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4 hours later…
Good morning
2 hours later…
Morning Ruby room :)
TIL there's a shortcut for calling a method with every element of an array
def do_something(a)
  p a

[1, 2, 3].each(&method(:do_something))
Thought you could only do it for instance methods
Q: I would like to set up Devise forgot password email with Amazons (ActionMailer)

quincosaI am trying to set up the reset password emails for devise but my project uses amazon not the default mailer in ruby. How can i go about changing this? Thanks!

Hello guys
Hey :)
Good morning, Rubyists.
Morning to all! Also imposter rubyists like myself :F
Everyone feels like an imposter, I think.
2 hours later…
Incoming noob question:
I get this error RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError: expected "Complete" to include "Completed"
I know what the error is for. Somewhere in the code where I am trying to validate "complete" I wrote "completed"
(in my gherkins that is)
my question is (since i did not write this framework but trying to get accustomed to it) who wrote that exception?
it is worded very weirdly and I wanted to see if I could change it somehow.
What's weird about it? Expected string_a to include string_b seems fine
@Cereal I consider that a longcut
It expects a to include b
but I have b in there...
it should read expects b to include a
I think?
Yea, if swapped it would be true
You're a "d" short of the whole string B being included in A
expect('this string to include another').to include 'another'
2 hours later…
I find the formulation using "to include" weird. I'm use to Java JUnit comparing, so I'm use to formulations like : "Expected Completed but got Complete"
The code looks : AssertThat(result).isEqualTo(expected); (Here result and expected are variables)
You can do things more like what you're used to, e.g. expect(foo.include?(baz)).to be_truthy. But the error message if it fails isn't as useful.
I think I may be thinking when you're testing a message to be exact instead of testing if a message contains some specific formulation. If you're checking for equality and receive a message saying RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError: expected "Complete" to include "Completed", seems weird to me. But I may be missing some information/knowledge here.
Normally you would use .to include on an array.
But I guess it'd work on a string also, since String#include? is a method.
Yeah ok so I'm missing knowledge on RSpec then, good to know! So what would it looks like if you want to check a message ?
Insufficient data.
If you want to check the equality of message. Like "This string returned by a service" is equal to "Value receive in the test"
expect(message).to eq "Dave's not here"
It looks really nice
yea most random matchers like nil, empty, include just add a ? to the end and run that on the left side's arg
Anybody have experience using devise? I'm wondering why the reset_password_token in the database is not the same token that's generated in the reset password url...
For example the url to reset a password will be /users/password/edit?reset_password_token=PXrAcqZHkf7Gt5NJyQfx but the reset_password_token in the db is 7eefa9b25b1883e559741a6d5f34bdcfeb4a840b22804c365fda3ce52e577306
I'm trying to get the reset_password_token from the url that's why I'm wondering
Some here have done devise, but I don't know much about it.
I have a stupid question, but are you sure your database query is returning most recent value after clicking on 'reset password' and generating new token in the db?
Yeah. It's not only the db that I'm checking but even the console as the code gets executed. 100% certain they are different.. so weird
The one in the url is always way shorter.. and using the one in the db instead of the one in the url gives me an invalid password token
might it be encrypted as to not leak reset tokens if db was compromised?
I'm going to see if I can look inside of devises code to see if its encrypted
whoops - i was going to say the same
I basically just want to generate the one in the url from the one in the db. They validate it somehow.. going to see if i can find code that does it
first time chatter here, trying to get @ mentioning right
A: Rails 4 + Devise: Password Reset is always giving a "Token is invalid" error on the production server, but works fine locally.

doctororangeCheck the code in app/views/devise/mailer/reset_password_instructions.html.erb The link should be generated with: edit_password_url(@resource, :reset_password_token => @token) If your view still uses this code, that will be the cause of the issue: edit_password_url(@resource, :reset_password_...

@RudyOnRails I always just click the little reply arrow to the right on the side of the line of text, but i'm lazy ;)
That's a bit chinese but sounds like it's encrypted
@RudyOnRails Welcome!
@Walker yeah it generates an encrypted one: github.com/plataformatec/devise/blob/master/lib/devise/models/…
there's a raw one in the db, and the encrypted one in the email mailer
def set_reset_password_token
raw, enc = Devise.token_generator.generate(self.class, :reset_password_token)

self.reset_password_token = enc
self.reset_password_sent_at = Time.now.utc
save(validate: false)
ahhh, that's ugly code formatting
Yea, can only block format everything or just do inline =\
If you type control-k, it will block format the entire message. It's easiest to put code in its own message, for that reason.
Small bits of code, you can enclose in backticks: small bits of code
sorry about the cussing
All control-k does is to lead every line with four spaces, so you can also do block formatting by just typing four leading spaces on every line.
Probably doesn't meet community guidelines.
@RudyOnRails if I throw the one in the db into that token generator will i get the same one?
Ok thanks @WayneConrad
@RudyOnRails It doesn't, but we don't get very upset by it. I'll move it out of the room, that's all.
1 message moved to friendly bin
@Walker Yeah you should.
@WayneConrad thanks
whoops, didn't name my play method. but i get how it works. thanks @WayneConrad
You are welcome.

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