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A: Mass create methods for an object

Dan PrinceWhen the jQuery function is called, you're not creating an instance of jQuery which is why you don't use the new keyword. Instead, you're returning an instance of jQuery.fn.init. Follow it down and you'll see that the prototype of init being declared: init.prototype = jQuery.fn; And the defin...

I am trying to make object kind of how jQuery works. We don't say var j = new jQuery; This kind of happens inside the function jQuery() {}. What do I have to return in order to achieve that?
Just declare the methods directly onto the function then. That's how jQuery does it.
Yes, but later in the file it says: jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {...}. I did the same and just omitted fn.
Give a concrete example of what you're trying to achieve. Do you want to declare methods on the function? Or do you want to declare methods on the return values?
Check out my edit @DanPrince. It was big to post here.
@AngelPolitis I updated my answer.
That's a great answer @DanPrince. Can I define the methods as shown in the 'I have tried' part of the question? Like: MyObject.prototype = { method: function() {}, ... }
Sure, just remember to return an object that uses that prototype.
Great. I tested it and I can access the methods. If return Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, MyObject.prototype); and not something like jQuery does return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context );, how will be able to get an element by its id? I have already created an init() method that does that, but it would work if written like: MyObject().init("#foo")
return Object.setPrototypeOf(select(someSelector), MyObject.prototype))
Show this error: Uncaught TypeError: Object.setPrototypeOf called on null or undefined
You must have passed null or undefined. Make sure you implement select.
It doesn't recognise select :( @DanPrince can you check this fiddle and tell me if it makes any sense?
It works! Thanks a lot for your effort @DanPrince. The fiddle works like a charm and your answer helped me understand better how to use prototype.
Glad to hear it!
I tested for a class and it didn't work. Do you have time to give it a look again?
The reason that was happening was pretty confusing
document.getElementsByClassName returns an instance of HTMLCollection.
Which means that initially, elements prototype was HTMLCollection.prototype
Now, the callback code was expecting there to be a .length property on elements
And if you look at it in the console before you do Object.setPrototypeOf, there is one
However, it's not actually on elements it's on HTMLCollection.prototype
So when you re-assign the prototype to obj.prototype, you lose the reference to length property
Which is why the code didn't work for classes
Normally length would be a property on the actual instance, like you have with an array
var arr = [1,2,3];
Object.setPrototypeOf(arr, {});
arr.length === 3;
arr.join // array has no such property anymore
But strangely (and I don't know why), length is declared as a getter property on HTMLCollection.prototype instead.
var coll = document.getElementsByClassName('foo');
coll.hasOwnProperty('length'); // false
typeof coll.length === 'number'; // true
Object.setPrototypeOf(coll, {});
typeof coll.length === 'undefined'; // true
That's a very nice explanation. I used console.log('click', this) too in the exact same point, but the console didn't show anything. How did you find out?
The loop wasn't actually running, because this had no length property
I checked that out by doing this.hasOwnProperty('length') just outside the loop, which showed up as false
Did the same check before re-assigning the prototype in obj
Got the same result
Object.getPrototypeOf(elements) got me to HTMLCollection.prototype
And when I got that into the console I noticed the get length signature on that object
I really need to learn how to debug that way :)
Just want to check whether you know about document.querySelectorAll?
It's just practice. Most of JavaScript is craziness and patterns, more time you spend, easier it gets to tell the two apart
And for the reference, that was a ridiculously obscure problem. The only time you could ever come across that was if you re-assigned the proto for a HTMLCollection.
Yeah I was scratching my head in agony with that. You mean use document.querySelectorAll instead of checking for dots and pound signs? I heard it's not compatible with older browsers.

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