL and relational databases

Ask your question, and then hang around a while to see if an e...
Jun 2, 2015 15:40
Hello! Can someone help me with this data-modeling question?…


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
May 6, 2015 12:33
Hey guys! I'm using the Collapse JS from Bootstrap and want the collapse button text to change upon clicking. I'm using an answer I found here on stackover flow, but it has a problem: If I click too fast on the button, the text changes but the collapse doesn't follow. So I have the text reverted (show for hide and hide for show behaviour). This is the fiddle: Try clicking very fast on the Show button. How can I avoid this? Thanks!

Ruby :: Sometimes on Rails

The humane programming language. Be nice. Have fun. Lurkers...
Nov 20, 2014 18:26
What are those brackets near the parameter name and why are they screwing my filter?
Nov 20, 2014 18:26
Is that it work fine, i.e., it doesn't filter by region..
Nov 20, 2014 18:26
Nov 20, 2014 18:25
When I select an empty field from a selection, my search parameters are:


However it doesn't work quite so.. Just if I change (manually) the parameters to

Ruby on Rails

Arena for Ruby on Rails Developers to Collaborate & Ideate !!
May 12, 2013 21:21
Does anyone know some gem that display random tips for the users? I want to add some sentences, and display them randomly as the user navigates.
Apr 26, 2013 00:36
How can I render a HTML view to a string in the controller, in order to use it in a respond_to format?