I am trying to set up the reset password emails for devise but my project uses amazon not the default mailer in ruby. How can i go about changing this?
I find the formulation using "to include" weird. I'm use to Java JUnit comparing, so I'm use to formulations like : "Expected Completed but got Complete"
The code looks : AssertThat(result).isEqualTo(expected); (Here result and expected are variables)
I think I may be thinking when you're testing a message to be exact instead of testing if a message contains some specific formulation. If you're checking for equality and receive a message saying RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError: expected "Complete" to include "Completed", seems weird to me. But I may be missing some information/knowledge here.
Anybody have experience using devise? I'm wondering why the reset_password_token in the database is not the same token that's generated in the reset password url...
For example the url to reset a password will be /users/password/edit?reset_password_token=PXrAcqZHkf7Gt5NJyQfx but the reset_password_token in the db is 7eefa9b25b1883e559741a6d5f34bdcfeb4a840b22804c365fda3ce52e577306
I'm trying to get the reset_password_token from the url that's why I'm wondering
I have a stupid question, but are you sure your database query is returning most recent value after clicking on 'reset password' and generating new token in the db?
Check the code in app/views/devise/mailer/reset_password_instructions.html.erb
The link should be generated with:
edit_password_url(@resource, :reset_password_token => @token)
If your view still uses this code, that will be the cause of the issue:
edit_password_url(@resource, :reset_password_...