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sometimes it's easier to have a conversation without the other banter going on
Works for me :) I'm attempting to write a script that will take the input from the URL and load the proper page... I have a test script written, currently googling "call jquery method from .js file" lol
(I wasn't kidding when I said I've never touched web code before. haha)
So with your project, you're not tied to JQuery, other than that's what is being used in your HTML templates, right?
and is the data coming from any kind of server API, or is the plan to simply read a JSON file from the server, make changes, and write back to that file?
Right now the site is just starting out as a simple little blog... It'll be something bigger eventually, which is why I didn't want to use a site-builder tool. My plan was JSON, yes
by the way, how much time do you have right now for an extended discussion of this?
Until I fall asleep at my keyboard? LOL. I've got a while :) I really appreciate your help!
It's a lazy Sunday here, I'm not really doing much else, and sometimes I learn new things when offering ideas to others, so I'm cool with offering some direction
Thanks! :) For me it's 5 am and I haven't gone to bed yet, coffee is keeping me up :D
you say you are new to web code, but have you had any experience with other types of application development? Knowing your background will make it easier to know what I can toss your way
I started off with C++ in school, been working pretty exclusively in objective-c for the past several years on iOS. I've written some python scripts to automate things.
ok, so the first thing regarding web development is that even if you don't actively program for a web server, you still have to have at least a basic server set to hand out the HTML and scripts, do you have a server technology in mind for the project?
That choice, as insignificant as it seems at first, will drive a lot of other decisions, so let's start there
I got a hosting plan with BlueHost... Once I got something presentable working I was going to go in and figure out how to actually have it display, but I haven't got that far. That's all I've really got at this point, I'm definitely open to suggestions :)
ok, and are you using any particular IDE or text editor? XCode, Sublime, Visual Studio? and are you developing from the Mac, Linux, Windows?
(And I have worked with REST apis on the client end, just not on the server side)
XCode, mac
sorry, I know it seems like I'm asking 10 million questions, but it will all come together in the end heh
Haha it's all good!
ok so are you using one of the web hosting plans with bluehost then?
yes, I got the "plus" one, which was one step up from the basic plan
middle one
right, just scanning quickly to see what server options they have for web deployment... since they are highlighting wordpress, we know at least Apache/PhP
you could also use node.js
Yes, I installed that because a tutorial was using it (and I've heard good things). The script I was trying to write used it. Or well, I wrote the script, I just can't figure out how to call it
It's in its own file, and I import it. But it's never given a name, so I don't see how you execute it
ok, so to the client side, your plan is to have, let's say, an articles page that lists all your articles, and another page that loads a specific article based on it's URL
and since you aren't really specifically tied to a specific server, you probably don't really want to deal with the server unless you have to
how familiar are you with the web page life cycle?
Yeah, that sounds like a plan to me :) I was thinking the articles' content would just be in JSON files (where /foo = foo.json). Is that typical?
hmm, I haven't heard that term before, so probably not very
ok, well in software, the life cycle is the series of events that happen from creation, to use, to destruction.
any time someone starts talking about life cycles, they are typically referring to how long a particular function or script can be used
is that similar to scope? Or are there actual time limits?
it definitely can be similar, but life cycle is usually time, scope is usually permissions
the web life cycle, for example, is something like this:
browser asks for page -> server asks browser who they are -> browser responds -> server finds page -> server sends page -> server forgets browser -> browser renders page -> app is finished.
got it
so in a typical web life cycle, every time you request a new page, the server has to give you all the data it has, because it doesn't remember who you are from the last time
so what I have to do is help the server find the right pace with the right info so the browser can load it
the only way that the server can know from request to request that things are related is to use cookies (the browser response part of that lifecycle).
in order to control that life cycle a little better, there are frameworks that can help you manage the flow of information
in particular, one of the more popular tactics right now is Single Page Application (SPA)
Wouldn't having everything on the same page get crowded?
the idea behind a SPA is that you front load as much as you can to the browser, and allow the browser to do as much work as it can without making requests to the server
Or does it just refresh the same screen with new content?
Oh I see
you can use JavaScript to manipulate the DOM, adding and removing content without actually changing the actual page that was loaded
that's pretty cool!
usually there is an area of the page that is designated to load templates into, and the content is swapped in and out
I can definitely see why that would be useful! I don't think my template is set up that way, though
probably not, but you said that template is a starting point, not necessarily something set in stone
by the way, are we talking about a full content template or just some scripts and css for look and feel?
right... I guess what I meant was, it looks good for what I'm doing, I just want to be able to add in multiple articles for now based on /foo. Later I'll go back in and add more stuff
Let me grab the link so you can see it
right, so that just looks like HTML and CSS, and the JQuery is just for the menubar and such
Right, so there's not a lot of javascript that I can look at and try to emulate
that's what I was hoping for, to look at what the template was doing and modify it
or rather, figure out what I needed to do from seeing them to something else
ok I'm going to open that template and take a look at what they have going on
cool :)
there is literally no complex code in that template at all
right, which is why I can't learn anything from it! lol
it is all simple CSS, there is only one JQuery element, and that is for the special effects
yeah and I'm not all that impressed by the menu bar either, I want to remove that part! LOL
so the way I see it, you just get a framework for the website working the way you want, and then you borrow their CSS to handle the styling.
honestly, you could probably just as easily use bootstrap ( and copy their colors and fonts
all I really want to do though is be able to display a list of article titles on the Blog page, and have the /foo work to load the right article. And I think I can figure out the list part, because I've written content with html tags in it before (bold, link, etc, the basic stuff)
I'm writing up a really basic site as we speak
are you familiar with plunker?
no but I can learn :)
oh, I see
that's pretty cool :)
ok, I wrote something really simple, and we can kinda adapt as we go with it
this is using bootstrap for styling, and a SPA framework called Angular.js (which was created by Google)
Bootstrap was created by twitter, it used to be called twitter bootstrap
This first draft doesn't do anything but illustrate a working SPA, and I want to use it to kind of show you some of what can be done, as a jumping off point
after you have a second to play with it and see what it does (not a whole lot, but it's a start) we can look at what it does, and add a few features, change things around, etc.
in particular, change what is written in the input box
I think I'm missing the button where you can view the website the code creates
ah, found it
oh cool!
now if you look at the body, it's dead simple
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl as ctrl">
  <input ng-model="" />
  <br />
  <p>Hello {{}}!</p>
But where are you actually calling the script?
heh that's what is cool about angular, it is always running, and you don't have to do anything. no submit button, no page load, no nothing
ok, there is a lot going on behind the scenes, but almost nothing going on in the front....
but basically, if you look at app.js, I only have one function
I think I'm asking my question wrong. is <script src="app.js"></script> basically like a define? The contents of that file are automatically "pasted" right there in the code and run? If so, what if I don't want to immediately run my script when the window opens? How can I call it on a button press, for example?
var app = angular.module('plunker', []);

app.controller('MainCtrl', function() {
  var ctrl = this; = 'World';
we'll get to that, have faith :)
haha ok
I have an interesting (read: eccentric) learning style, in case you haven't noticed yet ;)
so I just pasted the contents of the app.js
is MainCtrl the name of the function?
yes, for angular, it's the "controller"
so it gets run over and over to keep it updated?
basically, all that does is create the starting state for the ctrl variable, and the name property
angular will watch the ctrl variable, and if any of it's properties change, it will change the DOM to match
let's change it up a bit, give me a minute and I'll write a version that has a button on it
okay! :)
ok so this isn't how I would normally write an angular app, but this is an example of the difference in binding
you might notice, even clicking the button isn't reloading the page, it's merely running a function that changes a variable
the strangest thing here is probably the <p>Hello {{}}, {{ctrl.output}}</p>, those {{ }} aren't normal HTML
can you explain the controller thing a little more?
so angular is based on the MVC Design Pattern
MVC = Model, View, Controller
Your model is the data you want to represent.
your view is the template, the expression of the way you want the data represented
the controller is the intermediary between the two
right; it's the syntax and the way it all connects that's throwing me off, I think. This is a lot different than what I'm used to
app.controller('MainCtrl', function() {
var ctrl = this; = 'World';
ctrl.message = 'How are you today?';
ctrl.output = ctrl.message;

ctrl.updateMessage = function(){
console.log("in function");
ctrl.output = ctrl.message;
I'll break it down a bit more
Like there; what is actually happening?
MainCtrl is the name of the function? And the function is being carried out immediately, but also updates?
first, this var app = angular.module('plunker', []); is creating an angular application. it is attached to the HTML here: <html ng-app="plunker">.
it basically is saying that anything inside the <html> node is part of this application
okay! got that part now, awesome
next, you have a controller.
app.controller('MainCtrl', function() {
here we are essentially saying "this controller belongs to this app"
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl as ctrl">
Ohhh, I see. So we set all the properties and the update method to use later
and the controller is responsible for this specific <body> dom element
yeah that ^ was weird for me. how does the string part work?
It reads like it's casting it, but in the string?
ok, so in javascript, functions are objects
so the MainCtrl as ctrl part is telling angular to treat anything that is looking for the ctrl object to refer to the MainCtrl function
What does ng stand for?
we actually do the same thing in the app.js, var ctrl = this;
ng-controller is a function inside the angular libraries.... anything that starts with ng- is generally something that angular wrote, rather than something we write
I think I get it all now :) Thanks for breaing it down for me
a lot of angular code will use $scope, which is another internal angular service, but I find $scope to be confusing, so I always try to be explicit and tell angular exactly what is what
so now can we read a variable in from the URL? :)
right, so to get to changing pages completely things will change up quite a bit, but I wanted to give you an idea in steps
oh ok, lead on then :)
to save some time, I'm going to copy an example from another source; in this case, it's a book/chapter view
sorry this takes a bit of time to test and get right, but it will be worth it, I think :)
it's ok!
I will warn you that I've been fighting to stay awake for a while now, so I might have to take a rain check on the rest of this conversation after your next example :)
there is a lot going on in this new example, it adds quite a bit
all the <pre> at the bottom are just giving a bit of information about our page information
zomg. I don't think I can keep my eyes open long enough to read and understand that. lol. I'm sorry, but I have to crash for a few hours. I'll take a look at it later today and we can talk more whenever you're next on?
absolutely. I'm in Florida, EST, I'm usually around in the mornings, and late afternoons, and a lot of time in the late late night as well :)
I didn't want to throw you to the sharks, I swear! heh
okay, cool! I live in Texas (CST) and I keep odd hours and catch some zzzs when I can ;) lol. haha no! I like Shark Tank, but actual sharks are another story... xD
well, this example will be pretty crazy, but if you can wrap your head around it, you're like 90% of the way to creating a page that bends to your will :P
haha I like the sound of that! taking over the universe, one line of code at a time...
and it's honestly not bad, when you consider the functionality we get from 50 lines of JavaScript and 50 lines of HTML
anyway, have a good sleep, and just ping me when you're around again... I'll keep to the JavaScript channel as much as I can

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