A friendly room for discussing XAML based technologies. Our Co...
Dec 31, 2020 23:12
Happy New Year everyone!

 SOCVR Request Graveyard

This room is ONLY to receive action requests (cv-pls, etc.) fr...
Oct 22, 2020 15:27
Sep 29, 2020 09:27
Sep 26, 2020 14:53
Sep 24, 2020 09:16
Custom: as it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for StackOverflow's Q&A format. DevFolio - A simple responsive portfolio website template‭ - Achal Jhawar‭ 2020-09-24 09:01:07Z
Sep 22, 2020 17:50

SO Close Vote Reviewers

This room is for support and discussion about reviewing and co...
Sep 24, 2020 09:20
Actually, yes, because it only exists to promote a product, in this case, their repository.

Edit: The post has been deleted.
Sep 7, 2020 20:04
Hey @MinekoKayui, did the code Lion provided work?
Sep 7, 2020 09:46
Is everything working as expected?
Sep 6, 2020 18:45
const commandFile = require(`./commands/${command}`);
Sep 6, 2020 18:45
You need to remove one of the $.
Sep 6, 2020 17:55
Can you send me the line where you require the external commands? (require(./commands/${command}). That should be the line.
Sep 6, 2020 17:51
I'm talking about the file name.
Sep 6, 2020 17:51
Do you have any command called "$coolrater"?
Sep 6, 2020 17:45
Change ${file} with ${command}
Sep 6, 2020 17:45
Oops. That's my mistake.
Sep 6, 2020 17:42
Okay. Is the bot working now?
Sep 6, 2020 17:38
You can backup your code into another file, and replace everything with the code I provided above.
Sep 6, 2020 17:35
There's no ",))" anywhere in my code.
Sep 6, 2020 17:35
Are you using the code I provided?
Sep 6, 2020 17:34
Have you added a comma somewhere?
Sep 6, 2020 17:31
No, you don't need a comma before client.on. Can you provide the full error message?
Sep 6, 2020 17:17
Replace all your code with that, and tell me what happens when you execute any command.
Sep 6, 2020 17:17
Okay. Here we go: hastebin.com/unikacosob.js
Sep 6, 2020 17:08
I'll rewrite your code and get back to you in a second.
Sep 6, 2020 17:07
Looks like you have a few syntax errors in your code.
Sep 6, 2020 17:03
Try to comment out your entire client.on("message") event and use the code I provided above. (https://hastebin.com/ohohenameb.js).

Are you getting the same error?
Sep 6, 2020 16:53
Also, remember to write a constant variable called Prefix, if you don't have it already.

const Prefix = "!" // This is an example.
Sep 6, 2020 16:53
You're welcome. :)

Try to change your `message` event with: https://hastebin.com/ohohenameb.js
Sep 6, 2020 16:50
Okay. I'm going to rewrite your message event, hopefully it'll work. Give me a few minutes.
Sep 6, 2020 16:47
It is indeed and looks good. I can't figure it out what is wrong with your code. Are your events in separate files? Such as message.js?
Sep 6, 2020 16:40
No, VSCode has nothing to do with this.
Could you send me the part of the code where you set up `client.commands`?
Sep 6, 2020 16:35
Sep 6, 2020 16:31
Okay. Can you try to call the embed command manually?
It should be something like:

client.commands.get("embed").execute(message, [])
Sep 6, 2020 15:52
Can you try to console.log(client.commands.size), please?
Sep 6, 2020 15:47
Okay. How do you set up the client.commands Collection/Set/Array/Map?
Sep 6, 2020 15:46
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
Sep 6, 2020 15:45
What did it print?
Sep 6, 2020 15:44
Sep 6, 2020 15:42
This should be done in your main process.
Sep 6, 2020 15:42
Hello. Please try to console.log() the command variable when you are executing the command.
Aug 9, 2020 14:45
I'm sorry, could you elaborate on "a copy of the python program"? I'm not sure what you mean, because Python is a programming language.
Aug 9, 2020 12:41
My pleasure.
Aug 9, 2020 12:40
As the first error suggests, you need to install Python.


Make sure you restart your computer after the setup is complete.

If you are still getting the same error, your Python executable, most likely, wasn't added to the environment variables.

You can follow this tutorial if that's the case: https://geek-university.com/python/add-python-to-the-windows-path/
Aug 9, 2020 12:30
And then run npm install (Make sure you are in the same folder as package.json.)
Aug 9, 2020 12:30
As you can see in your package.json, you're still using Discord.js v11, and @discordjs/opus ins not installed.

Please change your package.json's dependencies to:

"dependencies": {
"@discordjs/opus": "^0.3.2",
"discord.js": "^12.2.0",
"ffmpeg-static": "^4.2.6"
Aug 9, 2020 12:24
If you could, the package.json as well, please.
Aug 9, 2020 12:23
Is there a package.json in your bot's folder?