Feb 16, 2019 15:21
then kill your server, bundle again, and start back up and refresh your page and all your links should display correctly
Feb 16, 2019 15:20
Ok I got it. There's a bug in the gem, and they have't made a release since 2013 which was the version you were using, 0.2.1. I use that gem too but I get the gem not from rubygems but from github where the latest code is. They have fixed that bug but just haven't made a release. To fix your problem just change this line in your gemfile from:

gem 'acts_as_follower'


gem 'acts_as_follower', github: 'tcocca/acts_as_follower', branch: 'master'
Feb 16, 2019 15:09
The method that is making that call is current_user.following?(@user)
Feb 16, 2019 15:08
So it's not finding the record because that type of record with types of ApplicationRecord will never exist. Something is up with that gem method's call. Did you override or customize anything special?
Feb 16, 2019 15:07
See where the query shows the follower_type and followable_type as ApplicationRecord instead of User?
Feb 16, 2019 15:06
The problem is the method to query the db is considering the class of the users to be "ApplicationRecord":

(byebug) current_user.following?(@user)
(0.3ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "follows" WHERE "follows"."blocked" = ? AND "follows"."follower_id" = ? AND "follows"."follower_type" = ? AND "follows"."followable_id" = ? AND "follows"."followable_type" = ? [["blocked", 0], ["follower_id", 1], ["follower_type", "ApplicationRecord"], ["followable_id", 1], ["followable_type", "ApplicationRecord"]]
Feb 16, 2019 15:04
I just cloned it and ran it. The follow gets created ok:
=> #<Follow id: 1, followable_type: "User", followable_id: 1, follower_type: "User", follower_id: 1, blocked: false, created_at: "2019-02-16 14:55:42", updated_at: "2019-02-16 14:55:42">
2.5.1 :005 >
Feb 16, 2019 03:04
It's Friday night here so I may get back to what I was doing, but just post here if you want help and I'll check in later.
Feb 16, 2019 03:03
Are you still there?
Feb 16, 2019 03:03
If you can show me what type of request is getting sent I think I can figure out what is going on.
Feb 16, 2019 02:58
I could clone it and just help that way too
Feb 16, 2019 02:58
And is this application on github or the like somewhere?
Feb 16, 2019 02:57
Also, rake your routes and paste those in here too.
Feb 16, 2019 02:57
So I'm seeing the last request when the redirct is made. Can you select the text from the POST request in your log? It'll be the first one after you clear it and click your button.
Feb 16, 2019 02:50
Ok great. Clear that screen (<kbd>Cmnd</kbd><kbd>K</kbd>, then click on the button to follow one person, then go and copy and paste the request log in your post.
Feb 16, 2019 02:50
No problem. How do you start your rails server? Do you use the terminal? Is there a window showing a bunch of text flying by?
Feb 16, 2019 02:50
Can you add a snippet of the follow POST request in your server log? I don't think you can make a POST with a link_to unless you are doing some sort of javascript with it.
Feb 16, 2019 02:50
What happens when you refresh the page? Does it change to "unfollow user"?


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Dec 8, 2017 21:06
pls don't stalk me @ndugger
Dec 8, 2017 21:06
I'm out. y'all need some manners.
Dec 8, 2017 21:06
i probably won't last long in here, i'm sensitive
Dec 8, 2017 21:05
    $('.work_preferred_representation_uri').on("click", ".select2-highlighted", function() {
Dec 8, 2017 21:05
Dec 8, 2017 21:05
grace period of 800ms
Dec 8, 2017 21:05
maybe gimme like 30 sec to correct it?
Dec 8, 2017 21:04
nuke it immediately?
Dec 8, 2017 21:04
I read all the shit already, just couldn't preview it. i'm stupid and useless i guess. can't edit a message like slack in here?
Dec 8, 2017 21:03
yeah thought so
Dec 8, 2017 21:03
@CapricaSix did it get deleted b/c i was being a bit too polite in starting my issue?
Dec 8, 2017 21:00
jesus that was the quickest drop ever.
Dec 8, 2017 20:59
Dec 8, 2017 20:59
i'll fix
Dec 8, 2017 20:59
damn it

Trash can

Like the recycle bin, but trashier.
Dec 8, 2017 20:59
Hi folks, newb here. I am trying to 'do something' when a dynamic element is clicked on (or for accessibility, keyDown'ed?). I have read some SO posts, I have tried some stuff, and for some reason, I can't get things to work. I probably should post an SO myself, but thought I'd stop here first to get torn apart.

$('.work_preferred_representation_uri').on("click", ".select2-highlighted", function() {

Ruby :: Sometimes on Rails

The humane programming language. Be nice. Have fun. Lurkers...
Sep 16, 2017 22:29

1,208,329 times
Sep 7, 2017 20:40
whoops, didn't name my play method. but i get how it works. thanks @WayneConrad
Sep 7, 2017 20:39
Sep 7, 2017 20:39
@WayneConrad thanks
Sep 7, 2017 20:38
@Walker Yeah you should.
Sep 7, 2017 20:37
Ok thanks @WayneConrad
Sep 7, 2017 20:36
Probably doesn't meet community guidelines.
Sep 7, 2017 20:36
sorry about the cussing
Sep 7, 2017 20:36
Sep 7, 2017 20:32
Sep 7, 2017 20:32
ahhh, that's ugly code formatting
Sep 7, 2017 20:32
def set_reset_password_token
raw, enc = Devise.token_generator.generate(self.class, :reset_password_token)

self.reset_password_token = enc
self.reset_password_sent_at = Time.now.utc
save(validate: false)
Sep 7, 2017 20:31
there's a raw one in the db, and the encrypted one in the email mailer
Sep 7, 2017 20:31
@Walker yeah it generates an encrypted one: github.com/plataformatec/devise/blob/master/lib/devise/models/…
Sep 7, 2017 20:27
first time chatter here, trying to get @ mentioning right

friendly bin

To all loving Room Owners If you want to remove message and don'...
Sep 7, 2017 20:36