Jul 8, 2016 00:02
You can use a polyfill if you want to use it with older browsers
Jul 8, 2016 00:02
Jul 7, 2016 23:22
And for the reference, that was a ridiculously obscure problem. The only time you could ever come across that was if you re-assigned the proto for a HTMLCollection.
Jul 7, 2016 23:21
It's just practice. Most of JavaScript is craziness and patterns, more time you spend, easier it gets to tell the two apart
Jul 7, 2016 23:20
Just want to check whether you know about document.querySelectorAll?
Jul 7, 2016 23:18
And when I got that into the console I noticed the get length signature on that object
Jul 7, 2016 23:18
Object.getPrototypeOf(elements) got me to HTMLCollection.prototype
Jul 7, 2016 23:17
Got the same result
Jul 7, 2016 23:17
Did the same check before re-assigning the prototype in obj
Jul 7, 2016 23:16
I checked that out by doing this.hasOwnProperty('length') just outside the loop, which showed up as false
Jul 7, 2016 23:16
The loop wasn't actually running, because this had no length property
Jul 7, 2016 23:13
var coll = document.getElementsByClassName('foo');
coll.hasOwnProperty('length'); // false
typeof coll.length === 'number'; // true
Object.setPrototypeOf(coll, {});
typeof coll.length === 'undefined'; // true
Jul 7, 2016 23:13
But strangely (and I don't know why), length is declared as a getter property on HTMLCollection.prototype instead.
Jul 7, 2016 23:11
var arr = [1,2,3];
Object.setPrototypeOf(arr, {});
arr.length === 3;
arr.join // array has no such property anymore
Jul 7, 2016 23:10
Normally length would be a property on the actual instance, like you have with an array
Jul 7, 2016 23:09
Which is why the code didn't work for classes
Jul 7, 2016 23:09
So when you re-assign the prototype to obj.prototype, you lose the reference to length property
Jul 7, 2016 23:09
However, it's not actually on elements it's on HTMLCollection.prototype
Jul 7, 2016 23:08
And if you look at it in the console before you do Object.setPrototypeOf, there is one
Jul 7, 2016 23:08
Now, the callback code was expecting there to be a .length property on elements
Jul 7, 2016 23:07
Which means that initially, elements prototype was HTMLCollection.prototype
Jul 7, 2016 23:07
document.getElementsByClassName returns an instance of HTMLCollection.
Jul 7, 2016 23:07
The reason that was happening was pretty confusing
Jul 7, 2016 23:06
Glad to hear it!
Jul 7, 2016 23:06
You must have passed null or undefined. Make sure you implement select.
Jul 7, 2016 23:06
Sure, just remember to return an object that uses that prototype.
Jul 7, 2016 23:06
return Object.setPrototypeOf(select(someSelector), MyObject.prototype))
Jul 7, 2016 23:06
Give a concrete example of what you're trying to achieve. Do you want to declare methods on the function? Or do you want to declare methods on the return values?
Jul 7, 2016 23:06
@AngelPolitis I updated my answer.
Jul 7, 2016 23:06
Just declare the methods directly onto the function then. That's how jQuery does it.
Feb 29, 2016 10:36
I've added a jsfiddle which demonstrates the react answer component
Feb 29, 2016 10:01
I thought I already made it clear that jsfiddle was too simple and not stateful to add Flux to?
Feb 29, 2016 09:59
It's just concepts. There's no concrete application here, hence no jsfiddle.
Feb 29, 2016 09:59
Updated answer.
Feb 29, 2016 09:59
Ok - missed the bounty description. See, I'm confused, because you asked for "A real shorthand guide a kickstarters attempt to learn reactjs quick and easily and as to why we do things this way for the reactjs framework", which is what I tried to answer.
Feb 29, 2016 09:59
The example you've provided is probably too simple and too generic to demonstrate any real value by adding Flux to the equation. What do you mean by "Even if it is a basic json response."?
Feb 29, 2016 09:59
You haven't mentioned a jsfiddle anywhere in your question. Learn to do it without Flux first, using the mechanisms that are built into React. Trying to use Flux from an example without first understanding the limitations of component state is a bad idea. Both cases you identified can be managed without Flux. Slaves/forms provide event handler callbacks and the masters/panels manages their own state. Don't make your project any more difficult than it needs to be.
Feb 29, 2016 09:59
If you can justify why you need Flux, then I'll update the answer.
Nov 29, 2015 14:43
Most of the examples from React's wiki are quite readable
Nov 29, 2015 14:43
Here's a Reddit thread with people looking for good React code bases
Nov 29, 2015 14:43
Here's a good article on conventions and best practices
Nov 29, 2015 14:01
Every time setState is called, the component will be re-rendered
Nov 29, 2015 14:01
When the propsList array is rendered, a g tag is created for each set of props in the array
Nov 29, 2015 14:00
The addProps method creates an additional set of props in the propsList array
Nov 29, 2015 14:00
Especially if you're currently trying to use an MVC approach