@Truth generally my application deals with courses and institutes, users will search for institutes or courses , we will collect the user information ,,,email,phone and username.. and this data will be stored in a database, next time or next day the same user with the same emailid , provides , it should checks in the database this time his username should display on the header of the result page
@ArtjomKurapov suppose user wants to search for some data in the application. by clicking on the link a popup window opens and asks for a username , mailid and phone number for future reference and store in the DB , if the same user next day logs and click on the link ,againg popup asks the same information i.e username, phone,email. if the emailid exists in the database , the correspondind username should display in the result page..can u give any idea
@Sam suppose user wants to search for some data in the application. by clicking on the link a popup window opens and asks for a username , mailid and phone number for future reference and store in the DB , if the same user next day logs and click on the link ,againg popup asks the same information i.e username, phone,email. if the emailid exists in the database , the correspondind username should display in the result page
suppose user wants to search for some data in the application. by clicking on the link a popup window opens and asks for a username , mailid and phone number for future reference and store in the DB , if the same user next day logs and click on the link ,againg popup asks the same information i.e username, phone,email. if the emailid exists in the database , the correspondind username should display in the result page
@Sam , I have a form data ..usename,mailid,phoneno.. , the user needs to log in everytime, once user login for the first time, the result page should display his name as Guest and if the same user with same mailid login for the second time the corresponding username should display in the result page.
@Sam hi I have one doubt that, is relating to a form of username ,email and phone number. emailid is unique and if the user logs on to the second time with the same mailid the corresponding username should display on the result page
@tereško SmartWork hi I have one doubt that, is relating to a form of username ,email and phone number. emailid is unique and if the user logs on to the second time with the same mailid the corresponding username should display on the result page
@SmartWork hi I have one doubt that, is relating to a form of username ,email and phone number. emailid is unique and if the user logs on to the second time with the same mailid the corresponding username should display on the result page
Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C: This is the error i am getting @dskanth
i am working on popup windows i have created one popup window to submit userdetails.After completed that user needs to close that window.My concept is it should close automatically once he entered his details.