@OrgnlDave Not a standard program. Another c++ program that accesses a database and outputs a file. I need to check the stdout of that program to see if it successfully did that
I need to run another *.exe from a c++ program. I have researched and found that fork followed by exec would be the best way (Instead of my earlier plan of using system). Now,... is there a way to capture that fork's std output?
If a class is derived from two classes. Both base classes have same named function(same args), is it a compiler error? if not how can deriving class pick which function to use? (what if both base classes' functions are virtual?)
I want to confirm something: A virtual function over-ridden VS a non virtual function overriden -> The virtual is dynamic binding and allows polymorphic behavior (i.e I can use a pointer of type base class and still invoke the Deriving class's version of the function)