
Room rules: Code formatting guide: tinyu...
Feb 4, 2020 13:47
Before I learned about dictionaries, I used pairs of lists to do the same thing. One list held the 'key', the other held the 'item'. Dictionaries are so much nicer.
Feb 4, 2020 13:40
To jigglypuff: Remember asking how a class could call a function exterior to the class but located in the program where the class is defined? I really liked your question because I did not know or even think that this was possible. I thought the methods would be out of scope to the class. Well, now I have found two ways that this is possible. (I believe you found one of the two because you later said that your mistake was a simple typo.) It can be achieved by defining the exterior function before the class is defined, and then calling it directly from within the class; or you can pass the m
Jan 30, 2020 03:01
Very good. Thank you! I will unchain my computer and let it run free. < = )
Jan 30, 2020 02:43
Hmm.. 32 or 64 bits. Seems pretty small, but at least that is something I can work from. Cheers!
Jan 30, 2020 02:40
Thank you, PM 2Ring. That is very informative. Given that I program on a Windows platform using python 3.5, can you tell me what the integer largest seed value my python setup can accommodate? Could it be that the largest usable integer seed falls short of 19,968 bits? I may let the code run over the weekend and increment the seeds until I find the text or my system fails. The cycle detection algorithm is a fascinating suggestion. I will seek out more information on that. Thanks!
Jan 29, 2020 00:24
Our results agree then.
Jan 29, 2020 00:18
Ok. I've fiddled with it, and I don't believe the class can access the outside methods of the program that defined it. The class can import methods from disk, but the methods of the program are outside the scope of the new class. (I'm fairly new to Python myself, so I could be wrong.) Why not include the needed method within the class itself.
Jan 29, 2020 00:09
*I will toy with it..
Jan 29, 2020 00:09
I would create a new class that inherits the old and adds the new function. Then create an instance of the new class and then use all of the functions from both classes. This may or may not be what you are after. If not, please ignore me. I toy with it and see if I can do what you are asking within the imported class.
Jan 29, 2020 00:06
Oops. Sorry. I missed the bit about the function as part of the module that is defining the class. Please ignore my post. I would have to play with it to see if I could get it to do as you wish.
Jan 29, 2020 00:03
Did you call super()__init__() within the classes own __init__() routine?
Jan 28, 2020 23:37
Anyway, that's my issue. Thanks to anyone who wants to comment. I'll check back from time to time. Cheers! -CW
Jan 28, 2020 23:36
A search of the first 100 million seeds revealed one that produces 'hellow'. I don't know the maximum allowable seed and haven't been able to find that information either. Seeds that produce words of 5-characters in length seem fairly easy to find. (I found a seed that will produce my own last name.) Beyond than that, the search gets exponentially harder, but it is still fun.
Jan 28, 2020 23:31
*randint(), not 'randomint()'. lol
Jan 28, 2020 23:30
I've written a bit of script that does a search through random seeds and generates randomint() numbers. Specifically, I'm seeking a seed that will generate the ascii codes spelling out 'helloworld'. It occurred to me that I could double-dip on the seeds by using the random.jumpahead() command, and repeating the search. Sadly, that command is no longer available. Any ideas on standard random methods that I could use for this purpose?
Jan 28, 2020 23:27
Sweet. Ok, in a nut-shell here it is..
Jan 28, 2020 23:27
Yeah. Also because my question is specific to my application, SO didn't seem like the right place to ask it.
Jan 28, 2020 23:25
Hi all. I'm working on an interesting bit of code related to the Twister pseudo-random number generator and would like some off-the-cuff ideas for alternatives to the defunct random.jumpahead(n) command. I'm not sure this is worthy of a new thread on S.O. so I thought I'd see if anyone here would like to brainstorm.