Usually the easiest way to debug javascript is via console. Make sure that the appropriate classes are being set when you call that method as well, if they are, chances are you're missing some CSS or the classes are being overridden by something else.
Is the bootstrap-scrollspy.js being included? You can try something like $('#navbar').scrollspy() in the console to find out. You'll get an error message if it's not found.
Though my complaint mostly lies with Crapybara, perhaps that's a sign that I should shift my focus towards less integration testing and more unit testing.
@Sri Another thing that might be causing some strange functionality is model callbacks such as before_destroy. If you don't have any of that I would post a question on stackoverflow and share a link so you can get more help.
@Sri The line redirect_to enr_rds_scenario_modellings_path is ultimately what determines where your application takes you after you make the delete. This means either enr_rds_scenario_modellings_path is pointing you to your page that you don't want it to point to or you have a callback that's redirecting you somewhere else. Look at your controller to or ApplicationController to see if you have any before_filters or after_filters in place that might be redirecting you.
@Sri You'll want to change the redirect in your controller's destroy action, for instance if it says something like redirect_to @foo or redirect_to :back you'll want to change it to something like redirect_to foos_path where foos_path is some other place like an index view.
@nishanthan Sorry, it turns out you can set IDs manually, I don't know if this is a good practice however. Check out…
Does anybody know what the convention reasoning is behind Ruby's private and protected methods not being blocks? AFAIK it seems to sort of deviate from the rest of the Ruby syntax structure.