Microsoft .NET, ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC

Stepping into the world of .NET, ideal place to share views, c...
Mar 16, 2012 17:55
Hello. Does anyone know if its possible to put JQuery items, like a progress bar inside each row of a GridView?
Mar 3, 2012 12:23
Hello, Is that anyway to change the output order of XML from a WCF web service in .NET?
Mar 3, 2012 01:15
Hello, Is that anyway to change the output order of XML from a WCF web service in .NET?

iPhone / iPad

Apple iOS development chat. This room has a FAQ at ios-develop...
Mar 8, 2012 12:10
@ishhhh Would it be better to create the scrollView in the code?
I want the contents of my scrollview to be an array of viewcontrollers. Is this all possible?
Mar 8, 2012 12:09
Mar 8, 2012 12:04
@ishhhh The scrollview is on QuestionnaireViewController. The view i want to display into this scrollview is ScrollViewController
Mar 8, 2012 12:04
Mar 8, 2012 12:00
@ishhhh I have a question which may shed some more light.
Mar 8, 2012 11:59
Yep. All the subviews, created the scrollview height/width and set the delegate for the View (the one to be shown inside the UIScrollview) but got nothing
Mar 8, 2012 11:49
Yes thats correct. I have set up the code but when running the scrollview appears to be empty
Mar 8, 2012 11:43
Hi. Im having a problem with UIScrollView and its subviews in iOS5.

I want the subview to be another view controller. But it is not displaying. The scrollview is blank. Any ideas?
Mar 6, 2012 01:31
Yes. How can I parse an NSArray to another view controllers NSArray using prepareFromSegue?
Mar 6, 2012 00:49
in iOS5. Is it possible to parse an NSArray in prepareForSegue?
Mar 1, 2012 00:25
i hope that makes sense
Mar 1, 2012 00:25
Username.h/m and UsernameViewController.h/m are different
Mar 1, 2012 00:25
They can then pressed back button (in UINavController) on UsernameViewController which takes them back to UITableViewController.
When the user freshes the tableview I want the refresh method to get the value that has been set in the Username class
Mar 1, 2012 00:23
I have a UITableViewController with a button in the top right (in UINavigationController) bar. When this button is pressed it takes the user to UsernameViewController where they can insert their uername in UITextField.
Mar 1, 2012 00:23
Oh right. How Can I do it programmatically
Mar 1, 2012 00:20
The user can input their username (into UITextField *test) on the UsernameViewController. I am using a storyboard so the view (in storyboard) has its custom class set to UsernameViewController.
Mar 1, 2012 00:19
Sorry. I do not have any code statement like this. I did not think it was required. Why would I need to do this If I am setting the Username Class NSString from UsernameViewController? Thanks
Mar 1, 2012 00:19
I have updated the code the include the Username class. It is then declared in UsernameViewController like Username *username;
Mar 1, 2012 00:19
I have updated the code to include UsernameViewController.h so you can see the creation. I tried removing username = [[Username alloc] init]; in UsernameViewController However that does not set the UITextfield value to the NSString strUsername in Username Class
Mar 1, 2012 00:19
How would use the same instance in both ViewControllers?