okay, cool! I live in Texas (CST) and I keep odd hours and catch some zzzs when I can ;) lol. haha no! I like Shark Tank, but actual sharks are another story... xD
zomg. I don't think I can keep my eyes open long enough to read and understand that. lol. I'm sorry, but I have to crash for a few hours. I'll take a look at it later today and we can talk more whenever you're next on?
I will warn you that I've been fighting to stay awake for a while now, so I might have to take a rain check on the rest of this conversation after your next example :)
I think I'm asking my question wrong. is <script src="app.js"></script> basically like a define? The contents of that file are automatically "pasted" right there in the code and run? If so, what if I don't want to immediately run my script when the window opens? How can I call it on a button press, for example?
all I really want to do though is be able to display a list of article titles on the Blog page, and have the /foo work to load the right article. And I think I can figure out the list part, because I've written content with html tags in it before (bold, link, etc, the basic stuff)